The Post component

We have already thought about which elements a post has when creating the mock-up. A post should have a title, content, and an author (the user who wrote the post).

Let's implement the Post component now:

  1. First, we create a new file: src/post/Post.js
  2. Then, we import React, and define our function component, accepting three props: title, content, and author:
import React from 'react'

export default function Post ({ title, content, author }) {
  1. Next, we render all props in a way that resembles the mock-up:
    return (
<br />
<i>Written by <b>{author}</b></i>
  1. As always, we can test our component by editing the src/App.js file:
import React from 'react'

import Post from './post/Post'

export default function App () {
return <Post title="React Hooks" content="The greatest thing since sliced bread!" author="Daniel Bugl" />

Now, the static Post component has been implemented, and we can move on to the CreatePost component.

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