Account Rollup Inquiry

Account rollups are inquiries built to allow users to see different GP accounts and their budgets rolled up together, and to provide drill back capability to the details. Additionally, these queries can include calculations for things such as budget versus actual comparisons and calculations.

To an extent, Account Rollup Inquiries function as "Management Reporter Lite", in the way they allow users to access the same functionality of reporting on actual and budget figures for accounts in periods and drill down to see the same details. Account rollups are quicker to use as the more restricted functionality makes them less complicated.

To create an Account Rollup Inquiry for the 2017 SALES budget, follow the given steps:

  1. Open the Account Rollup Inquiry window in Dynamics GP by clicking on Financial from the Navigation Pane on the left, and clicking on Account Rollup in the area page under Inquiry | Financial.
    Account Rollup Inquiry
  2. Enter BUDGET-SALES in the Option ID field.
  3. Tab out of Option ID and click on Yes on the Do you want to add this account rollup inquiry option? question.
    Account Rollup Inquiry
  4. Set Sort By to Department and change the number of columns to 3.
    Account Rollup Inquiry
  5. In the scrolling window, follow the given steps:
    1. Change the first row's Column Heading to Actuals (2017).
    2. Change the second row's Column Heading to Budget (2017), set the Type to Budget, and enter 2017 SALES into the Selection column.
    3. In the third row, enter Variance in the Column heading field, change the Type to Calculated, and click on the blue expansion arrow next to the Selection heading to open the Account Rollup Inquiry Calculated Column window.
      Account Rollup Inquiry
  6. In the Column: field, click on Budget (2017).
  7. Click on the >> button to insert C2 into the Expression field.
  8. Click on the button to insert a minus sign into the Expression field.
  9. Change Column: to Actuals (2017) and click on the >> button to insert C1 into the Expression field.
  10. Click on OK to accept the calculation and close the Account Rollup Inquiry Calculated Column window.
    Account Rollup Inquiry
  11. Enter 300 (the code used for Sales in the chart of accounts) in the From: and To: fields.
  12. Click on Insert>> to insert the Restriction.
  13. Click on Save to save the new account rollup option.
  14. Click on Inquiry to run the BUDGET-SALES Account Rollup Inquiry.
  15. Click on Redisplay to populate the scrolling window with the data for Division 300.
    Account Rollup Inquiry

The column headings on the Account Rollup Inquiry are hyperlinks, which will open the Account Rollup Detail Inquiry Zoom window and which in turn allows you to drill down to either account maintenance or the detail inquiry.

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