The useArray Hook

The useArray Hook is used to easily deal with arrays, without having to use the rest/spread syntax.

The Array Hook returns an object with the following:

  • value: The current array
  • setValue: Sets a new array as the value
  • add: Adds a given element to the array
  • clear: Removes all elements from the array
  • removeIndex: Removes an element from the array by its index
  • removeById: Removes an element from the array by its id (assuming that the elements in the array are objects with an id key)

It works as follows:

  1. First, we import the useArray Hook from react-hookedup:
import React from 'react'
import { useArray } from 'react-hookedup'
  1. Then, we define the component and the Array Hook, with the default value of ['one', 'two', 'three']:
export default function UseArray () {
const { value, add, clear, removeIndex } = useArray(['one', 'two', 'three'])
  1. Now, we display the current array as JSON:
    return (
<p>current array: {JSON.stringify(value)}</p>
  1. Then, we display a button to add an element:
            <button onClick={() => add('test')}>add element</button>
  1. Next, we display a button to remove the first element by index:
            <button onClick={() => removeIndex(0)}>remove first element</button>
  1. Finally, we add a button to clear all elements:
            <button onClick={() => clear()}>clear elements</button>

As we can see, using the useArray Hook makes dealing with arrays much simpler.

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