
absorbers 95, 96

acoustic guitars 2623, 322, 396

active speakers 90, 95

ADT (artificial or automatic double-tracking) 399

Alge, T.L. 10

algorithmic reverbs 415, 416, 417, 418

ambiance reverbs 200, 207, 4067, 409, 448

amplifiers 8990

amplitude 1056, 157, 177, 183, 404, 428

amp simulators 457, 458

analog consoles 52, 111, 116, 117, 148, 184, 274, 479

arrangements 301, 323, 42

artificial doubletracking see ADT

artificial sound 1819

attack: compressors 2839, 3037, 309, 316, 317, 330, 355; expanders 3689, 370; gates 3448, 355, 370

audio grouping 12933, 143, 154

audio sequencers 149, 1512, 1536, 15766, 1689, 357, 360, 448; automation 474, 475, 4767

audio signals 1056, 120

auditioning 35

Auratones 867

automatic double-tracking see ADT

automation 39, 68, 47481

autopanners 2089

auxiliary buses 121, 122, 123

auxiliary sends 114, 121, 122, 123, 155, 156, 423, 445

aux returns see FX returns

average meters 1079

balanced mix 11, 1516, 478, 67, 6974, 778, 94, 2067, 21012

balance pot 198, 199

bar meters 107, 109

bass equalization 2612

Beethoven, L. van 7, 68, 79

binaural sound 1901

bit reduction 4567

bouncing 40, 133, 162, 446, 54752

breathing 272, 273

brick-wall filter 221, 222

bus compression 3345

buses 112, 114, 121, 122, 123, 149, 157, 3345

change 623, 68

chattering 341, 342, 349

choruses 400, 401, 430

circular deadlocks 41

clip indicators 107, 116, 117, 160, 1612

clipping 215, 338, 4545

clipping distortion 158, 15961, 4545

closed-back headphones 103

cocktail party effect 62

coincident pairs 201

comb filtering 43, 97, 384

component tracks 378

compression-related equalization 3334

compressor meters 2968

compressors 1, 20, 114, 267, 271, 2748, 290, 31416, 3224, 32936; attack 2839, 3037, 309, 316, 317, 330, 355; decay 319, 321; dynamic envelope 276, 287, 304, 31820; gain stage 27880, 290, 295; hard-knees 2913; hold 289, 3036, 316, 317; look-ahead 2934; loudening 31718; makeup gain 291, 316, 317; phase 290; ratios 2823, 284, 3012, 303, 31516, 317, 330; release 2839, 30711, 316, 317, 330, 355; RMS 280, 31112; side-chains 276, 293, 294, 295, 296, 31214, 316, 317; signal levels 280, 315, 316, 317; soft-knees 2923, 316, 317; stereo link 2945; threshold 2802, 284, 298301, 302, 303, 315, 317, 330

computers 1, 2, 7, 146, 149

conscious process 53, 54, 557, 59

consoles 11119, 1201, 1224, 1268, 1345, 1404, 47981; analog 52, 111, 116, 117, 148, 184, 274, 479; digital 111, 1468, 1578; groups 125, 12933; in-line 134, 1356, 137 see also monitors

control grouping 124, 129, 133, 134, 1534

convolution reverbs 335, 41718, 4401, 44950

correct gain structure 1446

Costey, R. 13

coupled reverbs 44850

creative tasks 36, 37

creativity 61, 645

crossover frequencies 70, 85, 86

Csikszentmihaly, M. 57

Cubase (Steinberg) 149, 151, 156, 163, 358; bouncing 164, 167; clipping distortion 160; pan pots 193, 194

cymbals 255, 256, 260, 313

damping 432, 433

dance music 397

DAWs 1, 10, 23, 31, 474

deadlocks 41

decay 309, 354, 409, 4412; compressors 319, 321; gates 345, 348, 354

decay time 420, 42931

decouplers 99

de-essers 322

definition 67, 71, 75, 211

delay line 380, 394, 395, 398

delays 238, 240, 3814, 38593, 394, 3957, 448; plugins 169, 218, 240

delay time charts 55464; simple note values 5547; triplets 55864

delay times 47, 177, 179, 3813, 384, 386, 387, 3901, 393

de-noisers 358, 359

depth 7981, 395, 4078, 426

destructive solo 141, 143, 144, 152, 446

diffusion 95, 432

digital compressors 278, 280, 293

digital consoles 111, 1468, 1578

digital delays 38690

digital distortion 1625

digital equalizers 210, 218, 2402

digital faders 184

Digital Performer (MOTU) 149, 150, 154, 168, 171, 463; automation 476; clipping distortion 160; pan pots 193; parallel compression 325

digital reverb emulators 41415, 416, 417, 41921, 422, 433, 438, 43940

digital reverbs 41415, 416, 417

digital systems 106, 107, 1578

dipole design 90

direct sound 945, 96, 4223, 4289

distorted guitars 2645, 379

distortion 70, 89, 116, 4513, 4545, 4567, 459

dither 1625

“Donna Pomini” sample mix 50618

dreaming 601

drum mixing 38

drum triggering 151, 4604

dry signals 113, 155, 385, 422, 426

dry-wet approach 39

dual process theory 535, 59, 64

duckers 272, 3234, 37580, 468

duplicates 137, 324, 359, 360, 478

dynamic convolution compressors 3356

dynamic envelope 268, 301, 304; compressors 276, 287, 304, 31820; gates 3545

dynamic equalizers 2367

dynamic range 158, 2668

dynamic range processors 116, 148, 213, 266, 2678, 26972, 4557

dynamics 268, 274, 275, 276

early reflections 96, 395, 423, 4257, 431, 439

echo chambers see reverb chambers

echoes 956, 3834, 394

economics 63, 64

edits 334, 50

effects 112, 113, 114, 125, 128, 156, 207

electric guitars 263, 264

emotions 78, 612, 211

enhancers 70, 4701

equalization 2, 210, 218, 220, 235, 2379, 253, 3334, 4324; bass 2612; cymbals 260, 261; filters 24653; guitars 2625; hi-hats 260; kicks 255, 2578; overheads 2556, 257; room modes 945; signal levels 2445; snares 255, 258, 259; toms 259, 260; vocals 401, 2534, 255

equalizers 1, 112, 145, 146, 174, 21014, 220, 2219, 2378; digital 210, 218, 2402; dynamic 2367; graphic 218, 2345; linear phase 2402; parametric 21, 218, 2304, 235, 240, 241

equal-loudness contours 14

evaluations 22, 41

excerpt set 11, 12, 27

exciters 4701

expanders 271, 36674

external side-chains 295

extra-gain dead-end 187, 188, 189

extremes-inward experiment 189

faders 1839, 218, 4456

fades 52, 166, 286, 358, 4467, 479

feedback 3834

film students 256

filters 210, 212, 218, 2219, 2304, 24653, 394; HPF 214, 222, 2468, 313, 314, 394; LPF 222, 24950, 394; parametric 218, 220, 227, 2303, 234, 246, 2513; shelving 218, 220, 2279, 234, 246, 250, 251, 256

fixed-source emulators 43840

flanging 381, 394, 401, 402

Fletcher, H. 14

Fletcher–Munson curves 14, 15

floating-point notation 158, 15960

flow theory 578

flutter echoes 956

Freegard, M. 10

frequencies 6973, 856, 91, 923, 214, 21517, 219, 4324

frequencies charts 553

frequency balance 6973, 77, 206, 21012

frequency response 28, 43, 86, 91, 93, 97, 99, 21011, 226

frequency-response graphs 69, 91, 92, 221, 222, 226

frequency spectrum 31, 50, 69, 712, 856, 91, 214, 21617

frequency yin-yang 2434, 245

full-range monitors 88, 89, 363

FX returns 124, 125

gain controls 454

gain plugins 155, 156, 166, 478

gain reduction 296, 297, 298, 310

gain stage 144, 145, 275, 276, 27880, 290, 295

gain structure 1446

gated reverbs 4412

gates 213, 272, 308, 324, 33949, 3504, 3567; attack 3448, 355, 370; decay 345, 348, 354; dynamic envelope 3545; hold 3489; key input 3501; kicks 3601, 362, 3635; look-ahead 350, 359; noise 339, 352; range 3434; release 3448, 355, 370; side-chains 348, 350; spill 352, 3534; threshold 3402, 343, 355, 356

Godrich, N. 33

graphic equalizers 218, 2345

grouping see control grouping

groups 125, 12933

guitars: acoustic 2623, 322, 396; distorted 2645, 379; electric 263, 264

Haas trick 47, 172, 1749, 397

hard-knees 2913

harmonic distortion 452

harmonizers 470

headphone amps 103

headphone mixing 44, 1004

“Hero” sample mix 48, 49, 71, 75, 461, 53346

high frequencies 3, 15, 40, 69, 72, 94, 99, 181, 212, 4334 see also Nyquist frequency

hi-hats 260

hold: compressors 289, 3036, 316, 317; gates 3489

The Holy Bible, Manic Street Preachers 10

home studios 43, 44, 45

housekeeping 48, 50

HPF (high-pass filters) 214, 222, 2468, 313, 314, 394

“The Hustle” sample mix 475, 51932

hysteresis 3412

Icon D-Control (Digidesign) 479, 480

I-mixes 77, 78

in-line consoles 134, 1356, 137

in-line groups 130, 1313

insert points 114, 117, 118, 119, 148

integer notation 1578

interest 689, 73, 79, 212

inter-modulation 215, 452

interpersonal skills 24

intuition 589

iterative coarse-to-fine approach 40, 41

“It’s Temps Pt. II” sample mix 492505

jazz 18

Kahneman, D. 54, 64

key input 3501

kick-clicker 3601

kicks: compressors 313; equalization 255, 2578; gates 3601, 362, 3635

knowledge 23, 245

late reflections see reverberation

level balance 734, 206

level changes 745

levels of processing 567, 735

limiters 167, 271, 275, 300, 3378

linear phase equalizers 2402

line-gain controls 114, 11516

listening position 424, 51, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 191

live recordings 9

Logic (Apple) 149, 152, 153, 156, 199, 362, 389; clipping distortion 160; MIDI data 463; pan pots 193, 194

look-ahead 2934, 350, 35960

loud levels 3, 1416, 31718

low frequencies 15, 69, 70, 723, 85, 91, 181, 205, 212; reverbs 433, 434; room modes 94, 95

LPF (low-pass filter) 222, 24950, 394

macromixing 66

makeup gain 291, 316, 317

manual gating 3578

manual look-ahead 35960

masking 16, 32, 39, 71, 204, 410, 411, 430

master faders 166, 167

master groups 1301

mastering 502

mastering engineers 23, 501, 52

Meek, J. 2767

meters 105, 106, 10710, 189, 280, 2968, 351

micromixing 66

MIDI data 151, 387, 462, 463

mixer strips 149, 1512, 153

mix importance 17

mixing 13, 7, 8, 11, 20, 245, 269, 34

mixing analysis 267

mixing-by-intuition 59, 60

mixing-by-reason 59, 60

mixing engineers 3, 8, 911, 20, 22, 24, 456, 51; knowledge 23, 245; mixing vision 212, 24, 25; novice 21, 22, 45, 46, 275; tools 21, 223, 25

mixing objectives 669, 712, 73, 75

mixing plan 356

mixing process 3440, 414, 45, 46, 100

mixing vision 212, 24, 25

modulated/feedback delay 3868

modulation 394

monitors 856, 8991, 100, 1389, 140; Auratones 867; decouplers 99; full-range 88, 89, 363; near-field 87, 88, 89; positioning 967, 989; subwoofer 89, 201, 363; Yamaha NS10s 878

monopole designs 90

mono reverbs 410, 4345, 436

mono tracks 478, 175, 200, 2023

moods 8, 67, 712, 79, 408

moveable source reverb emulators 4401

MS (mid-side or mono/stereo) 4656, 467, 468

multiband compressors 327, 3313, 379

multitap delays 38990

multitrack recorders 1, 8, 111, 115, 117, 474

Munson, W.A. 14

music 1, 23, 78, 301, 32, 34, 361, 397

natural sound 1819

near-coincident pairs 201

near-field monitors 87, 88, 89

Nevermind, Nirvana 9, 10, 45

noise 339, 352, 358

nondestructive solo 140, 1412, 1434, 152

nonlinear reverbs 4412

normalization 1656

novice engineers 21, 22, 45, 46, 275

Nyquist frequency 215, 452, 453

open-back headphones 1034

out-of-speakers trick 1802, 468

output level 351

overheads 468; compressors 313; equalization 2556, 257

pan clock 193, 194

pan laws 1947

panning 30, 46, 79, 102, 1927, 2047

panning delays 3912

pan pots 102, 114, 121, 130, 1927, 198, 2045, 212

paragraphic plugins 219

parallel compression 114, 137, 3247

parallel distortion 453

parametric equalizers 21, 218, 2304, 235, 240, 241

parametric filters 218, 220, 227, 2303, 234, 246, 2513

pass filters 27, 218, 2227, 233, 246, 250; HPF 214, 222, 2468, 313, 314, 394; LPF 222, 24950, 394

passive speakers 89, 103

pattern recognition 62

peak meters 105, 107, 108, 280

percussive instruments 15

phase 1702, 174, 238, 240, 290; Haas trick 47, 172, 1749, 397; out-of-speakers trick 1802, 468

phase inversions 171, 174

phase-invert switch 114, 116, 129, 174

phase meters 10910

phasers 403, 404

phase shift 170, 171, 173, 240

phon curve 14

phrase sampler 390

ping-pong delays 388, 468

pitch shifters 469

plate reverbs 41314

playback buffer 1689

plugins 1, 23, 48, 149, 224, 387, 416; delays 169, 218, 240; distortion 453, 459; dither 162, 165; drum triggering 462; gain 155, 156, 166, 478; paragraphic 219; reverbs 444

post-reverb equalization 4334

powered speakers 8990

pre-compressor equalizers 334

pre-delay time 413, 4234, 430

pre-reverb equalization 4323

preverb 443

processors 112, 114, 117

professional studios 1, 24, 456

Pro Tools (Avid) 149, 152, 157, 159, 166, 359;

auxiliary sends 155; clipping distortion 160, 161; dither 165; drum triggering 464; faders 186; pan pots 193, 196, 199

pseudo-stereo 202, 396

psychoacoustics 14, 34, 2456

pumping 272, 273, 283, 326

pure reflections 4278

range 158, 2668, 3434

ratios 2823, 284, 3012, 303, 31516, 317, 330, 367

raw tracks 35, 412, 125, 172, 2003

record companies 9, 18

recorded music 301, 32

reference tracks 279

reflections 16, 43, 94, 95, 96

release: compressors 2839, 30711, 316, 317, 330, 355; expanders 3689, 370; gates 3448, 355, 370

resonance 99, 226

resonant frequencies 214

reverb chambers 41112

reverb emulators 22, 200, 212, 247, 395, 406, 422, 4323, 43842

reverberation 427, 4289, 431

reverbs 1, 20, 247, 395, 397, 40615, 41621, 42231, 43443, 44450

reversed reverbs 443

RMS (root mean square) 107, 280, 31112

Robinson–Dadson contours 14

room acoustics 90, 926, 102

room modes 43, 923, 945, 97

room size 420, 429, 431

rough mix (monitor mix) 35

routing matrices 130, 131, 133

section mixing 389

semi-open headphones 104

separation 66, 71, 207, 211

sequenced music 30, 31, 34, 361

serial compression 328

shelving filters 218, 220, 2279, 234, 246, 250, 251, 256

“Show Me” sample mix 48591

sibilance 51, 21718, 322

side-chains 275, 296; compressors 276, 293, 294, 295, 296, 31214, 316, 317; gates 348, 350

signal flow 11419, 120, 121, 125, 12933

signal flow diagrams 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 126, 153

signal levels 101, 106, 10710, 280; compressors 280, 315, 316, 317; equalization 2445

similar waveforms 1702

simple delays 386

simple note values 5547

sliding potentiometer 183, 184

“Smells Like Teen Spirit”, Nirvana 910, 19, 26, 74, 79

snare reverbs 207, 430

snares 255, 258, 259

soft-knees 2923, 316, 317

software mixers 149, 154

solo modes 1404

solos 467, 152

solo safe 1423

sonic quality 2, 89

sound exposure see loud levels

source reverbs see moveable source reverb emulators

spaced pairs 201

spill 213, 352, 3534

spring reverbs 200, 41213

standing waves 923, 95

stereo 1901, 1927, 198, 199

stereo balance 778, 2067

stereo effects 76, 77, 202, 206, 207

stereo frequency imbalance 77

stereo gaps 396

stereo image 76, 79, 96, 97, 98, 139, 2023

stereo link 2945, 351

stereo pair tracks 131, 2001, 203, 396, 411

stereo reverbs 409, 410, 435, 4367

stereo spread imbalance 778

strip silence 3578

studio loudspeakers see monitors

studio recordings 9, 1718

sub-bass 217, 361, 362, 3634

subwoofer 89, 201, 363

sweet spot see listening position

synchronizers 462

tape-trim see line-gain controls

technical tasks 367

tempo-sync 387, 390, 3923

threshold: compressors 2802, 284, 298301, 302, 303, 315, 317, 330; gates 3402, 343, 355, 356

time gaps 170, 172, 396, 408, 4234

toms 259, 260

tonal balance see frequency balance

tools 21, 223, 25

transient designers (transient enhancers) 4723

treatment order 3941

tremolo 4045

triplets 55864

Tversky, A. 64

ultracompression 274

unconscious process 8, 53, 54, 55, 567, 59

upward expanders 271, 3724

VCA (voltage-controlled amplifier) 183, 280

VCA faders 1834, 185, 276

VCA groups 124, 129

vibrato 398

Vig, B. 910

V-mixes 78

vocals: compressors 310, 31314; equalization 401, 2534, 255

VU meters 105, 107, 108, 109, 189

Wallace, A. 910, 33

waveforms 74, 85, 1578, 166, 1702, 215

wave shapers 455

wet signals 113, 155, 156, 385

W-mixes 78, 2056

Yamaha NS10s 878, 89, 91

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