
The ACTIONS button is available on the nodes, applications, and services view in the explorer. You can invoke actions on the particular element through this button. For instance, in the Nodes view, you can restart a node by selecting Restart from the ACTIONS menu:

Actions Button

The following table lists the actions available for each entity:




Application type

Unprovision type

Remove the application package from the cluster's image store. Requires all applications of that type to be removed first.


Delete application

Delete the application, including all its services and their state (if any).


Delete service

Delete the service and its state (if any).



Activate the node.


Deactivate (pause)

Pause the node in its current state. Services continue to run but Service Fabric does not proactively move anything onto or off it unless it is required to prevent an outage or data inconsistency. This action is typically used to enable debugging services on a specific node to ensure that they do not move during inspection.


Deactivate (restart)

Safely move all in-memory services off a node and close persistent services. Typically used when the host processes or machine need to be restarted.


Deactivate (remove data)

Safely close all services running on the node after building sufficient spare replicas. Typically used when a node (or at least its storage) is being permanently taken out of commission.


Remove node state

Remove knowledge of a node's replicas from the cluster. Typically used when an already failed node is deemed unrecoverable.


Since many actions are destructive, you may be asked to confirm your intent before the action is completed.

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