Table of Contents


Title page




Chapter 1: Introduction


1.1. What is longitudinal data analysis?

1.2. History of longitudinal analysis and its progress

1.3. Longitudinal data structures

1.4. Missing data patterns and mechanisms

1.5. Sources of correlation in longitudinal processes

1.6. Time scale and the number of time points

1.7. Basic expressions of longitudinal modeling

1.8. Organization of the book and data used for illustrations

Chapter 2: Traditional methods of longitudinal data analysis


2.1. Descriptive approaches

2.2. Repeated measures ANOVA

2.3. Repeated measures MANOVA

2.4. Summary

Chapter 3: Linear mixed-effects models


3.1. Introduction of linear mixed models: three cases

3.2. Formalization of linear mixed models

3.3. Inference and estimation of fixed effects in linear mixed models

3.4. Trend analysis

3.5. Empirical illustrations: application of two linear mixed models

3.6. Summary

Chapter 4: Restricted maximum likelihood and inference of random effects in linear mixed models


4.1. Overview of Bayesian inference

4.2. Restricted maximum likelihood estimator

4.3. Computational procedures

4.4. Approximation of random effects in linear mixed models

4.5. Hypothesis testing on variance component G

4.6. Empirical illustrations: linear mixed models with REML

4.7. Summary

Chapter 5: Patterns of residual covariance structure


5.1. Residual covariance pattern models with equal spacing

5.2. Residual covariance pattern models with unequal time intervals

5.3. Comparison of covariance structures

5.4. Scaling of time as a classification factor

5.5. Least squares means, local contrasts, and local tests

5.6. Empirical illustrations: estimation of two linear regression models

5.7. Summary

Chapter 6: Residual and influence diagnostics


6.1. Residual Diagnostics

6.2. Influence Diagnostics

6.3. Empirical Illustrations on Influence Diagnostics

6.4. Summary

Chapter 7: Special topics on linear mixed models


7.1. Adjustment of baseline response in longitudinal data analysis

7.2. Misspecification of the assumed distribution of random effects

7.3. Pattern-mixture modeling

7.4. Summary

Chapter 8: Generalized linear mixed models on nonlinear longitudinal data


8.1. A brief overview of generalized linear models

8.2. Generalized linear mixed models and statistical inferences

8.3. Methods of estimating parameters in generalized linear mixed models

8.4. Nonlinear predictions and retransformation of random components

8.5. Some popular specific generalized linear mixed models

8.6. Summary

Chapter 9: Generalized estimating equations (GEEs) models


9.1. Basic specifications and inferences of GEEs

9.2. Other GEE approaches

9.3. Relationship between marginal and random-effects models

9.4. Empirical illustration: effect of marital status on disability severity in older Americans

9.5. Summary

Chapter 10: Mixed-effects regression model for binary longitudinal data


10.1. Overview of Conventional Logistic and Probit Regression Models

10.2. Specification of Random Intercept Logistic Regression Model

10.3. Specification of Random Coefficient Logistic Regression Model

10.4. Inference of Mixed-Effects Logit Model

10.5. Approximation of Variance for Predicted Response Probability

10.6. Interpretability of Regression Coefficients and Odds Ratios

10.7. Computation of Conditional Effect and Conditional Odds Ratio for a Covariate

10.8. Empirical Illustration: Effect of Marital Status on Probability of Disability Among Older Americans

10.9. Summary

Chapter 11: Mixed-effects multinomial logit model for nominal outcomes


11.1. Overview of multinomial logistic regression model

11.2. Mixed-effects multinomial logit models and nonlinear predictions

11.3. Estimation of fixed and random effects

11.4. Approximation of variance–covariance matrix on probabilities

11.5. Conditional effects of covariates on probability scale

11.6. Empirical illustration: marital status and longitudinal trajectories of disability and mortality among older Americans

11.7. Summary

Chapter 12: Longitudinal transition models for categorical response data


12.1. Overview of two-time multinomial transition modeling

12.2. Longitudinal transition models with only fixed effects

12.3. Mixed-effects multinomial logit transition models

12.4. Empirical illustration: predicted transition probabilities in functional status and marital status among older Americans

12.5. Summary

Chapter 13: Latent growth, latent growth mixture, and group-based models


13.1. Overview of structural equation modeling

13.2. Latent growth model

13.3. Latent growth mixture model

13.4. Group-based model

13.5. Empirical illustration: effect of marital status on ADL count among older Americans revisited

13.6. Summary

Chapter 14: Methods for handling missing data


14.1. Mathematical definitions of MCAR, MAR, and MNAR

14.2. Methods handling missing at random

14.3. Methods handling missing not at random

14.4. Summary

Appendix A: Orthogonal polynomials

Appendix B: The delta method

Appendix C: Quasi-likelihood functions and properties

Appendix D: Model specification and SAS program for random coefficient multinomial logit model on health state among older Americans


Subject Index

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