Defining synchronous action creators

We have already defined the action creator functions earlier, in src/App.js. We can now copy them from our App component, making sure that we adjust the type property in order to use the action type constants, instead of a static string.

Let's define the synchronous action creators now:

  1. Create a new src/actions.js file.
  2. Import all action types, which we are going to need to create our actions:
import {
} from './actionTypes'
  1. Now, we can define and export our action creator functions:
export function addTodo (title) {
return { type: ADD_TODO, title }

export function toggleTodo (id) {
return { type: TOGGLE_TODO, id }

export function removeTodo (id) {
return { type: REMOVE_TODO, id }

export function filterTodos (filter) {
return { type: FILTER_TODOS, filter }

As we can see, synchronous action creators simply create and return action objects.

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