Enterprise application security

Application security is such a big topic, where you might be talking about how to protect confidential data from leaking out, to making the application resilient enough to deal with defacement attacks.

When it comes to the enterprises, the topic becomes even more serious. This happens because most enterprises are dealing with a huge amount of personal data, which may include information that can be used to identify individual users or information related to their financial details, such as credit card numbers, CVV codes, or payment records.

Most enterprises spend a huge amount of their capital on improving the security of their business because they cannot afford to have a weak link in their chain that may result in a breach of the confidential information that they store. The repercussions that a breach may bring to an organization start with fines imposed on the organization that failed to maintain the security of the confidential data and extend to a loss of trust that may bring an organization to bankruptcy.

Security is no joke and there is no one-solution-fits-all approach. Rather, to make things more complicated, the attacks that have been used to breach an organization's security barriers have become more and more sophisticated and harder to build protection against. If we take a look at the history of cybersecurity breaches, we can find examples that show how hard a cybersecurity issue can hit. For example, in recent years, we saw a number of breaches involving major organizations where one of the organizations saw a breach of more than 3,000,000,000 user accounts; in another attack, a gaming network saw a security breach and remained down for approximately a month, costing the organization a huge amount of financial losses.

There is one thing that the field of cybersecurity demonstrates clearly: it is an ever-evolving field where new types of attacks are discovered every day and new mitigations are being researched to overcome them in a timely manner.

Now, let's take a look at understanding why enterprise application security is an important topic and one that should not be compromised.

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