Developing Features for Office Server

Features enable you to deploy site functionality at a site, site collection, Web application, or farm level either in a mode where users can see the feature in order to activate or deactivate it, or in a mode where it is hidden and always present. In addition to the features that you see as options to activate and deactivate on a site, as shown in Figure 9.1, most of the building blocks of SharePoint are implemented by using features such as document libraries, the issues list, and the records management functionality.

Figure 9.1. Standard features available for activation and deactivation on a SharePoint site

By using features to deploy custom functionality, you are able to:

  • Leverage the SharePoint structure for installing features at the site, site collection, Web application, or farm levels

  • Leverage the SharePoint structure for activating or deactivating features

  • Have SharePoint manage the feature definition across distributed SharePoint servers

Almost anything is possible when thinking about the potential uses for Office Server features because SharePoint has provided for a lot of different functionality options. This can make envisioning the scenarios in which you will use features difficult. Here are some examples to get the creative juices flowing:

  • Associating a workflow with a particular list type and site template

  • Adding an additional action for a list or library and customizing the actions menus for that library

  • Creating a custom list type with defined fields and making it available for all sites in a farm

  • Modifying a site template to include a feature definition for any new instances of that site template

  • Replacing a control within existing functionality with a control defined by your feature


If you want to further familiarize yourself with the possibilities that features present, take a look at the definitions that are used to create the SharePoint out-of-the-box functionality. You will be able to review how Microsoft used features to define lists, add actions, control navigation, and many other things and get a good introduction to feature definition files.

Creating a feature.xml file

The feature.xml file provides a name and ID—as well as defines the properties, including dependences, files, and assemblies—for your feature.

The structure of the feature.xml file is

<!-- Required Feature Attributes -->
  Id = "Text" <!-- This is the GUID for the feature -->
<!-- You can generate a GUID for your feature by using a GUID
   generator tool like the one provided with Visual Studio -->
  Scope = "Text"
  <!-- Values are Web (web site), Site (site collection),
     WebApplication (web application) or Farm (farm) -->
<!-- Optional Feature Attributes -->
  Title = "Text"  <!-- Feature title up to 255 characters -->
  Version = "Text" > <!-- Version number in format -->
  Creator = "Text" <!-- Name of feature author -->
  Description = "Text" <!-- Description of purpose of the feature
  DefaultResourceFile = "Text"
  <!-- Specifies the path for the resource file to be used for
     resource descriptions. -->
  Hidden = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  <!-- If set to TRUE, the feature and its status will not be
     visible to users -->
  ReceiverAssembly = "Text"
  <!-- Strong name for receiver assembly in the GAC to use for
     feature events. Requires you to specify receiver class as
     well. -->
  ReceiverClass = "Text"
  <!-- Class used by the event processor. Requires you to specify
     receiver assembly as well. -->
  RequireResources = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  <!-- If set to TRUE, this tag will force SharePoint to check to
     see if a resource file is available for the current culture.
     If the file is not present, the feature will not be
     available for activation in the user interface. -->
  ActivateOnDefault = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  <!-- This attribute is not valid for site or web scope features
   and if set to TRUE means the feature is activated during
   installation or web application creation. -->
  AlwaysForceInstall = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  <!-- If set to TRUE, the feature is installed by force even if
     it is already installed -->
  AutoActivateInCentralAdmin = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  <!-- This attribute is not valid if feature is enabled for the
     farm scope. If set to TRUE, the feature is activated by
     default in the scope -->
  ImageUrl = "Text" <!-- URL for image to be used next to feature
   name in the site features interface -->
  ImageUrlAltText = "Text" <!-- Alternate text to use if the
     image is not loaded -->
  SolutionId = "Text" <!-- Ties the feature to a specific
     solution -->

<! — Child Elements -->
  <ElementManifests> <!-- Specifies manifests and files that make
     up the feature -->
  <!-- Relative path to the supporting element file, if any -->
  <!-- Required attribute that defines path to the manifest file

  <ActivationDependencies> <!--Specifies features that are
     dependencies for this feature -->
  <!-- One to many feature dependencies specified by GUID -->

  <!-- Contains property names and values for the feature -->
  <!-- If included, one or more feature properties and the
   associated default value -->

To generate a GUID, you can use the guidgen.exe tool provided with Visual Studio. To create a new GUID for your feature, follow these steps:

Open a command prompt on your server and navigate to <system drive>:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7Tools.

Run guidgen.exe.

Select Registry Format, as shown in Figure 9.2.

Figure 9.2. Using the GUID Generator tool to generate a new GUID

Click the Copy button and paste the value into your feature.xml file. Delete the { } characters surrounding the GUID value.

Using the element types

The feature.xml file is the core of the feature deployment, but the element types are where all the fun action is found. Each element type has its own function and can be used within the scopes it is designed for. The four scopes available for features are

  • Farm: A feature can be applied to all sites within the Web farm.

  • WebApplication: The Web application means that the feature is available for all sites within that Web application as defined in Central Administration.

  • Site: The site scope applies the features to all sites within that site collection.

  • Web: Features scoped for the Web are available to the site on which the feature is installed.

Element types for all scopes

The following element types can be used within a feature deployed for any scope in SharePoint.

  • Control: The Control element allows you to replace a control with a different control. For example, you can use it to call a different ASCX page for the search control to use on a WSS site. Here is some sample code using the control element that is part of the content light-up feature provided with SharePoint out of the box.


    This content light-up feature is a farm-level feature that provides some standard interface components such as the search box on WSS sites and the custom action link for exporting an event or a contact.

  • Custom Action Group: The CustomActionGroup element type defines a grouping for custom actions. This tag is not necessary if you are adding or hiding a custom action to a particular list type.

    The structure for the custom action group is shown in this code sample:

      <!-- Required attribute that provides the description for the
         action group. -->
      <!-- Required attribute that specifies a text string that
         tells SharePoint where to place the action. The text
         should match the name in the LinkSectionTable control on
         the page. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute for a longer description for the
         action group. -->
      <!-- Optional number for ordering priority for the action
         group. -->
      <!-- Optional value for unique identifier for the element.
  • Custom Action: The CustomAction element allows you to add actions for your feature. This code, from the content lightup feature, adds a custom control for exporting an event and is not in a custom action group because the custom action is bound to a list type and ID (the Event list).


    The custom action for exporting an event shows up in the location DisplayFormToolbar for the display form for a calendar event, as shown in Figure 9.3.

    Figure 9.3. Using the custom action code to add an option for exporting an event in the display form

    The structure of the custom action element is shown in the following code sample. Make sure that you follow the CustomAction tag with the UrlAction tag that provides the URL for the action, as shown in the Custom Action Group section.

      <!-- Required attribute that provides the action description
         to the user. -->
      <!-- Longer description for the action that is shown as a
         tool-tip or sub-description -->
      <!-- Optional value for unique identifier for the
         element. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute that specifies where the action will
         appear. If contained in a custom action group, location
         will equal the location of the CustomActionGroup element.
         The location could also be a part of a site settings menu,
         a toolbar item or menu item. -->
      <!-- Option attribute that allows you to create a per-item
         action. Allowable values are ContentType, FileType, List,
         or ProgID. -->
      <!-- Option attribute that provides the value for the
         registration type defined above. The value is the
         identifier of the list, content type, document or
         programmatic ID. -->
      <!-- Option attribute that identifies the action group such
         as "SiteManagement". If custom action is a subelement of
         CustomActionGroup, the value must match the GroupId of the
         CustomActionGroup. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the content type ID
         for the custom action to associate with. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute for a relative path for the action
         icon. -->
      RequireSiteAdministrator="TRUE" | "FALSE"
      <!-- Optional attribute that if set to TRUE, the action will
         only show for site administrators. -->
      <!-- Optional value for ordering the action. -->
      <!-- Optional value that lets you specify for which roles the
         action should appear. -->
      ShowInReadOnlyContentTypes="TRUE" | "FALSE"
      <!-- Optional value that if set to TRUE, the action will only
         be displayed for read-only content types. -->
      ShowInSealedContentTypes="TRUE" | "FALSE"
      <!-- Optional value that is set to TRUE, the action will only
         be displayed for sealed content types. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the assembly for the
         action. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute that defines the class for the
         control assembly, if used. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute that specifies source of the
         control. -->
  • Hide Custom Action: This element hides a custom action defined by another custom action. The structure of the HideCustomAction element is shown in this sample code:

      <!-- Optional value that specifies the ID of the action you
         want to hide. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the location of the
         action you want to hide. -->
      <!-- Option attribute that identifies the action group such
         as "SiteManagement".  -->
      <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the ID for this
         HideCustomAction element. -->
Element type for farm, Web application, or site scopes

There is one element that can be applied at the farm, Web application, or site scope levels. The Feature/Site Template Association element associates your feature with a site template and allows you to define features (custom or otherwise) that will be included in new sites created from the template when your feature is activated.

An example of the FeatureSiteTemplateAssociation element is the translation management functionality. When turned on, the code below associates the translation management with four sites.

<Elements xmlns="">
  <FeatureSiteTemplateAssociation Id="29D85C25-170C-4df9-
     A641-12DB0B9D4130" TemplateName="STS#0" />
  <FeatureSiteTemplateAssociation Id="29D85C25-170C-4df9-
     A641-12DB0B9D4130" TemplateName="STS#1" />
  <FeatureSiteTemplateAssociation Id="29D85C25-170C-4df9-
     A641-12DB0B9D4130" TemplateName="BDR#0" />
  <FeatureSiteTemplateAssociation Id="29D85C25-170C-4df9-
     A641-12DB0B9D4130" TemplateName="SPS#0" />

The structure of the feature/site template association element is shown in the following code sample:

  <!-- Required attribute that provides the GUID for the feature
     aa544552.aspx). -->
  TemplateName="Text" />
  <!-- Required attribute that provides the name of the
     associated site template. -->
    <!-- Optional child element to provide properties for the
       association. If included, the property must have key and
       value tags. -->
         Value="False" />

Element types for Web application scope

The DocumentConverter (if refers to xml element tag) element defines a document converter that processes a file and generates a copy of that file in the converted document type format.

The structure of the DocumentConverter element is shown in the following code sample:

  <!-- Optional attribute for specifying the GUID for the
     document converter. -->
  <!-- Optional attribute for naming the document converter. -->
  <!-- Optional attribute for the document converter
  <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the extension of the
     source file. -->
  <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the extension of the
     target file. -->
  <!-- Optional attribute that provides the .ascx control for the
     converter configuration page. -->
  <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the .aspx page where
     administrators can configure the document conversion for
     each site content type. -->

Element types for site scope

There are several elements that can be deployed at the site scope level. Some of these items create items once, like content type and list templates, which can be used thereafter by other elements.

  • Content Type: The ContentType element defines a custom content type that will be created when the feature is activated.


    Because activation is an activity that you need to do only once, it is primarily useful for content types out of the box or for deploying an entirely new feature set at the site collection level.

    The following code provides the structure for the ContentType element:

    .<!-- Required attribute that provides the ID for the content
       type. -->
     <!-- Required attribute provides a name for the content
        type. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute that provides the longer description
         for the content type. -->
     <!-- Optional attribute that specifies to which group the
        content type should belong. -->
     ReadOnly="TRUE" | "FALSE"
     <!-- Optional attribute that if set to TRUE, makes the content
        type read-only. -->
     Hidden="TRUE" | "FALSE"
     <!-- Optional attribute that if set to TRUE, will hide the
        content type so that it is not presented as an option for the
        New button. -->
     Sealed="TRUE" | "FALSE"
     <!-- Optional attribute that if set to TRUE, makes the content
        type sealed. -->
     <!-- Optional attribute that associates the content type with a
        WSS 2.0 list template. -->
     <!-- Optional attribute that provides the feature ID for the
        content type. -->
     <!-- Optional attribute for providing relative path for content
        type's resource folder. -->
      <!-- This section defines column references for your content
         type. -->
                   <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the field
    ID this FieldRef references -->
                   <!-- Optional attribute that provides a column
                      name -->
                   <!-- Optional attribute that provides long-name
                      description for the field. -->
                   <!-- Optional attribute that provides the column
                      display name for use in a form. -->
                    <!-- Optional attribute that specifies formatting
                       for columns. Options can be set to DateOnly,
                       DateTime, ISO8601, ISO8601Basic, Dropdown
                       (Choice column), RadioButtons (Choice Column),
                      Hyperlink (URL column), Image (URL column). -->
                     Required="TRUE" | "FALSE"
                     <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether
                        or not the field is required.  -->
                   Filterable="TRUE" | "FALSE"
                     <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether
                       or not the field can be used for filtering. -->
                     FilterableNoRecurrence="TRUE" | "FALSE"
                     <!-- Optional attribute that specifies if the
                        column is filterable with no recurrences. -->
                     Sortable="TRUE" | "FALSE"
                     <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether
                        or not the field is available for sorting. -->
                   Hidden="TRUE" | "FALSE" | "orResource"
                    <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether or
                       not the field is hidden.  -->
                    <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the XML
                       node that contains the field value. -->
                    Aggregation="sum" | "count" | "average" | "min" |
                       "max" | "merge" | "plaintext" | "first" |
                    <!-- Optional attribute that provides the action
                       to take on the XPath expression if returned by
                       Node value. -->
                    <!-- Optional attribute that limits the number of
                       viewable lines for text editing.  -->
                    <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the
                       attribute that will be used for document
                       processing instruction. Must be paired with
                       PITarget. -->
                    <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the
                       document processing instruction storage
                       location. Must be paired with PIAttribute. -->
                    <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the
                       attribute that will be used for document
                       processing instruction. Must be paired with
                       PrimaryPITarget and will trump any present
                       PIAttributed. -->
                     <!-- Optional attribute the specifies the
                        document processing instruction storage
                        location. Must be paired with
                        PrimaryPIAttribute and will trump any present
                     ReadOnly="TRUE" | "FALSE"
                     <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether
                        or not field is read-only. If ready only, the
                        field will not be displayed in new or edit
                        forms. -->
                     Sealed="TRUE" | "FALSE"
                     <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether
                        or not the column is sealed. -->
                     ShowInDisplayForm="TRUE" | "FALSE"
                     <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether
                        or not the column will be included on the
                        display form. -->
                     ShowInEditForm="TRUE" | "FALSE"
                     <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether
                        or not the column will be included on the
                        edit form. -->
                     ShowInFileDlg="TRUE" | "FALSE"
                     <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether
                        or not the column will be included in the
                        file dialog. -->
                    ShowInListSettings="TRUE" | "FALSE"
                    <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether or
                       not the column will be included on the new
                       item form. -->
                     ShowInNewForm="TRUE" | "FALSE"
                     <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether
                        or not the column will be included on the new
                        form. --> >
             <!-- This element removes a field that is present in the
                parent content type from this content type. -->
             <!-- Specifies the field ID of the column that you want
                to remove. -->
            <!-- This optional element defines XML documents to be
               included in the content type. -->
                    <!-- Optional value that provides path to the
                       namespace for the XML document. -->
  • Content Type Binding: The ContentTypeBinding element allows you to define a content type for a list that is defined in the onet.xml schema, because lists defined by the onet.xml schema cannot be modified directly.

    The following structure is used for the ContentTypeBinding element.

      <!-- Required attribute that provides content type ID that
         you want to bind to the list. -->
      <!-- Required attribute that provides a relative path for the
         list for which you want to bind the content type. -->
  • Field Element: The Field element creates site columns for use in any list.

    Here is an example on how this Field element is used within the report list template to create the fields for storing reports:

        <Field ID="{FA564E0F-0C70-4AB9-B863-0177E6DDD247}"
           Type="Text" Name="Title" ShowInNewForm="FALSE"
           ShowInFileDlg="FALSE" DisplayName="$Resources:
           core,Title;" Sealed="TRUE" SourceID=
           StaticName="Title" />
        <Field ID="{2A16B911-B094-46e6-A7CD-227EEA3EFFDB}"
           Name="ReportDescription" StaticName=
           "ReportDescription" Description="$Resources:
           Description;" DisplayName="$Resources:spscore,
           " Type="Note" SourceID="
        <Field ID="{90884F35-D2A5-48dc-A39F-7BCBC9781CF6}"
           Name="SaveToReportHistory" StaticName=
           "SaveToReportHistory" Description="$Resources:
           spscore, BizAppsFields_ReportSaveToReportHistory_
           Description;" DisplayName="$Resources:spscore,
           ReportGroup;" Type="Boolean" SourceID=
        <Field ID="{1BE428C8-2C2D-4e02-970B-6663EB1D7080}"
           Name="ParentId" StaticName="ParentId"
           ReportParentID_Description;" DisplayName= "
           ReportParentID_Name;" Group="_Hidden"
           ShowInNewForm="FALSE" ShowInEditForm="FALSE"
           ShowInFileDlg="FALSE" Type="Number" SourceID=
        <Field ID="{2E8881DA-0332-4ad9-A565-45B5B8B2702F}"
           Name="ReportOwner" StaticName="ReportOwner"
           ReportOwner_Description;" List="UserInfo"
           ReportOwner_Name;" Group="$Resources:spscore,
           BizAppsFields_ReportGroup;" Type="User"
        <Field ID="{D8921DA7-C09B-4a06-B644-DFFEBF73C736}"
           Name="ReportCategory" StaticName="ReportCategory"
           ReportCategory_Name;" Group="$Resources:spscore,
           BizAppsFields_ReportGroup;" Type="Choice"
        <Field ID="{BF80DF9C-32DC-4257-BCF9-08C2EE6CA1B1}"
           Name="ReportStatus" StaticName="ReportStatus"
           ReportStatus_Description;" DisplayName=
           ReportStatus_Name;" Group="$Resources:
           spscore,BizAppsFields_ReportGroup;" Type="Choice"
        <Field ID="{27C603F5-4DBE-4522-894A-AE77715DC532}"
           Name="ReportHistoryLink" StaticName=
           "ReportHistoryLink" Group="_Hidden" ReadOnly=
           "TRUE" Type="Computed" DisplayName=
           ReportHistory_Name;" SourceID="http://schemas.
                <FieldRef Name="ContentType"/>
                <FieldRef Name="ID"/>
                    <Expr1><Column Name="ContentType"/
                        <HTML><![CDATA[<a href="]]></
                           ]]></HTML><Field Name="ID"/
                           ></HTML><ID /><HTML><![CDATA[">]]
                    <Else />

    This code results in a list showing the fields that you see when you upload a document to a report library, as shown in Figure 9.4.

    Figure 9.4. Viewing the fields created by the Report list field elements


    For more information on all the functionality provided by report libraries, see Chapter 15.

  • List Instance: The ListInstance element instantiates a list when your feature is activated and can also be applied at the Web scope level.

    The following code sample shows the structure of the ListInstance element:

      <!-- Required attribute for unique identifier for the list
         instance. -->
      <!-- Required attribute for GUID of the feature with which this
         list instance is associated. -->
      <!-- Required attribute that provides integer ID for the list
         template to use. -->
      <!-- Required attribute that gives list title. -->
      <!-- Required attribute that provides relative place to where
         the list should be created. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute that provides list description. -->
      OnQuickLaunch="TRUE" | "FALSE"
      <!-- Optional attribute  that specifies whether or not the list
         should be placed on the quick launch.-->
      <!-- Optional attribute that provides the URL that the Quick
         Launch link should point to. -->
      RootWebOnly="TRUE" | "FALSE">
      <!-- Optional attribute for whether or not the list only exists
         in root web site. -->
                     <!-- Provides default data to include when the
                        list is instantiated. -->
  • List Template: The ListTemplate element calls a list defined in the schema.xml file. This feature element can also be applied at the Web scope level.


    Because defining a list template is an activity that you need to do only once, it is primarily useful for list templates out of the box or for deploying an entirely new feature set at the site collection level.

    The following code sample shows the structure of the ListTemplate element:

      DisplayName = "Text"
      <!-- Required attribute that provides name of list
         definition. -->
      BaseType = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4"
      <!-- Required attribute that provides the default schema for
         list created from this list definition. Base type 1=document
         library. -->
      Name = "Text"
        <!-- Required attribute that provides name reference used to
           find the folder that provides the schema.xml. SharePoint
           will look in the features directory for a nameschema.xml
           file -->
      Description = "Text"
        <!-- Optional attribute that provides a description. -->
      Default = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
          <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether or not this
             list will be included on all new SP lists. -->
        VersioningEnabled = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that if set to TRUE, turns versioning
           on the list on. -->
        AllowDeletion = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether or not the
           lists created through the template can be deleted. -->
        AllowEveryoneViewItems = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute -->
        AlwaysIncludeContent = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that when set to TRUE will make list
           templates created from this list definition include
           content when saved. -->
        CacheSchema = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute -->
      Catalog = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that when set to TRUE means that list
           definition is for a list, site or web part gallery. -->
        Category = "Libraries" | "Communications" | "Tracking" |
           "Custom Lists"
        <!-- Optional attribute that specifies which category the
           lists created from the template should be associated. -->
        DisableAttachments = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether or not lists
           will allow attachments. -->
        DisallowContentTypes = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that if TRUE specifies that content
           types can be managed. -->
      DontSaveInTemplate = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that if set to true, will exclude
           content from being saved when a template is being created
           from the list. -->
        EditPage = "Text"
        <!-- Optional attribute that provides path to page for
           modifying the list settings. -->
        EnableModeration = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that if set to TRUE will create a
           list that requires content approval. -->
      FeatureId = "Text"
        <!-- Optional attribute that associates a Feature GUID with
           this list. -->
        FolderCreation = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that if set to TRUE allows folders to
           be created in the list. -->
      Hidden = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that if set to TRUE will hide the
           list template from the create page. -->
      HiddenList = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that is set to TRUE if lists created
           from this template will be hidden. -->
      Image = "URL"
        <!-- Optional attribute that provides path to icon for the
           list. -->
        NewPage = "Text"
        <!-- Optional attribute that specifies alternative page to be
           used for creating a new list from this template. -->
        NoCrawl = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that if set to TRUE will exclude list
           results from search results. -->
      OnQuickLaunch = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
        <!-- Optional attribute that if set to true will add a link
           to the Quick Launch for lists created from the
           template. -->
      SecurityBits = "Text"
        <!-- Optional attribute that allows you to define list
           security for the read, write and schema design roles for
           all lists other than document libraries. -->
      Sequence = "Integer"
        <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the order that you
           want the template to appear on the create page. -->
        SetupPath = "Text"
        <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the path to the folder
           containing the list definition file and assumes that the
           path is relative to the templates directory. -->
        SyncType = "Text"
        <!-- Optional attribute -->
      Type = "Integer"
        <!-- Optional attribute that provides a unique identifier for
           the template. -->
       Unique = "TRUE" | "FALSE">
        <!-- Optional attribute that when set to TRUE, the list
           template can only be used to create lists during site
           creation. -->
  • Module: The Module element, which can also be applied at the Web scope level, builds a packing list of files to be implemented to support the feature.

    Here is the code the publishing resources features use to include the pages for a publishing site:

    <Module Name="PageLayouts" Url="_catalogs/masterpage" Path=""
        <File Url="WelcomeLinks.aspx" Type="GhostableInLibrary" >
            <Property Name="Title" Value="$Resources:cmscore,
               PageLayout_WelcomeLinks_Title;" />
            <Property Name="MasterPageDescription" Value=
               Description;" />
            <Property Name="ContentType" Value="$Resources:
               cmscore,contenttype_pagelayout_name;" />
            <Property Name="PublishingPreviewImage" Value=
               $Resources:core,Culture;/Preview Images/
               WelcomeLinks.png, ~SiteCollection/_catalogs/
               Preview Images/WelcomeLinks.png" />
            <Property Name="PublishingAssociatedContentType"
               DEA0F50FC8C147B0B6EA0636C4A7D4;#" />
        <File Url="VariationRootPageLayout.aspx" Type=
           "GhostableInLibrary" >
            <Property Name="Title" Value="$Resources:cmscore,
               PageLayout_VariationRootLayout_Title;" />
            <Property Name="ContentType" Value="$Resources:
               cmscore,contenttype_pagelayout_name;" />
            <Property Name="PublishingAssociatedContentType"
            <Property Name="PublishingHidden" Value="true" />

    The structure of the Module element is shown in the following code sample:

      <!-- Required attribute for name of file set -->
      <!-- Optional attribute which specifies the type of list as
         defined in onet.xml -->
      <!-- Optional attribute that specifies whether or not to
         include sub-folders to contain files -->
    <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the URL for the file
       set. -->
      RootWebOnly="TRUE" | "FALSE"
      <!-- Optional attribute that if set to TRUE will only copy the
         files to the root web site of the site collection. -->
      <!--  Optional attribute that specifies the location for the
         sources files and is assumed to be located to the element if
         blank. Used to be the path variable. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute that provides the URL of the target
         folder in which you want the files placed. -->
                    <!-- Required attribute that provides the URL for
                       the target file -->
                    <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the file
                       name. -->
                     <!-- Optional attribute for the source of the
                        file (URL). -->
                     IgnoreIfAlreadyExists="TRUE" | "FALSE"
                     <!-- Optional attribute that if set to TRUE will
                        copy the file even if it already exists. -->
                     <!-- If present, specifies that you want the
                        file to be cached on the front-end web server.
                        If your file is stored in a document library,
                        the value will be GhostableInLibrary. If your
                        file is stored somewhere other than a document
                        library, the value is set to Ghostable. -->
                    NavBarHome="TRUE" | "FALSE">
                    <!-- Optional attribute that if set to TRUE,
                       indicates that this file is the home page for
                       the top navigation bar in the site. -->
                    <!-- Tag to use if your file is a web part. -->
                          <!-- Required attribute that specifies the
                             vertical order of the web part in the
                             zone. -->
                          <!-- Required attribute that provides the
                             ID of the web part zone to insert the
                             web part in. -->
                   <!-- Provides file information to the Nav Bar so
                      that it can be linked. -->
                           <!-- Required attribute that provides the
                              ID for the page. -->
                          <!-- Required attribute that provides the
                             text for the page that will show in the
                             nav bar. -->
                          <!-- Optional attribute that provides the
                             position of the item in the
                             navigational bar. -->
                    <!-- Allows you to provide view values for files
                       that are views. -->
                          Name = "Text"
                          <!-- Required attribute that provides a
                             name for the view. -->
                          DisplayName = "Text"
                          <!-- Required attribute that provides a
                             display name for the view. -->
                           Hidden = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that when set to
                              TRUE, hides the view. -->
                           Url = "URL"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that provides the
                              target URL of the view. -->
                           DefaultView = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that when set to
                              TRUE, indicates that this is the
                              default view. -->
                           Threaded = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that if TRUE
                              shows items as threaded. -->
                          Type = "HTML" | "Chart" | "Pivot"
                          <!-- Optional attribute that renders view
                             as HTML, Chart or Pivot. -->
                           Scope = "Text"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that sets the
                              limit for which items are returned.
                              FilesOnly will return files of current
                              folder, Recursive will show all files
                              in all folders, RecursiveAll will show
                              all files and all subfolders of all
                              folders. -->
                          List = "Integer"
                          <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the
                             type of list as defined in the onet.xml
                             file. -->
                           AggregateView = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that when set to
                              TRUE indicates that the view is a
                             merge forms view for a form library. -->
                           BaseViewID = "Integer"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that specifies
                              the ID of the base view. -->
                           FailIfEmpty = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that when set to
                              TRUE, returns a HTTP error code if no
                              items are returned in the view. -->
                           FileDialog = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that when set to
                              TRUE displays the view in file
                              dialogs. -->
                          FPModified = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
                          <!-- Optional attribute that when set to
                             TRUE indicates that the file has
                             already been modified and cannot be
                             modified within SharePoint UI. -->
                           FreeForm = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that when set to
                              TRUE allows alternate field formatting
                              for view columns. -->
                           OrderedView = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that when set to
                              TRUE indicates that the view is
                              ordered. -->
                           Path = "Text"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that provides the
                              source path for the view. -->
                          ReadOnly = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
                          <!-- Optional attribute that when set to
                             TRUE marks the view as read-only. -->
                           RecurrenceRowset = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that when set to
                              TRUE will show recurring values as
                              individual line items. -->
                           RowLimit = "Integer"
                           <!-- Optional attribute that specifies
                              maximum number of rows to return in an
                              HTML view. -->
                          ShowHeaderUI = "TRUE" | "FALSE">
                          <!-- Optional attribute that if set to
                             TRUE enables sorting and filtering from
                             column headers. -->
  • Workflow: The Workflow element calls a workflow. The following code sample shows the structure of the Workflow element:

      <!-- Required attribute that provides value that is displayed
         in WSS interface. -->
      <!-- Required attribute  that provides workflow GUID. -->
      <!-- Required attribute for code beside assembly. -->
      <!-- Required attribute for workflow class for code beside
         assembly file. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute for title of workflow. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute for workflow description. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute for the URL to the association form. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute for the URL to the instantiation form. -->
      <!-- Optional attribute for the URL to the form used to modify
         the workflow. -->
      TaskListContentTypeId="Text" >
      <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the content type ID for
         the content type associated with the workflow task list. -->
      <!-- Optional element that provides XML data to pass to the
         workflow association form. -->
      <!-- Optional element that defines additional metadata to
         associate with the workflow. -->
Element types for Web scope

Like the List Instance, List Template, and Module element types, the Receiver element type is defined in the site scope section and can be applied at either the site scope or Web scope level. The Receiver feature element registers an item event receiver.

The structure of a Receiver element is shown in the following code sample:

  ListTemplateId = "Text"
  <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the ID of the list
     template that the event applies to. -->
  ListTemplateOwner = "Text">
  <!-- Optional attribute that specifies the GUID of the list
     template owner. -->
         <!-- The assembly tag must be in the format of Name,
           Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xx -->
         <!-- The class tag provides the fully qualified name of
            the class. -->
         <!-- The data element passes parameters to the event
            receiver. -->
         <!-- Event receiver name -->
         <!-- Provides the type of event. -->
         <!-- Specifies the sequence number used for the event
            registration. -->

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