Validating the new super metric

Now that the super metric is created, it is time to validate it before applying it to real-world objects. Validation is important and it allows you to see the result of your formula and can help easily pick up major formulaic errors.

As mentioned earlier, super metrics do not start having a value until they are applied to an object through policy, therefore it is impossible to see the value of a super metric before it is created. There is one exception to this rule, however; the super metric validation allows you to model the value of a super metric from any time period. This is useful in ensuring that the result is what you expect before you apply the super metrics and find out the formula is incorrect, after waiting four weeks for Dynamic Thresholds to be calculated.

The following steps will be referring to the example given here:

  1. Clear the object type filter: Now that we are ready to visualize the super metric (validate it), we need to first clear the object type filter to allow us to select a cluster object.
  2. Open the super metric visualizer: Sounds a bit Sci-Fi, but even so, select the button at the top of the wizard to replace the metrics and attribute types windows with the metric visualizer.
  3. Select a target object: Find and select a target object that matches the object type of where the super metric will be applied. A preview of the super metric will now be shown.
  1. Set the time range (optional): Set the time range if you wish to preview data from a longer or different time period.
  2. Save the super metric: If you're happy with the super metric, it is now time to save and close the wizard.
It is important to preview your super metric and validate that it shows the data you expect. Super metrics can be misleading if proper care is not taken when defining the formula.
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