Chapter 6: Implementing Requests and React Suspense

  1. How can we easily create a full REST API from a simple JSON file?
    • We can use the json-server tool to create a full REST API from a JSON file for development and testing
  1. What are the advantages of using a proxy to access our backend server during development?
    • When using a proxy, we do not need to deal with cross-site restrictions during development
  2. Which combinations of Hooks can we use to implement requests?
    • We can implement requests using an Effect and a State or Reducer Hook
  3. Which libraries can we use to implement requests?
    • We can also use the axios and react-request-hook libraries to implement requests
  4. How can we deal with loading states using react-request-hook?
    • We can use the result.isLoading flag returned from the useResource Hook and conditionally display a loading message
  5. How can we deal with errors using react-request-hook?
    • We can use the result.error object returned from the useResource Hook and dispatch an error action
  6. How can we prevent unnecessary re-rendering of components?
    • Using React.memo, we can prevent unnecessary re-rendering, similarly to shouldComponentUpdate
  7. How can we reduce the bundle size of our app?
    • We can use React.Suspense to lazily load certain components, which means that they will only be requested from the server when needed
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