Probing an application for performance issues

Performance is a critical component of any enterprise-grade application, and you cannot afford to have an application that slows down often and impacts the business process of the whole organization. Unfortunately, performance issues are also one of the most complex issues to understand and debug. This complexity arises because there's no standard way to access the performance of a particular piece of code inside the application, and because once the application has been developed, the complete flow of code needs to be understood so as to pinpoint the possible areas that might cause a specific performance issue.

As developers, we can reduce these hardships by building our application in such a way that the application reports its own performance metrics. Along with this, we can write benchmark tests that run alongside unit tests to help us flag the components that may become a possible bottleneck once the application is deployed in production. So, let's take a look at how we can achieve these goals within our application development cycles.

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