Point-to-point integration of microservices

In the point to point integration approach for microservices, we make the microservices interact with each other directly through the APIs exposed by them. For this to happen, each microservice needs to have the knowledge about the endpoints exposed by the other service. This is perfectly fine, but what happens if the microservice has to do some operation that depends on interaction with five other microservices?

At this point, we have to embed the endpoints of five different microservices into our microservice. As a one-off task, this is a completely OK solution. But, pertaining to the nature of microservices, they keep on evolving over time. This now causes us to keep on updating our microservice again and again to reflect the updated APIs.

This is just one of the challenges. Usually, applications based upon microservice architecture grow over a period of time to have more than 100 hundred services that are operating in the infrastructure, making it really hard to achieve point to point integration between the different microservices.

So, we now have an idea about how the microservices cannot be integrated through the use of point to point integration,  can we use the good old Enterprise Service Bus? Let's take a look.

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