Architectural patterns

An application built with the Microservices architecture is composed of a set of small and independent services. Due to the granularity, diversity, high density, and scale of Microservices, a Microservices architecture is usually challenged by various problems related to optimization, operations, and implementation of these services. Most of these problems are best addressed with repeatable solutions or patterns which are tried and tested.

In the following sections, we will discuss few such architectural patterns which will help address challenges associated with a system build using Microservices. These patterns can speed up development process by providing tested, proven development paradigms. Each design pattern discussed here consists of the following sections:

  • Category: The categories of challenges that the design pattern address
  • Problem: The problem that the design pattern addresses
  • Solution: How the design pattern solves the problem
  • Considerations: Rationale that should be applied while applying the pattern in consideration
  • Related patterns: Other patterns that are either used in conjunction with or are related to the pattern in consideration
  • Use Cases: Typical scenarios where the pattern may be used

Let's start exploring these patterns one by one.

Each of the patterns discussed below belongs to a set of families, or categories, and is further classified by the problem areas it addresses, or the sub-categories. We have decorated each pattern with the following icons which will help you identify the appropriate categories and sub-categories to which the pattern belongs.  

The following table summarizes the categories, which will be used across the chapter:

The following table summarizes the sub-category, which will be used across the chapter:

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