Deploying to OpenWhisk

Once we have the package ready for deployment, we need to run a few commands provided by OpenWhisk to get the package up and running on the platform.

As a first step, we have to execute the following command to get the package uploaded on the OpenWhisk:

wsk action create github_demo –kind python:3 github_demo.tar.gz

Once this command is executed, the package will be uploaded to the OpenWhisk platform and will be ready to run.

Now, to invoke the application, we can run the following command, which will execute the application in an asynchronous manner:

wsk action invoke github_demo

Once this is done, our application starts executing in an asynchronous manner. By running asynchronously, we mean that the execution of the command won't wait until the end of the execution of the function, but rather will provide an action activation ID that can be used to track the results of the invocation.

Now, let's take a look at how OpenWhisk handles the execution of this application after the application has been deployed.

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