
This chapter taught you how to preload, unload, play, and modify sound files using OALSimpleAudio and Cocos2d. You also saw some cool ways in which we integrated the use of sound in this book's project. Because the game is still in that prototype-esque phase, the sounds may change or be modified. However, the vast majority of them are implemented. Also, if you want to learn how to turn on/off sound or music in your game via an option in the menu or settings, read Chapter 6, Tidying Up and Polishing, as that chapter will cover more such details.

There are also a lot of situational methods in OALSimpleAudio that were not covered in this chapter. If you wish to read more about them, you can view the documentation at

In the next chapter, we'll cover some really cool concepts and mechanics that most game developers don't take time to implement in their game—and it's more than just Game Center or iCloud support.

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