Accessing route information

Next, we are going to use the useCurrentRoute Hook to access information about the current route/URL. We are going to use this Hook to implement a footer, which will display the href value of the current route.

Let's get started implementing the footer now:

  1. First, we create a new component for the footer. Create a new src/pages/FooterBar.js file, and import React, as well as the useCurrentRoute Hook from react-navi:
import React from 'react'
import { useCurrentRoute } from 'react-navi'
  1. Then, we define a new FooterBar component:
export default function FooterBar () {
  1. We use the useCurrentRoute Hook, and pull out the url object to be able to show the current href value in the footer:
    const { url } = useCurrentRoute()
  1. Finally, we render a link to the current href value in the footer:
    return (
<a href={url.href}>{url.href}</a>

Now, when we, for example, open a post page, we can see the href value of the current post in the footer:

Displaying a footer with the current href value

As we can see, our footer works properly—it always shows the href value of the current page.

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