Memoizing selectors that only depend on state

If we want to memoize selectors, and the selector only depends on the state (not props), we can declare the selector outside of the component, as follows:

  1. Edit the src/components/TodoList.js file, and import the createSelector function from reselect:
import { createSelector } from 'reselect'
  1. Then, we define selectors for the todos and filter parts of the state, before the component definition:
const todosSelector = state => state.todos
const filterSelector = state => state.filter
If selectors are used by many components, it might make sense to put them in a separate selectors.js file, and import them from there. For example, we could put the filterSelector in a separate file, and then import it in TodoList.js, as well as TodoFilter.js.
  1. Now, we define a selector for the filtered todos, before the component is defined, as follows:
const selectFilteredTodos = createSelector(
  1. First, we specify the other two selectors that we want to reuse:
  1. Now, we specify a filtering selector, copying the code from the useMemo Hook:
    (todos, filter) => {
switch (filter) {
case 'active':
return todos.filter(t => t.completed === false)

case 'completed':
return todos.filter(t => t.completed === true)

case 'all':
return todos
  1. Finally, we use our defined selector in the Selector Hook:
export default function TodoList () {
const filteredTodos = useSelector(selectFilteredTodos)

Now that we have defined a reusable selector for the filtered todos, the result of filtering the todos will be memoized, and will not be re-computed if the state did not change.

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