Creating the Header component

First, we create a new Header component, which is going to display React Hooks Blog in the primaryColor of our app.

Let's create the Header component now:

  1. Create a new src/Header.js file.
  2. In this file, we import React, and the useContext Hook:
import React, { useContext } from 'react'
  1. Next, we import the ThemeContext from the previously created src/contexts.js file:
import { ThemeContext } from `'./contexts'
  1. Then, we define our Header component, and the Context Hook. Instead of storing the context value in a theme variable, we use destructuring to directly extract the primaryColor value:
const Header = ({ text }) => {
const { primaryColor } = useContext(ThemeContext)
  1. Finally, we return the h1 element, as we did before in our small example, and export the Header component:
    return <h1 style={{ color: primaryColor }}>{text}</h1>

export default Header

Now our Header component is defined, and we can use it.

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