Using Hooks for the TodoList component

Next, we are going to upgrade our TodoList component. Additionally, we are also going to use the useObserver Hook, which replaces the observer higher-order component.

Let's use Hooks for the TodoList component now:

  1. Edit src/TodoList.js, and remove the following import statement:
import { inject, observer } from 'mobx-react'
  1. Then, import the useObserver Hook from mobx-react and the useTodoStore Hook from our hooks.js file:
import { useObserver } from 'mobx-react'
import { useTodoStore } from './hooks'
  1. Now, remove the inject and observer functions that are wrapping the TodoList component, and also remove all props. The TodoList function definition should now look as follows:
export default function TodoList () {
  1. Again, we use the Todo Store Hook to get the todoStore object:
    const todoStore = useTodoStore()
  1. Finally, we wrap the returned elements with the useObserver Hook. Everything within the Observer Hook will be recomputed when the state that is used within the Hook changes:
    return useObserver(() => =>
<TodoItem key={} item={item} />

In our case, MobX will detect that the observer that was defined via the useObserver Hook depends on todoStore.filteredTodos, and filteredTodos depends on the filter and todos values. As a result, the list will be re-rendered whenever either the filter value or the todos array changes.

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