Creating an interactive dashboard

You can create a dashboard by using the New Dashboard wizard. Alternatively, you can clone an existing dashboard and modify the clone. Perform the following steps to create a new dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Dashboards page, click Actions, and then click Create Dashboard, as shown in the following screenshot:
  1. Under Dashboard Configuration, we need to give it a meaningful name and provide a description. If you click Yes for the Is default setting, the dashboard appears on the homepage when you log in.
By default, the Recommendations dashboard is the dashboard that appears on the home page when a user logs in. You can change the default dashboard.
  1. Next, we click on Widget List to bring up all the available widgets. Here we will click and drag the widgets we need from the left pane to the right. We will use the following:
    • Object List
    • Metric Picker
    • Metric Chart
    • Generic Scoreboard
    • Heat Map

You can arrange widgets in the dashboard by dragging them to the desired column position. The left pane and the right pane are collapsed so that you have more room for your dashboard workspace, which is the center pane.

To edit the widgets, we click on the little pen icon sitting at the top of widget.

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