Defining the reducer

Next, we are going to define the reducer function in a similar way that we did for the user state:

  1. We start by editing src/App.js, and defining the reducer function there. The following code defines the postsReducer function:
function postsReducer (state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
  1. In this function, we are going to handle the CREATE_POST action. We first create a newPost object, and then we insert it at the beginning of the current posts state by using spread syntax, in a similar way to how we did it in the src/post/CreatePost.js component earlier:
        case 'CREATE_POST':
const newPost = { title: action.title, content: action.content, author: }
return [ newPost, ...state ]
  1. For now, this will be the only action that we handle in this reducer, so we can now define the default statement:
throw new Error()

Now, the postsReducer function is defined, and we can move on to creating the Reducer Hook.

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