Interactions between Hooks

Our whole blog app now works in the same way as before, but it uses our custom Hooks! Until now, we have always had Hooks that encapsulated the whole logic, with only constant values being passed as arguments to our custom Hooks. However, we can also pass values of other Hooks into custom Hooks!

Since Hooks are simply JavaScript functions, all Hooks can accept any value as arguments and work with them: constant values, component props, or even values from other Hooks.

We are now going to create local Hooks, which means that they will be placed in the same file as the component, because they are not needed anywhere else. However, they will still make our code easier to read and maintain. These local Hooks will accept values from other Hooks as arguments.

The following local Hooks will be created:

  • A local Register Effect Hook
  • A local Login Effect Hook

Let's see how to create them in the following subsections.

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