Migrating TodoFilterItem

First of all, we are going to migrate the TodoFilterItem component. Let's start migrating the component now:

  1. Edit src/TodoFilter.js and remove the class component code. We are going to define a function component instead now.
  2. Define a function for the TodoFilterItem component, which is going to accept three props—the name value, the filterTodos function, and the filter value:
function TodoFilterItem ({ name, filterTodos, filter = 'all' }) {
  1. In this function, we define a handler function for changing the filter:
    function handleFilter () {
  1. Next, we define a style object for our span element:
    const style = {
color: 'blue',
cursor: 'pointer',
fontWeight: (filter === name) ? 'bold' : 'normal'
  1. Finally, we return and render the span element:
    return <span style={style} onClick={handleFilter}>{name}</span>

As we can see, a function component requires much less boilerplate code than the corresponding class component.

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