Responsively hiding components

In our blog app, we are going to hide the UserBar and ChangeTheme components completely when the screen size is very small so that, when reading a post on a mobile phone, we can focus on the content.

Let's get started implementing the Window Size Hook:

  1. First, we have to install the @rehooks/window-size library:
> npm install --save @rehooks/window-size
  1. Then, we import the useWindowSize Hook at the start of the src/pages/HeaderBar.js file:
import useWindowSize from '@rehooks/window-size'
  1. Next, we define the following Window Size Hook after the existing Context Hooks:
            const { innerWidth } = useWindowSize()
  1. If the window width is smaller than 640 pixels, we assume that the device is a mobile phone:
            const mobilePhone = innerWidth < 640
  1. Finally, we only show the ChangeTheme and UserBar components when we are not on a mobile phone:
             {!mobilePhone && <ChangeTheme theme={theme} setTheme={setTheme} />}
{!mobilePhone &&
<br />}
{!mobilePhone &&
<React.Suspense fallback={"Loading..."}>
<UserBar />
{!mobilePhone &&
<br />}

If we now resize our browser window to a width smaller than 640 pixels, we can see that the ChangeTheme and UserBar components will not be rendered anymore:

Hiding the ChangeTheme and UserBar components on smaller screen sizes

Using the Window Size Hook, we can avoid rendering elements on smaller screen sizes.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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