Creating a useDebouncedUndo Hook

We are now going to create a slightly more advanced Hook for debounced undo functionality. We already implemented this functionality in the CreatePost component. Now, we are going to extract this functionality into a custom useDebouncedUndo Hook.

Let's create the useDebouncedUndo Hook with the following steps:

  1. Create a new src/hooks/useDebouncedUndo.js file.
  2. Import the useStateuseEffect, and useCallback Hooks from React, as well as the useUndo Hook and the useDebouncedCallback Hook:
import { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react'
import useUndo from 'use-undo'
import { useDebouncedCallback } from 'use-debounce'
  1. Now we are going to define the useDebouncedUndo function, which accepts a timeout argument for the debounced callback:
export default function useDebouncedUndo (timeout = 200) {
  1. In this function, we copy over the useState Hook from the previous implementation, as shown here:
    const [ content, setInput ] = useState('')
  1. Next, we copy over the useUndo Hook; however, this time, we store all other undo-related functions in an undoRest object:
    const [ undoContent, { set: setContent, ...undoRest } ] = useUndo('')
  1. Then we copy over the useDebouncedCallback Hook, replacing the fixed 200 value with our timeout argument:
    const [ setDebounce, cancelDebounce ] = useDebouncedCallback(
(value) => {
  1. Now we copy over the Effect Hook, as shown in the following code:
    useEffect(() => {
}, [cancelDebounce, undoContent])
  1. Then, we define a setter function, which is going to set a new input value and call setDebounce. We can wrap the setter function with a useCallback Hook here to return a memoized version of the function and avoid recreating the function every time the component that uses the Hook re-renders. Similar to the useEffect and useMemo Hooks, we also pass a dependency array as the second argument of the useCallback Hook:
    const setter = useCallback(function setterFn (value) {
}, [ setInput, setDebounce ])
  1. Finally, we return the content variable (containing the current input value), the setter function, and the undoRest object (which contains the undo/redo functions and the canUndo/canRedo booleans):
    return [ content, setter, undoRest ]

Creating a custom Hook for debounced undo means that we can reuse that functionality across multiple components. We could even provide this Hook as a public library, allowing others to easily implement debounced undo/redo functionality.

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