Subject Index

Acknowledged mode (AM), 30
Air Force Weather Agency, 90
Air termination systems, 196, 200, 215, 217
Alternating current (AC), 2
components, 234
DC converters, 250
DC microgrids, 236, 253
average charge times, 242
basic concept of, 250
battery charge method, 242
battery voltage, 249, 254
business models, 236–242
charge pattern, 245
charge power, comparison of, 244
current/voltage during battery charge, 243
daily load curve/electricity rate, 247, 249
daily power load curve, 241, 248
distributed systems, 250
electricity rate, effect of charge times, 245, 246
examples in world, 254
Japan, demonstration tests, 251, 252
location, 254
photovoltaic (PV) and wind power generation, 235
power flow and load curve, 253
power supply, 251
supply and demand control, 246
peak cut/peak shift mode operation, 246
receiving constant power mode operation, 247
system operation of, 251
test results, 242
charge pattern, 242
test using DC power supply, 251
USA, demonstration tests, 252
electricity, 79
source, 161
Ar capability, 217
Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 123
Automatic voltage regulator produces, 282
Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model, 97
Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model, 97
Auxiliary grounding electrodes, 211
Background traffic (BT), 29
Battery charge, current/voltage, 243
Battery current, 242
Battery energy storage system (BESS) technologies, 52
active and reactive powers, 67
based energy acquisition model, 137
power electronics, 232
basic configuration of, 233
Battery voltage, 249
Biomass fuels, 1, 8
Bus voltages, 46
Capacity agreements, 294
Carbon price floor, 294
Cauchy theorem, 266, 267
Central energy management system, 21
Centralized control methods, 52
Chubu region, 85
Circuit breakers, 161
Client–server communication model, 27
Close-to-Earth-surface temperatures, 9
Cloudy weather condition, simulation results, 137
CO2 emissions, 146
Combined heat and power (CHP) systems, 4
Constant voltage (CV) control, 242
Constructing air-termination system, 208
Conventional distributed system, 158
Conventional energy resources, 1
Conventional power grid, 52
Conventional power systems, 290
Conventional technologies, 286
Cosimulation environments, 25
Current-fed (CF) converter, 264
Current transformer (CT), 183
Day-ahead forecasting, 122
DC–DC converter, 230
Demanded response (DR), 295
Direct current (DC), 2
bus voltage, 139, 242, 279
distribution system, 139
power supply strategies, 139
smart house model, 134
voltage source, 215
Distributed energy protection system, 161
Distributed energy resource (DER) technology, 15, 158, 181, 228
in distribution power systems, 15
electrical power grid, 176
electric grid, 166
in electricity market, basic concept, 290
FIT, 292
RPS, 291
electricity market reform, 294
energy management systems, 132
cloudy weather condition, simulation, 137
DC smart house model, 134
electric price, 135
home energy management systems, basic concepts of, 132–136
SC system, model of, 135
smart grid model, 134
sunny weather condition, simulation, 136
fail-to-trip, 175
feed in tariff (FIT), 290
CfD stabilizes, 295
fuse operating scheme, 190
generate DC/AC power, 228
phasor diagram, 229
power quality problems, 233
PV power generation systems, power electronics, 230
basic configuration of, 230
output current and voltages, 231
output power, characteristics of, 231
simple model of, 230
simplest current source model, 233
simplest model of, 229
ICT, role of, 25–27
impact on protection system, 174–175, 179
coordination, loss of, 177–179
generalized method, loss of coordination, 178
hosting capacity, 176–177
mal-trip and fail-to-trip, 176
monitoring and control, 181
MV and LV circuit breakers, 180
protection failure, 175
installation changes, 174
interconnection system, 180
internal rate of return (IRR), 292
inverter mode, 183
islanded operation, 182
market structure, 290
massive construction cost, 293
massive penetrations, See Massive DER penetrations
mass penetration, 292
overcurrent protection scheme, 189, 190
PAC, for distribution protection, 184
penetration limit, 177
preliminary conditions, 162
protection characteristics, 189
protection equipment for, 183
fuses, 188
overcurrent relays, 183–185
reclosers, 185–186, 187
sectionalizes, 187
recent technological trends, 188
renewable portfolio standard (RPS), 290
safety requirements, 164
spot market, 291
VC–DER unit, 191
virtual power plan, 294, 296, 297
voltage control scheme, 190
voltage-sourced converter (VSC), 190
Distributed energy sources, fluctuating power, 132
Distributed generations (DGs), 16, 52, 57, 137, 277
application of, 2
inverter, 9
maximum rating, 2
power electronics, 278
power fluctuations, 278
PV generators, 61
rating of, 2
reactive power control, 65
resources, 3
fuel cell, 5–6
microturbine generator (MTG) system, 4
reciprocating engine, 3–4
sources, 4
Distribution energy resource layout, 159
Distribution network, protection system of, 161
Distribution power systems
cellular communication network, 44
communication networks, models of, 27
cellular communication network model, 29
wired communication network model, 28
compensation cycles, number of, 44
countermeasures, 17
distributed energy resources (DERs), 15
ICT, role of, 25–27
energy resources, integration of, 15
gossip-like VVC MAS procedure, 21–25
interconnection issues, 17
mean and standard deviation values, 37, 38
mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model, 39
OLTC, power loss reductions, 41
packets, number of, 45
power distribution feeder, model, 32–33
power feeder, in black/communication network, 35, 36
TCP/UDP node models, 29
test results, 33–34
TF2 and scenario BT0-PDR0, 40
TF1, bus voltage variations, 42
TF2, bus voltage variations, 43
TF1, power loss variation, 42
TF2, power loss variation, 43
volt–VAR control, 19–21
wired communication network, 34
Distribution system operators (DSOs), 17
Distribution system, protection, 160
energization area, 165
fault conditions, 165–166
fault currents change, 166
fault detection, 168
fault isolation, 168
fault location, 168
fault location isolation and service restoration (FLISR) application
fault investigation, time line, 167
general protection, 160–164
grounding scheme, 164
IEEE standards, for protection, 164
power system stability, 168
service restoration, 168
smart protection, 166
synchronization, 164
voltage requirements, 164
Doubly fed induction generator, 6
DQ-current control strategy, 9
Electrical energy system, 161
Electrical equipment
lightning protection of, 197
power system, 170
Electrical power systems
complexity of, 158
network, 159
Electric double layer capacitor (EDLC), 9
Electric grid enforces, challenges, 160
Electricity demand, 78
Electricity Law in Japan, 57
Electricity market reform (EMR), 294
Electricity power company, 133
Electric power grids, 53
Electric power systems, 110, 157
end-user’s level voltage, 157
Electric vehicles (EVs), 132
as storage, control strategies for, 145
Electrogeometric model (EGM), 196
Emission-free SG system, 12
Emissions performance standard, 294
EMTP-rv converts, 33
EMTP-rv model, 32
DG model, 32
Energy generating source, 163
Energy storage devices, 1
with state-of-the-art technologies, 159
Energy storage system (ESS), 9, 120, 121, 128
battery energy storage system, 10
control strategies, 137
AC grid-side inverter control system, 141
battery control system, 142
DC power system, 140
fault, DC bus constant voltage control system, 142
ground-fault, simulation, 143
rainy weather condition, 138
state of charge, 144
wind generator-side converter control system, 141
electric double layer capacitor, 10
flywheel, 11
model, 10
plug, in electric vehicle, 11
superconducting magnetic energy storage, 10
switches, 10
EPOCHS framework, 26
European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) forecast model, 90, 99, 101
eXpandable Transient Analysis Program, 9
Expansion planning period, 149
External system definition/domain (ESD) model, 28
External system (Esys) module, 28
Faraday cage, 210
Fault clearance, 183
Faulted circuit indicator (FCI), 168
Fault location isolation and service restoration (FLISR) application, 167
intelligent electronic device (IED), 168
Fault ride through (FRT), 9
Faults, on overhead electrical power transmission, 161
Feed in tariff (FIT), 290
tariff setting, 293
Feed-in tariffs with contracts for difference (FIT–CfD), 294
Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, 211
Fluctuation smoothing approaches, 120
Forecasting applications, 128
energy-storage systems
wind farms/solar power plants, scheduled generation of, 128, 129
wind output
ramp variation, suppression of, 129
Forecasting methods, 122
difficulties, 122–123
forecast/actual total output, 128
forecasted results, examples of, 125
normalized forecast errors, normalized frequency, 127
physical approach, 123
structure of, 124
probabilistic forecast, 125
regional forecasting, 124
statistic approach, 123
wind farm outputs, 126
Forecasting photovoltaic (PV) power output
annual RMSEs, 87
cloud types, classification of, 81
different forecast models, combination of, 93
Duck curve, residual electricity load, 102, 105, 106
in electric power systems, 78–79
ensemble average irradiance, fluctuation profiles of, 83
forecasted results, examples of, 98–100
forecasting methods
accuracy measures, 88–89
overview, 86
global horizontal irradiance, at single point, 81
ground-based all-sky images, 96
irradiance forecasts by different models, 94
JMA, 89
NWP models, 91
Kalman filter, time series of coefficients, 93
low-path filter applied spatial average GHI, 85
NWP models, 89–91
ensemble forecast of, 92
latitude–longitude grid, 90
physical approach, basic steps of, 88
power output fluctuation characteristics, 79
irradiance, fluctuation characteristics of, 81
smoothing effect, 82
power system operations, 80
fluctuations, 101–103
ramp events, duration time and fluctuation width, 86
of different forecast models, 99, 101
indication of, 89
satellite cloud motion vector approach, 94
satellite image, irradiance estimation based, 95
smart house, energy management examples of, 104
United States/Japan demonstration smart grid project, 104–105
smoothing effect on accuracy, 100–101
spatial average irradiance, fluctuation characteristics of
in utility service area, 84
spatiotemporal interpolation/smoothing, 92
statistical models, 96
postprocessing, 92
USI forecast output using all-sky image, 97
visible satellite image, 82
world cumulative installed capacity, 78
Forecasting wind power output, in electric power systems, 110
large-scale regional wind power as installed capacity percent, 116
maximum variation, 115
power output fluctuation characteristics, 112
fundamentals, 112
power spectral density (PSD), 118
relative power fluctuation frequencies for time period, 117
single wind power generator, 113
standard deviation (SD), 115
umbrella curve, 115
wind farms
in Hokkaido, Japan, 119
power curve of, 114
wind power generation, global growth of, 111
wind power generator
with energy-storage system, circuit topology of, 120
real power output, 113, 114
Fuel cell, 1, 5
Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, 55
Fuse-blowing schemes, 190
FW energy storage system (FESS), 11
Gain margin (GM), 266
Geographic information system (GIS), 15
medium voltage distribution network, 16
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), 94
Geothermal systems, 9
Global Forecast System (GFS), 90
Global horizontal irradiance (GHI), 79
multiday forecast models, 98
Global spectral model (GSM), 93
Global Wind Energy Council, 110
3GPP technical report TR 36.822, 30
Great East Japan earthquake, 268
Green environment, 158
Grid-connected mode, 287
Ground-based all-sky images, 96
Heat pump (HP), 132
High renewable energy penetration, 56
High voltage (HV)
MV distribution transformers, 17
transmission network, 16
Home energy management system (HEMS), 104, 132
controls, storage battery, 105
Hydro energy, 9
IEC 62305, for lightning protection design, 207
IEC international standards 62305 series, 196
IEC standard, 203, 225
IEEE 5-bus system model, 279
Independent System Operator (ISO), 101
Information and communication technologies (ICT), 17
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) P1547-2003, 159
Institute of Electrical Power Eng. (IEPE), 279
Intelligent power grid, 1
Internet protocol (IP), 20
Inverter control method, 11, 271
cutoff delay time, sensitivity analysis
circuit breaker, 272
cutoff delay time, sensitivity analysis of
circuit breaker with IM load, 273
FRT requirements, 272
grid connected mode, 271
IEEE 5-bus system model, 259
isolated mode, 271
power quality, criteria of, 272, 273
Irradiance forecasting, 94
errors, smoothing effect of, 100
Island operation (IO), 182
Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), 89
Kalman filter, 92
Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI), 279
Kolmogorov spectrum, 118
Lagrange multiplier, 285
Lessening peak load demand, 55
Light-emitting diode (LED), 250
illumination, 250
television, 250
Lightning channel impedance, 206
Lightning current, 197
Lightning damage, mechanisms, 195
Lightning discharges, 217
Lightning electromagnetic impulse, 195
Lightning flashes, 200, 225
Lightning impulse voltages, 223
Lightning overvoltage, 195
Lightning performance, of grounding system, 210
Lightning protection levels (LPL), 207
Lightning protection system (LPS), 207
design, 214
for photovoltaic system, 221
Lightning protection zone (LPZ), 207
Lightning striking, 223
distance, 200, 207
position, 218
Lightning surge, on power cable, 216
Load ratio control transformer (LRT), 52
Low voltage (LV)
bus, 15
distribution systems, 3
Low-voltage ride through (LVRT) capability, 18
LPMS division, of electrical system, 210
Massive DER penetrations, 51
BESS control system, 62
control method
constraints, 58
objective function, 58
objective function and constraints, 58
control objectives, 53
distributed generations, challenges of, 56
high renewable energy penetration, 56
power balancing, 56
power losses, 57
real-time power market, impacts of, 57
distributed generations, importance of, 54
energy security, improvement of, 55
lessening peak load demand, 55
local economics and communities, 55
power demands, faster response, 55
power system, enhancement of, 56
supply reliability/power management, 55
transmission loss, reduction, 54
overview of, 57
distribution loss, 65
distribution system
model of, 64
parameters of, 63
particle swarm optimization (PSO), 60
BESS, interconnection point, 62
plug-in electric vehicle, 63
PV generator system, 61
PEVs, commercialization of, 53
proposed method, 66
PV output power, 65
PV, reactive power control system, 62
renewable energies, 52
simulation results, 63
of comparison method, 68
dynamic responses, 66
of proposed method, 71
dynamic responses, 70
without optimization approach
control, 67
dynamic responses for, 66
zero emission-based smart distributed system, 54
MATLAB®, 146
Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control system, 61, 137
Mean bias error (MBE), 88
Medium voltage (MV)
distribution networks, 17
GIS view of, 16
distribution systems, 3
level, 15
Megasolar system, 222
Memory buffer stores, 25
Mesh type grounding electrode, 211
Metaheuristic global optimization method, 149
Microturbine generator (MTG) system
distributed generation resources, 4
system configuration of, 5
Mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model, 39
Model output statistics (MOS), 87, 123
Molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC), 5
Multiagent system (MAS) approach, 17
Multifunctional Transport Satellite (MTSAT), 94
Multilayer perceptron network, 162
Nacelle, 208
National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD), 93
Nikaho wind park, 217
Norton equivalent circuit, 264
Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, 79, 92, 123
Nyquist criterion, 265
OLTC transformer, 41
On-load tap changers (OLTCs), 18
OpenDss/ns-2 integrated tool, 26
Over-current relays (OCRs), 160
voltage control protection, 165
Packet discard ratio (PDR), 29
Parseval’s theorem, 118
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), 60
Peak cut/peak shift mode operation, 246
Penalties, 291
Performance ratio (PR), 79
Permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), 6, 137
DC distribution system, 143
generator-side converter achieves, 140
Phase locked–loop controller, 229
Phase margin (PM), 266
Phasor measurement unit (PMU) applications, 19
Photovoltaic system (PVS), 1, 9, 196, 235
battery system, demand response (DR) for, 145
energy, 3, 8
generation system, 7, 230
generator, 132
modules, insulation level of, 222
panels, 196
power generation systems, 196, 228
direct lightning flash, 223–225
lightning damage, 222
lightning protection
against lightning overvoltages, 222
principle, 221
power electronics, 230
system power output, 98, 103
Photovoltaic (PV) units, 15
Pitch angle control, 121
PLL accuracy, 285
Plug in electric vehicle (PEV), 9
Power balancing, 56
Power conditioning subsystems (PCSs) control, 9
Power generation systems, 235
Power load curve, 241
Power output smoothing control
energy-storage system
application of, 120
fluctuation smoothing, control of, 121
pitch angle control, 121
power curve with pitch angle control, 122
wind power generator, circuit topology of, 120
wind turbines, kinetic energy of, 121
Power spectrum, 118
Power supply–demand balance, 139
Power system disturbances, 169
application based three-phase fault analysis, 173, 174
electric faults, consequences of, 173
fire risk, 173
healthy systems, effect, 173
loss of apparatus, 173
threat for operator, 173
faults, 170
electrical equipment, 172
flashover, 172
mishandling, 172
surrounding weather, 172
symmetrical faults, 171
unsymmetrical faults, 171
quality issues, 169
frequency variations, 170
harmonics/transients, 170
voltage behavioral changes, 169–170
Power system operators, 78
Power system oscillations, 158
Power system protection, 160
Protection, automation, and control (PAC) system, 184
Quality of service (QoS), 19
Radio link control (RLC)
media access control (MAC) module, 30
Real-time power market, 57
Reciprocating engine, 3
Recloser Control M-7679, 186
Reclosers, 185
Renewable energies, 51
Renewable energy certificates (RECs), 291
Renewable energy equipment, 159
Renewable energy generation systems, 110
lightning protection principle, 197
grounding system on overvoltage, 200
IEC international standard, 207–208
lightning characteristics, 202–206
reduction, 197
shielding, 200
suppression, 198
lightning protections of, 195
mechanisms that cause, 195
wind turbine generation system, 194
Renewable energy resources, types, 1
Renewable energy sources (RESs), 1, 6, 16, 277
biomass fuels, 8
geothermal energy, 9
hydro energy, 9
PV power systems, 7
wind energy conversion system (WECS), 6–7
Right hand pole (RHP), 264
Right hand zero (RHZ), 265
Riverbed Modeler controller, 27
Riverbed models, 28
Root mean square errors (RMSEs), 86
Service data unit (SDU), 30
Small-scale power grid, 268
Smart grid (SG), 1, 11–12, 52
green system, 1
Smart house model, 1, 104, 147
Smart meter data, use of, 146–154
annual variation of total cost, 154
hot water supply, 147
investment cost, 153
operational cost for, 152
annual variation of, 153
optimal capacity/installation year, 152
optimal scheduling/expansion planning, flow chart for, 150
smart house model, 147
Solar collector (SC), 132
Solar energies, 1
Solar PV generation, 251
Solar resource knowledge management, 98
Standard deviation (SD), defined, 115
State of charge (SOC), 59, 280
deviation, 281
Static VAR compensators (SVC), 19
Sunny weather condition, simulation results, 136
Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), 9
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), 20
Supervisory control systems, 188
Synchronous generators (SGs), 277
System circuit breaker (CB2), 180
Tabu search (TS), 135
algorithm, 146
optimization problem, 154
Terminal impedance, 263
Terminal voltage, 198
Test circuit, 242
Test feeders (TFs), 33
Time of use (ToU) electricity price, 104
Traditional power conversion system, 262
Train models, 87
Transfer hypothesis, 83
Transmission control protocol (TCP), 28
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), 29
University of California San Diego San Diego (UCSD), 96
Upward leader progression (ULP) model, 220
User datagram protocol (UDP), 28
VDE-AR-N 4105, 18
Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) facilities, 145
Virtual power plants (VPPs), 295, 296
economic efficiency, 296
Virtual synchronous generators, basic concepts of, 277, 278
algebraic type VSG introduced
by Kawasaki heavy industries, 283
control block, 279
control schemes of, 279
general structure of, 279
IEPE’s VSG topology, 281
KHI’s VSG, 282
microgrid, structure of
with multi VSG units, 286
VISMA, basic structure of, 281
VISMA for method, block diagram of, 282
VSG, block diagram of
by Kawasaki heavy industries, 283
VSG, governor model for, 284
VSG system, of Osaka University, 282
by VSYNC group, 280
VSYNC’s VSG design, 280
Virtual synchronous machine (VISMA), 278
Voltage amplitude signal, 11
Voltage collapse, 282, 284
Voltage-controlled–distributed energy resource (VC–DER), 190
Voltage-fed (VF), 264
voltage instability, 282
Voltage source inverter (VSI), 182
inverter controls, 182
Voltage stability, 166, 284
in distribution systems, 257, 258
active module, structure of, 263
battery control method, 259
definitions, 257
DGs, stability problem with power electronics, 262
IEEE 5-bus system model, 259
index, 259
P-Q characteristics, 260, 261
simulation results, 262
stability criteria, 264–266
comparison between, 266–267
terminal characteristics, 263–264
weak power system, DGs connected, 257–258
stability problems, in microgrids, 268
ESS model, 270
grid connected mode, 271
high-speed circuit breaker, 270
isolated mode, 271
load, 270
microgrid model, 269
PVS, 269
Voltage surges, 170
Voltage waveform, for lightning impulse withstand voltage test, 202
Volt-VAR control (VVC), 17
VRLA batteries, 246
VSG systems, 285
control algorithms, 287
model, 282
Weather data of the Japan Meteorological Agency, 146
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model, 90
Wind energies, 1
Wind energy conversion system (WECS), 6, 7
Wind farms, 113
lightning protection, 217–220
Wind power generation (WG), 235
electromechanical characteristics of, 112
lightning protection principle
blade using receptor, 214–215
grounding resistance, 210–214
lightning damage in, 208
surge arrester/surge protective device, energy coordination of, 215–217
for wind turbine, 209–210
power electronics, 231
basic configuration of, 232
real power output, 113, 114
Wind power station, in Japan, 203
Wind turbine, 1, 196
blades, 196, 214
towers, 220
Winter lightning current, 203
World energy demand, 1
World wind energy association (WWEA), 7
WTG systems, 139
Zinc oxide varistor, 198
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