Chapter 8. Skin Customization

We have finished our application and now we would like to customize its look to follow the style we like. In this chapter, we will see how to change the style of existing skins (using CSS and XCSS) and how to create a new personalized skin starting from the built-in skins that the RichFaces framework offers.


In the Chapter 1, First Steps, we read an introduction of what RichFaces skinnability is about, and during the development of our application, we've learned how to set the default skin for a project and even how to change it dynamically.

Summarizing, every RichFaces component gives the support for skinnability and it means that just by changing the skin, we change the look for all of the components. That's very good for giving our application a consistent look and not repeating the same CSS values for each component every time.

RichFaces still uses CSS, but it also enhances it in order to make it simpler to manage and maintain.

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