Combining budgets

Until Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010, one of the features most commonly asked about by customers was missing. This was the ability to combine budgets together so that separate budgets could be created for each budget holder, and then merged together in Dynamics GP rather than in Microsoft Excel.

Two budgets are required for the combine function. We can use the 2017 MASTER budget as the one into which we will merge a second budget, but we will need to create this second budget first. This can be done using the steps already covered on creating a new budget and create a budget for the sales division (Division Segment = 300) called 2017 SALES.

To combine the 2017 SALES budget with the 2017 MASTER budget, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Budget Selection window in Dynamics GP by clicking on Financial from the Navigation Pane on the left, and clicking on Budgets in the area page under Cards | Financial.
  2. Click on the 2017 MASTER budget.
  3. Click on the Open button and then click on using Microsoft Dynamics GP to open the Budget Maintenance window.
    Combining budgets
  4. Click on the Combine Budgets button to open the Combine Budgets window.
  5. Leave the Master Budget ID field set to 2017 Master.
  6. Enter 2017 SALES in the Combine with Budget ID field.
  7. Click on Process to enact the combine of 2017 SALES into 2017 MASTER.
  8. Click on OK to confirm the Process was successful message box.

One important point to remember is that the combine budgets feature merges the budgets together. It does not overwrite the destination budget values with those from the one being merged in. Combine should be used only when a value has not been entered or the budget of the destination is to be increased (or decreased) by the amount on the budget being merged in.

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