© Jesper Wisborg Krogh 2020
J. W. KroghMySQL 8 Query Performance Tuninghttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5584-1_25

25. DDL and Bulk Data Load

Jesper Wisborg Krogh1 
Hornsby, NSW, Australia

From time to time, it is necessary to perform schema changes or to import large amount of data into a table. This may be to accommodate a new feature, restore a backup, import data generated by a third-party process, or similar. While the raw disk write performance is naturally very important, there are also several things you can do on the MySQL side to improve the performance of these operations.


If you have problems that restoring your backups takes too long, consider switching to a backup method that copies the data files directly (a physical backup) such as using MySQL Enterprise Backup. A major benefit of physical backups is that they are much faster to restore than a logical backup (containing the data as INSERT statement or in a CSV file).

This chapter starts out discussing schema changes and then moves on to some general considerations around loading data. These considerations also apply when you insert single rows at a time. The rest of the chapter covers how to improve the data load performance from inserting in primary key order, how the buffer pool and secondary indexes impact performance, configuration, and tweaking the statements themselves. Finally, the parallel import feature of MySQL Shell is demonstrated.

Schema Changes

When you need to perform changes to your schema, it can require a large amount of work for the storage engine, possibly involving making a completely new copy of the table. This section will go into what you can do to speed up this process starting with the algorithms supported for schema changes and followed by other considerations such as the configuration.


While OPTIMIZE TABLE does not make any changes to the schema of the table, InnoDB implements it as an ALTER TABLE followed by ANALYZE TABLE. So the discussion in this section also applies to OPTIMIZE TABLE.


MySQL supports several algorithms for ALTER TABLE with the algorithm deciding how the schema change is performed. Some schema changes can be made “instantly” by changing the table definitions, while at the other end of the spectrum some changes require copying the entire table into a new table.

In the order of the amount of work required, the algorithms are
  • INSTANT: Changes are only made to the table definition. While the change is not quite instant, it is very fast. The INSTANT algorithm is available in MySQL 8.0.12 and later.

  • INPLACE: Changes are in general made within the existing tablespace file (the tablespace id does not change), but with some exceptions such as ALTER TABLE <table name> FORCE (used by OPTIMIZE TABLE) which is more like the COPY algorithm but allowing concurrent data changes. This may be a relatively cheap operation but may also involve copying all the data.

  • COPY: The existing data is copied to a new tablespace file. This is the algorithm with the most impact as it typically requires more locks, causes more I/O, and takes longer.

Typically, INSTANT and INPLACE algorithms allow concurrent data changes which reduces the impact on other connections, whereas COPY requires at least a read lock. MySQL will choose the algorithm with the least impact based on the requested changes, but you can also explicitly request a specific algorithm. This can, for example, be useful if you want to ensure that MySQL does not go ahead with the change, if your algorithm of choice is not supported. You specify the algorithm with the ALGORITHM keyword, for example:
mysql> ALTER TABLE world.city
         ADD COLUMN Council varchar(50),
If the change cannot be performed using the requested algorithm, the statement fails with an ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED error (error number 1845), for example:
mysql> ALTER TABLE world.city
        DROP COLUMN Council,
ERROR: 1845: ALGORITHM=INSTANT is not supported for this operation. Try ALGORITHM=COPY/INPLACE.
You will obviously get the best ALTER TABLE performance if you can use the INSTANT algorithm. At the time of writing, the following operations are allowed using the INSTANT algorithm:
  • Adding a new column as the last column in the table.

  • Adding a generated virtual column.

  • Dropping a generated virtual column.

  • Setting a default value for an existing column.

  • Dropping the default value for an existing column.

  • Changing the list of values allowed for a column with the enum or set data type. A requirement is that the storage size does not change for the column.

  • Changing whether the index type (e.g., BTREE) is set explicitly for an existing index.

There are also a few limitations that are good to be aware of:
  • The row format cannot be COMPRESSED.

  • The table cannot have a full text index.

  • Temporary tables are not supported.

  • Tables in the data dictionary cannot use the INSTANT algorithm.


If you, for example, need to add a column to an existing table, make sure to add it as the last column, so it can be added “instantly.”

Performance wise, an in-place change is usually – but not always – faster than a copying change. Furthermore, when a schema change is made online (LOCK=NONE), InnoDB must keep track of the changes made during the execution of the schema change. This adds to the overhead, and it takes time to apply the changes that were made during the schema change at the end of the operation. If you are able to take a shared (LOCK=SHARED) or exclusive lock (LOCK=EXCLUSIVE) on the table, you can in general get better performance compared to allowing concurrent changes.

Other Considerations

Since the work done by an in-place or copying ALTER TABLE is very disk intensive, the single biggest effect on performance is how fast the disks are and how much other write activity there is during the schema change. This means that from a performance perspective, it is best to choose to perform schema changes that require copying or moving a large amount of data when there is little to no other write activity on the instance and host. This includes backups which on their own can be very I/O intensive.


You can monitor the progress of ALTER TABLE and OPTIMIZE TABLE for InnoDB tables using the Performance Schema. The simplest way is to use the sys.session view and look at the progress column which has the approximate progress in percentage of the total work. The feature is enabled by default.

If your ALTER TABLE includes creating or rebuilding secondary indexes (this includes OPTIMIZE TABLE and other statements rebuilding the table), you can use the innodb_sort_buffer_size option to specify how much memory each sort buffer can use. Be aware that a single ALTER TABLE will create multiple buffers, so be careful not to set the value too large. The default value is 1 MiB, and the maximum allowed value is 64 MiB. A larger buffer may in some cases improve the performance.

When you create full text indexes, then you can use the innodb_ft_sort_pll_degree option to specify how many threads InnoDB will use to build the search index. The default is 2 with supported values between 1 and 32. If you are creating full text indexes on large tables, it may be an advantage to increase the value of innodb_ft_sort_pll_degree.

One special DDL operation that needs consideration is to drop or truncate a table.

Dropping or Truncating Tables

It may seem unnecessary to have to consider performance optimizations of dropping tables. It would seem that all that is required is to delete the tablespace file and remove references to the table. In practice, it is not quite so simple.

The main issue when dropping or truncating a table is all the references to the table’s data in the buffer pool. Particularly, the adaptive hash index can cause problems. For that reason, you can greatly improve the performance when dropping or truncating large tables by disabling the adaptive hash index for the duration of the operation, for example:
mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_adaptive_hash_index = OFF;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.1008 sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE <name of large table>;
mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_adaptive_hash_index = ON;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.0098 sec)

Disabling the adaptive hash index will make queries benefitting from the hash index run slower, but for tables with a size of a couple of hundred gigabytes or larger, a relatively small slowdown from disabling the adaptive hash index is usually preferred over potential stalls occurring because of the overhead of removing references to the table that is being dropped or truncated.

That concludes the discussion of performing schema changes. The rest of the chapter discusses loading data.

General Data Load Considerations

Before discussing how to improve the performance of bulk inserts, it is worth performing a small test and discussing the result. In the test, 200,000 rows are inserted into two tables. One of the tables has an auto-increment counter as the primary key, and the other uses a random integer for the primary key. The row size is identical for the two tables.


The discussion in this and the next section applies equally well to non-bulk inserts.

After the data load has completed, the script in Listing 25-1 can be used to determine the age of each page in the tablespace file measured in terms of the log sequence number (LSN). The higher the log sequence number, the more recent the page was modified. This script is inspired by innodb_ruby by Jeremy Cole1 and produces a map similar to the innodb_ruby space-lsn-age-illustrate-svg command. However, innodb_ruby does not yet support MySQL 8, so a separate Python program was developed. The program has been tested with Python 2.7 (Linux) and 3.6 (Linux and Microsoft Windows). It is also available in the file listing_25_1.py in this book’s GitHub repository.
'''Read a MySQL 8 file-per-table tablespace file and generate an
SVG formatted map of the LSN age of each page.
Invoke with the --help argument to see a list of arguments and
Usage instructions.'''
import sys
import argparse
import math
from struct import unpack
# Some constants from InnoDB
FIL_PAGE_OFFSET = 4          # Offset for the page number
FIL_PAGE_LSN = 16            # Offset for the LSN
FIL_PAGE_TYPE = 24           # Offset for the page type
FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ALLOCATED = 0  # Freshly allocated page
def mach_read_from_2(page, offset):
    '''Read 2 bytes in big endian. Based on the function of the same
    name in the InnoDB source code.'''
    return unpack('>H', page[offset:offset + 2])[0]
def mach_read_from_4(page, offset):
    '''Read 4 bytes in big endian. Based on the function of the same
    name in the InnoDB source code.'''
    return unpack('>L', page[offset:offset + 4])[0]
def mach_read_from_8(page, offset):
    '''Read 8 bytes in big endian. Based on the function of the same
    name in the InnoDB source code.'''
    return unpack('>Q', page[offset:offset + 8])[0]
def get_color(lsn, delta_lsn, greyscale):
    '''Get the RGB color of a relative lsn.'''
    color_fmt = '#{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}'
    if greyscale:
        value = int(255 * lsn / delta_lsn)
        color = color_fmt.format(value, value, value)
        # 0000FF -> 00FF00 -> FF0000 -> FFFF00
        # 256 + 256 + 256 values
        value = int((3 * 256 - 1) * lsn / delta_lsn)
        if value < 256:
            color = color_fmt.format(0, value, 255 - value)
        elif value < 512:
            value = value % 256
            color = color_fmt.format(value, 255 - value, 0)
            value = value % 256
            color = color_fmt.format(255, value, 0)
    return color
def gen_svg(min_lsn, max_lsn, lsn_age, args):
    '''Generate an SVG output and print to stdout.'''
    pages_per_row = args.width
    page_width = args.size
    num_pages = len(lsn_age)
    num_rows = int(math.ceil(1.0 * num_pages / pages_per_row))
    x1_label = 5 * page_width + 1
    x2_label = (pages_per_row + 7) * page_width
    delta_lsn = max_lsn - min_lsn
    print('<?xml version="1.0"?>')
    print('<svg xmlns:="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">')
    print('<text x="{0}" y="{1}" font-family="monospace" font-size="{2}" '
          .format(x1_label, int(1.5 * page_width) + 1, page_width) +
          'font-weight="bold" text-anchor="end">Page</text>')
    page_number = 0
    page_fmt = '  <rect x="{0}" y="{1}" width="{2}" height="{2}" fill="{3}" />'
    label_fmt = '  <text x="{0}" y="{1}" font-family="monospace" '
    label_fmt += 'font-size="{2}" text-anchor="{3}">{4}</text>'
    for i in range(num_rows):
        y = (i + 2) * page_width
        for j in range(pages_per_row):
            x = 6 * page_width + j * page_width
            if page_number >= len(lsn_age) or lsn_age[page_number] is None:
                color = 'black'
                relative_lsn = lsn_age[page_number] - min_lsn
                color = get_color(relative_lsn, delta_lsn, args.greyscale)
            print(page_fmt.format(x, y, page_width, color))
            page_number += 1
        y_label = y + page_width
        label1 = i * pages_per_row
        label2 = (i + 1) * pages_per_row
        print(label_fmt.format(x1_label, y_label, page_width, 'end', label1))
        print(label_fmt.format(x2_label, y_label, page_width, 'start', label2))
    # Create a frame around the pages
    frame_fmt = '  <path stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="none" d="'
    frame_fmt += 'M{0},{1} L{2},{1} S{3},{1} {3},{4} L{3},{5} S{3},{6} {2},{6}'
    frame_fmt += ' L{0},{6} S{7},{6} {7},{5} L{7},{4} S{7},{1} {0},{1} Z" />'
    x1 = int(page_width * 6.5)
    y1 = int(page_width * 1.5)
    x2 = int(page_width * 5.5) + page_width * pages_per_row
    x2b = x2 + page_width
    y1b = y1 + page_width
    y2 = int(page_width * (1.5 + num_rows))
    y2b = y2 + page_width
    x1c = x1 - page_width
    print(frame_fmt.format(x1, y1, x2, x2b, y1b, y2, y2b, x1c))
    # Create legend
    x_left = 6 * page_width
    x_right = x_left + pages_per_row * page_width
    x_mid = x_left + int((x_right - x_left) * 0.5)
    y = y2b + 2 * page_width
    print('<text x="{0}" y="{1}" font-family="monospace" '.format(x_left, y) +
          'font-size="{0}" text-anchor="start">{1}</text>'.format(page_width,
    print('<text x="{0}" y="{1}" font-family="monospace" '.format(x_right, y) +
          'font-size="{0}" text-anchor="end">{1}</text>'.format(page_width,
    print('<text x="{0}" y="{1}" font-family="monospace" '.format(x_mid, y) +
          'font-size="{0}" font-weight="bold" text-anchor="middle">{1}</text>'
          .format(page_width, 'LSN Age'))
    color_width = 1
    color_steps = page_width * pages_per_row
    y = y + int(page_width * 0.5)
    for i in range(color_steps):
        x = 6 * page_width + i * color_width
        color = get_color(i, color_steps, args.greyscale)
        print('<rect x="{0}" y="{1}" width="{2}" height="{3}" fill="{4}" />'
              .format(x, y, color_width, page_width, color))
def analyze_lsn_age(args):
    '''Read the tablespace file and find the LSN for each page.'''
    page_size_bytes = int(args.page_size[0:-1]) * 1024
    min_lsn = None
    max_lsn = None
    lsn_age = []
    with open(args.tablespace, 'rb') as fs:
        # Read at most 1000 pages at a time to avoid storing too much
        # in memory at a time.
        chunk = fs.read(1000 * page_size_bytes)
        while len(chunk) > 0:
            num_pages = int(math.floor(len(chunk) / page_size_bytes))
            for i in range(num_pages):
                # offset is the start of the page inside the
                # chunk of data
                offset = i * page_size_bytes
                # The page number, lsn for the page, and page
                # type can be found at the FIL_PAGE_OFFSET,
                # FIL_PAGE_LSN, and FIL_PAGE_TYPE offsets
                # relative to the start of the page.
                page_number = mach_read_from_4(chunk, offset + FIL_PAGE_OFFSET)
                page_lsn = mach_read_from_8(chunk, offset + FIL_PAGE_LSN)
                page_type = mach_read_from_2(chunk, offset + FIL_PAGE_TYPE)
                if page_type == FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ALLOCATED:
                    # The page has not been used yet
                if min_lsn is None:
                    min_lsn = page_lsn
                    max_lsn = page_lsn
                    min_lsn = min(min_lsn, page_lsn)
                    max_lsn = max(max_lsn, page_lsn)
                if page_number == len(lsn_age):
                elif page_number > len(lsn_age):
                    # The page number is out of order - expand the list first
                    lsn_age += [None] * (page_number - len(lsn_age))
                    lsn_age[page_number] = page_lsn
            chunk = fs.read(1000 * page_size_bytes)
    sys.stderr.write("Total # Pages ...: {0} ".format(len(lsn_age)))
    gen_svg(min_lsn, max_lsn, lsn_age, args)
def main():
    '''Parse the arguments and call the analyze_lsn_age()
    function to perform the analysis.'''
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Generate an SVG map with the LSN age for each page in an' +
        ' InnoDB tablespace file. The SVG is printed to stdout.')
        '-g', '--grey', '--greyscale', default=False,
        dest='greyscale', action="store_true",
        help='Print the LSN age map in greyscale.')
        '-p', '--page_size', '--page-size', default="16k",
        choices=['4k', '8k', '16k', '32k', '64k'],
        help='The InnoDB page size. Defaults to 16k.')
        '-s', '--size', default=16, dest="size",
        choices=[4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24], type=int,
        help='The size of the square representing a page in the output. ' +
        'Defaults to 16.')
        '-w', '--width', default=64, dest="width",
        help='The number of pages to include per row in the output. ' +
        'The default is 64.')
        help='The tablespace file to analyze.')
    args = parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Listing 25-1

Python program to map the LSN age of InnoDB pages

The page number, log sequence number, and page type are extracted at the positions (in bytes) defined by the FIL_PAGE_OFFSET, FIL_PAGE_LSN, and FIL_PAGE_TYPE constants for each page. If the page type has the value of the FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ALLOCATED constant, it means it is not used yet, so it can be skipped – these pages are colored black in the log sequence number map.


If you want to explore the information available in the page headers, the file storage/innobase/include/fil0types.h (https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/blob/8.0/storage/innobase/include/fil0types.h) in the source code and the descriptions of the fil headers in the MySQL internals manual (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/innodb-fil-header.html) are good starting points.

You can get help to use the program by invoking it with the --help argument. The only required argument is the path to the tablespace file you want to analyze. Unless, you have set the innodb_page_size option to something else than 16384 bytes, then the default values for the optional arguments are all you need unless you want to change the dimensions and size of the generated map.


Do not use the program on a production system! There is minimal error checking in the program to keep it as simple as possible, and it is experimental in nature.

You can now generate the test tables. Listing 25-2 shows how the table_autoinc table is created. This is the table with the auto-incrementing primary key.
mysql-sql> CREATE SCHEMA chapter_25;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.0020 sec)
mysql-sql> CREATE TABLE chapter_25.table_autoinc (
             id bigint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
             val varchar(36),
             PRIMARY KEY (id)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.3382 sec)
mysql-sql> py
Switching to Python mode...
mysql-py> for i in range(40):
              for j in range(5000):
                  session.run_sql("INSERT INTO chapter_25.table_autoinc (val) VALUES (UUID())")
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.1551 sec)
Listing 25-2

Populating a table with an auto-incrementing primary key

The table has a bigint primary key and a varchar(36) that is populated with UUIDs to create some random data. MySQL Shell’s Python language mode is used to insert the data. The session.run_sql() method is available in version 8.0.17 and later. Finally, you can execute the listing_25_1.py script to generate the tablespace age diagram in scalable vector graphics (SVG) format:
shell> python listing_25_1.py <path to datadir>chapter_25 able_autoinc.ibd > table_autoinc.svg
Total # Pages ...: 880

The output of the program shows there are 880 pages in the tablespace plus possibly some unused pages at the end of the file.

Figure 25-1 shows the log sequence number age map for the table_autoinc table .
Figure 25-1

The LSN age for each page when inserting in primary key order

In the figure, the top left represents the first pages of the tablespace. As you go through the figure from left to right and top to bottom, the pages are further and further into the tablespace file, and the lower right represents the last pages. The figure shows that other than the first pages, the pattern of the age of the pages follows the same pattern as in the LSN Age scale at the bottom of the figure. This means that the age of the pages becomes younger as you progress through the tablespace. The first few pages are the exception as they, for example, include the tablespace header.

This pattern shows that the data is sequentially inserted into the tablespace making it as compact as possible. It also makes it as likely as possible that if a query reads data from several pages that are logical in sequence, then they are also physical in sequence in the tablespace file.

How then does it look if you insert in random order? A common example of random order inserts is a UUID as a primary key, but to ensure the row size is the same for the two tables, a random integer is used instead. Listing 25-3 shows how the table_random table is populated.
mysql-py> sql
Switching to SQL mode... Commands end with ;
mysql-sql> CREATE TABLE chapter_25.table_random (
             id bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
             val varchar(36),
             PRIMARY KEY (id)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.0903 sec)
mysql-sql> py
Switching to Python mode...
mysql-py> import random
mysql-py> import math
mysql-py> maxint = math.pow(2, 64) - 1
mysql-py> random.seed(42)
mysql-py> for i in range(40):
              for j in range(5000):
                  session.run_sql("INSERT INTO chapter_25.table_random VALUE ({0}, UUID())".format(random.randint(0, maxint)))
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.0185 sec)
Listing 25-3

Populating a table with a random primary key

The Python random module is used to generate 64-bit random unsigned integers. The seed is set explicitly as it is known (by experiment) that a seed of 42 generates 200,000 different numbers in a row so no duplicate key errors occur. When the table is populated, execute the listing_25_1.py script:
shell> python listing_25_1.py <path to datadir>chapter_25 able_random.ibd > table_random.svg
Total # Pages ...: 1345
The output of the listing_25_1.py script shows that there are 1345 pages in this tablespace. The resulting age map is shown in Figure 25-2.
Figure 25-2

The LSN age for each page when inserting in random order

This time the log sequence number age pattern is completely different. The age colors for all pages except the unused pages correspond to the colors for the most recent log sequence numbers. That means all of the pages with data were last updated around the same time, or in other words they are all written to until the end of the bulk load. The number of pages with data is 1345 compared to the 880 pages used in the table with the auto-increment primary key. That is more than 50% more pages.

The reason inserting data in random order causes so many more pages for the same amount of data is that InnoDB fills up pages as data is inserted. When data is inserted in sequential primary key order, this means the next row will always be in succession of the previous, so this works well when the rows are ordered in primary key order. This is illustrated in Figure 25-3.
Figure 25-3

Example of adding a new row when inserting in sequential order

The figure shows two new rows being inserted. The row with id = 1005 can just fit into page N, so when the row with id = 1006 is inserted, it is inserted into the next page. Everything is nice and compact in this scenario.

When rows arrive in random order, it will sometimes be necessary to insert the row in a page that is already so full that there is no room for the new row. In that case, InnoDB splits the existing page in two with half the data of the original page in each of the two pages resulting from the page split, so there is room for the new row. This is shown in Figure 25-4.
Figure 25-4

Example of a page split as result of inserting in random order

In this case the row with id = 3500 is inserted, but there is no more room in page N where it logically belongs. So page N is split into pages N and N+1 with roughly half the data going into each page.

There are two immediate consequences of the page split. First, the data that previously occupied one page now uses two pages which is why the insert in random order ends up occupying 50% more pages which also means the same data requires more space in the buffer pool. A significant side effect of the additional pages is that the B-tree index ends up with more leaf pages and potentially more levels in the tree, and given that each level in the tree means an extra seek when accessing the page, this causes additional I/O.

Second, rows that previously were read into memory together are now in two pages located in different places on the disk. When InnoDB increases the size of a tablespace file, it does so by allocating a new extent that is 1 MiB when the page size is 16 KiB or less. This helps making disk I/O more sequential (to the degree that the new extent gets consecutive sectors on the disk). The more page splits that occur, the more the pages are spread not only within an extent but also across multiple extents causing more random disk I/O. When the new page is created due to a page split, it may very well be located in a completely different part of the disk, so when reading the pages, the amount of random I/O increases. This is illustrated in Figure 25-5.
Figure 25-5

Example of the location of pages on the disk

In the figure three extents are depicted. For simplicity, just five pages are shown in each extent (with the default page size of 16 KiB, there are 64 pages per extent). Pages that have been part of page splits are highlighted. Page 11 was split at a time when the only later page was page 13, so pages 11 and 12 are still located relatively close. Page 15, however, was split when several extra pages had been created meaning page 16 ended up in the next extent.

The combination of deeper B-trees, more pages that take up space in the buffer pool, and more random I/O means that the performance of a table where rows are inserted in random primary key order will not be as good as for an equivalent table with data inserted in primary key order. The performance difference not only applies to inserting the data; it also applies to subsequent uses of the data. For this reason, it is important for optimal performance to insert the data in primary key order. How you can achieve that is discussed next.

Insert in Primary Key Order

As the previous discussion showed, there are great advantages of inserting the data in primary key order. The easiest way to achieve that is to auto-generate the primary key values by using an unsigned integer and declaring the column for auto-incrementing. Alternatively, you will need to ensure yourself that the data is inserted in the primary key order. This section will investigate both cases.

Auto-increment Primary Key

The simplest way to ensure data is inserted in the primary key order is to allow MySQL to assign the values itself by using an auto-increment primary key. You do that by specifying the auto_increment attribute for the primary key column when creating the table. It is also possible to use an auto-increment column in connection with a multicolumn primary key; in that case, the auto-increment column must be the first column in the index.

Listing 25-4 shows an example of creating two tables that use an auto-increment column to insert data in primary key order.
mysql> sql
Switching to SQL mode... Commands end with ;
mysql> DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS chapter_25;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.0456 sec)
mysql> CREATE SCHEMA chapter_25;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.1122 sec)
mysql> CREATE TABLE chapter_25.t1 (
         id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
         val varchar(10),
         PRIMARY KEY (id)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.4018 sec)
mysql> CREATE TABLE chapter_25.t2 (
         id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
         CreatedDate datetime NOT NULL
                              DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(),
         val varchar(10),
         PRIMARY KEY (id, CreatedDate)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.3422 sec)
Listing 25-4

Creating tables with an auto-increment primary key

The t1 table just has a single column for the primary key, and the value is auto-incrementing. The reason for using an unsigned integer instead of a signed integer is that auto-increment values are always greater than 0, so using an unsigned integer allows twice as many values before exhausting the available values. The examples use a 4 byte integer which allows for a little less than 4.3 billion rows if all values are used. If that is not enough, you can declare the column as bigint unsigned which uses 8 bytes and allows for 1.8E19 rows.

The t2 table adds a datetime column to the primary key which, for example, can be useful if you want to partition by the time the row is created. The auto-incrementing id column still ensures the rows are created with a unique primary key, and because the id column is the first in the primary keys, rows are still inserted in primary key order even if subsequent columns in the primary key are random in nature.

When you use auto-incrementing primary keys, you can use the schema_auto_increment_columns view in the sys schema to examine the use of auto-increment values and monitor whether any tables are getting close to exhausting their values. Listing 25-5 shows the output for the sakila.payment table.
mysql> SELECT *
         FROM sys.schema_auto_increment_columns
        WHERE table_schema = 'sakila'
              AND table_name = 'payment'G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
        table_schema: sakila
          table_name: payment
         column_name: payment_id
           data_type: smallint
         column_type: smallint(5) unsigned
           is_signed: 0
         is_unsigned: 1
           max_value: 65535
      auto_increment: 16049
auto_increment_ratio: 0.2449
1 row in set (0.0024 sec)
Listing 25-5

Using the sys.schema_auto_increment_columns view

You can see from the output that the table uses a smallint unsigned column for the auto-increment values which has a maximum value of 65535, and the column is named payment_id. The next auto-increment value is 16049, so 24.49% of the available values are used.

In case you insert data from an external source, you may already have values assigned for the primary key column (even when using an auto-increment primary key). Let’s look at what you can do in that case.

Inserting Existing Data

Whether you need to insert data generated by some process, restore a backup, or convert a table using a different storage engine, it is best to ensure that it is in primary key order before inserting it. If you generate the data or it already exists, then you can consider sorting the data before inserting it. Alternatively, use the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement to rebuild the table after the import has completed.

An example of rebuilding the chapter_25.t1 table is
mysql> OPTIMIZE TABLE chapter_25.t1G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
   Table: chapter_25.t1
      Op: optimize
Msg_type: note
Msg_text: Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
*************************** 2. row ***************************
   Table: chapter_25.t1
      Op: optimize
Msg_type: status
Msg_text: OK
2 rows in set (0.6265 sec)

The rebuild may take a substantial amount of time for large tables, but the process is online except for short durations at the start and end where locks are needed to ensure consistency.

If you create a backup using the mysqldump program, you can add the --order-by-primary option which makes mysqldump add an ORDER BY clause that includes the columns in the primary key (mysqlpump does not have an equivalent option). This is particularly useful if the backup is created of tables using a storage engine that uses so-called heap organized data such as MyISAM with the purpose of restoring it to an InnoDB table (using an index organization of the data).


While you should not in general rely on the order rows are returned when using a query without an ORDER BY clause, InnoDB’s index-organized rows mean that a full table scan will usually (but no guarantees) return the rows in primary key order even if you omit the ORDER BY clause. A noticeable exception is when the table includes a secondary index covering all columns and the optimizer chooses to use that index for the query.

You can use the same principle if you copy data from one table to another. Listing 25-6 shows an example of copying the rows of the world.city table to the world.city_new table.
mysql> CREATE TABLE world.city_new
         LIKE world.city;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.8607 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO world.city_new
       SELECT *
         FROM world.city
        ORDER BY ID;
Query OK, 4079 rows affected (2.0879 sec)
Records: 4079  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
Listing 25-6

Ordering data by the primary key when copying it

As a final case, consider when you have a UUID as the primary key.

UUID Primary Keys

If you are limited to a UUID for your primary key, for example, because you cannot change the application to support an auto-increment primary key, then you can improve the performance by swapping the UUID components around and storing the UUIDs in a binary column.

A UUID (MySQL uses UUID version 1) consists of a timestamp as well as a sequence number (to guarantee uniqueness if the timestamp moves backward, e.g., during daylight savings changes) and the MAC address.


In some cases, it may be considered a security issue to reveal the MAC address as it can be used to identify the computer and potentially the user.

The timestamp is a 60-bit value with the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since midnight of October 15, 1582 (when the Gregorian calendar was taken into use), using UTC.2 It is split into three parts with the least significant part first and the most significant part last. (The high field of the timestamp also includes four bits for the UUID version. The components of a UUID are also shown in Figure 25-6.)
Figure 25-6

The five parts of a UUID version 1

The low part of the timestamp represents up to 4,294,967,295 (0xffffffff) intervals of 100 nanoseconds or just under 430 seconds. That means that every seven minutes and a little less than 10 seconds, the low part of the timestamp rolls over making the UUID start over from an ordering point of view. This is why plain UUIDs do not work well for the index-organized data as it means the inserts will largely be into a random place in the primary key tree.

MySQL 8 includes two new functions to manipulate UUIDs to make them more suitable as a primary key in InnoDB: UUID_TO_BIN() and BIN_TO_UUID(). These functions convert a UUID from the hexadecimal representation to a binary and back, respectively. They accept the same two arguments: the UUID value to convert and whether to swap the low and high parts of the timestamp. Listing 25-7 shows an example of inserting data and retrieving it using the functions.
mysql> CREATE TABLE chapter_25.t3 (
         id binary(16) NOT NULL,
         val varchar(10),
         PRIMARY KEY (id)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.4413 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO chapter_25.t3
              ), 'abc');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.2166 sec)
mysql> SELECT BIN_TO_UUID(id, TRUE) AS id, val
         FROM chapter_25.t3G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 id: 14614d6e-b5a8-11e9-ae6e-080027b7c106
val: abc
1 row in set (0.0004 sec)
Listing 25-7

Using the UUID_TO_BIN() and BIN_TO_UUID() functions

The advantage of this approach is twofold. Because the UUID has the low and high time components swapped, it becomes monotonically increasing making it much more suitable for the index-organized rows. The binary storage means that the UUID only requires 16 bytes of storage instead of 36 bytes in the hex version with dashes to separate the parts of the UUID. Remember that because the data is organized by the primary key, the primary key is added to secondary indexes so it is possible to go from the index to the row, so the fewer bytes required to store the primary key, the smaller the secondary indexes.

InnoDB Buffer Pool and Secondary Indexes

The single most important factor for the performance of bulk data loads is the size of the InnoDB buffer pool. This section discusses why the buffer pool is important for bulk data loads.

When you insert data into a table, InnoDB needs to be able to store the data in the buffer pool until the data has been written to the tablespace files. The more data you can store in the buffer pool, the more efficiently InnoDB can perform the flushing of dirty pages to the tablespace files. However, there is also a second reason which is maintaining the secondary indexes.

The secondary indexes need to be maintained as the data is inserted, but the secondary indexes do not sort in the same order as the primary key, so they will constantly be rearranged while the data is inserted. As long as the indexes can be maintained in memory, the insert rate can stay high, but when the indexes no longer fit into the buffer pool, the maintenance of them suddenly becomes much more expensive and the insert rate decreases significantly. Figure 25-7 illustrates how the performance depends on the availability of the buffer pool to handle the secondary indexes.
Figure 25-7

Insert performance compared to the index size in the buffer pool

The figure shows how the insert rate is roughly constant for a while and during that period more and more of the buffer pool is used for secondary indexes. When no more of the index can be stored in the buffer pool, the insert rate suddenly drops off. In the extreme case of loading data into a table with a single secondary index that includes the whole row with nothing else going on, the drop comes when the secondary index uses close to half the buffer pool (and the remaining for the primary key).

You can use the information_schema.INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table to determine how much space an index uses in the buffer pool. For example, to find the amount of memory used in the buffer pool by the CountryCode index on the world.city table
mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumPages,
              IFNULL(SUM(DATA_SIZE), 0) AS DataSize,
                    ) AS CompressedSize
         FROM information_schema.INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE
        WHERE TABLE_NAME = '`world`.`city`'
              AND INDEX_NAME = 'CountryCode';
| NumPages | DataSize | CompressedSize |
|        3 |    27148 |          49152 |
1 row in set (0.1027 sec)

The result will depend on how much you have used the index, so in general your result will be different. The query is best used on a test system as there can be a significant overhead querying the INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table .


Be careful querying the INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table on your production system as the overhead can be significant, particularly if you have a large buffer pool with many tables and indexes in it.

Three strategies to avoid a performance hit when the secondary indexes cannot fit into the buffer pool are as follows:
  • Increase the size of the buffer pool.

  • Remove the secondary indexes while inserting data.

  • Partition the table.

Increasing the buffer pool size while the bulk load is ongoing is the most obvious strategy, but also the one that is the least likely to be useful. It is primarily useful when inserting data into tables that already have a large amount of data and you know that during the data load, you can take some memory that is otherwise needed by other processes and use it for the buffer pool. The support for dynamically resizing the buffer pool is useful in this case. For example, to set the buffer pool size to 256 MiB
mysql> SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.0003 sec)

Once the data load has completed, you can set the buffer pool size back to the usual value (134217728 if you use the default).

If you are inserting into an empty table, a very useful strategy is to remove all the secondary indexes (possibly leaving unique indexes for the data validation) before loading the data and then add the indexes back. This is in most cases more efficient than trying to maintain the indexes while loading the data, and it is also what the mysqlpump utility does if you use that to create backups.

The last of the strategies is to partition the table. This helps as the indexes are local to the partition (this is the reason the partition key must be part of all unique indexes), so if you insert the data in the partition order, InnoDB will only have to maintain the indexes for the data in the current partition. That makes each index smaller, so they easier fit into the buffer pool.


You can influence the load performance through the configuration of the session that performs the load. This includes considering switching off constraint checks, how auto-increment ids are generated, and more.

Table 25-1 summarizes the most important configuration options related to bulk data performance other than the buffer pool size. The scope is whether the option can be changed at the session level or it is only available globally.
Table 25-1

Configuration options influencing the data load performance

Option Name





Specifies whether to check if the new rows violate the foreign keys. Disabling this option can improve performance for tables with foreign keys.



Specifies whether to check if the new rows violate unique constraints. Disabling this option can improve performance for tables with unique indexes.



Specifies how InnoDB determines the next auto-increment values. Setting this option to 2 (the default in MySQL 8 – requires binlog_format = ROW) gives the best performance at the expense of potentially nonconsecutive auto-increment values. Requires restarting MySQL.



Determines how frequently InnoDB flushes changes made to the data files. If you import data using many small transactions, setting this option to 0 or 2 can improve the performance.



Disables the binary log when set to 0 or OFF. This will greatly reduce the amount of data written.



Sets the transaction isolation level. If you are not reading existing data in MySQL, consider setting the isolation level to READ UNCOMMITTED.

All of the options have side effects, so consider carefully whether changing the setting is appropriate for you. For example, if you are importing data from an existing instance to a new instance, and you know there are no problems with foreign key and unique key constraints, then you can disable the foreign_key_checks and unique_checks options for the session importing the data. If you are on the other hand importing from a source, where you are not sure of the data integrity, it may be better to keep the constraint checks enabled to ensure the quality of the data even if it means a slower load performance.

For the innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit option , you need to consider whether a risk of losing the last second or so of committed transactions is acceptable. If your data load process is the only transactions on the instance, and it is easy to redo the import, you can set innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit to 0 or 2 to reduce the number of flushes. The change is mostly useful with small transactions. If the import commits less than once a second, there is very little gained by the change. If you change innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit, then remember to set the value back to 1 after the import.

For the binary log, it is useful to disable writing the imported data as it greatly reduces the amount of data changes that must be written to disk. This is particularly useful if the binary log is on the same disk as the redo log and data files. If you cannot modify the import process to disable sql_log_bin, you can consider restarting MySQL with the skip-log-bin option to disable the binary log altogether, but note that will also affect all other transactions on the system. If you do disable binary logging during the import, it can be useful to create a full backup immediately after the import, so you can use the binary logs for point-in-time recoveries again.


If you use replication, consider doing the data import separately on each instance in the topology with sql_log_bin disabled. Please note though that it will only work when MySQL does not generate auto-increment primary keys and is only worth the added complexity if you need to import a large amount of data. For the initial load in MySQL 8.0.17, you can just populate the source of the replication and use the clone plugin3 to create the replica.

You can also improve the load performance by the statements you choose to import the data and how you use transactions.

Transactions and Load Method

A transaction denotes a group of changes, and InnoDB will not fully apply the changes until the transaction is committed. Each commit involves writing the data to the redo logs and includes other overheads. If you have very small transactions – like inserting a single row at a time – this overhead can significantly affect the load performance.

There is no golden rule for the optimal transaction size. For small row sizes, usually a few thousand rows are good, and for larger row sizes choose fewer rows. Ultimately, you will need to test on your system and with your data to determine the optimal transaction size.

For the load method, there are two main choices: INSERT statements or the LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INFILE statement. In general LOAD DATA performs better than INSERT statements as there is less parsing. For INSERT statements, it is an advantage of using the extended insert syntax where multiple rows are inserted using a single statement rather than multiple single-row statements.


When you use mysqlpump for your backups, you can set the --extended-insert option to the number of rows to include per INSERT statement with the default being 250. For mysqldump, the --extended-insert option works as a switch. When it is enabled (the default), mysqldump will decide on the number of rows per statement automatically.

An advantage of using LOAD DATA to load the data is also that MySQL Shell can automate doing the load in parallel.

MySQL Shell Parallel Load Data

One problem you can encounter when you load data into MySQL is that a single thread cannot push InnoDB to the limit of what it can sustain. If you split the data into batches and load the data using multiple threads, you can increase the overall load rate. One option to do this automatically is to use the parallel data load feature of MySQL Shell 8.0.17 and later.

The parallel load feature is available through the util.import_table() utility in Python mode and the util.importTable() method in JavaScript mode. This discussion will assume you are using Python mode. The first argument is the filename, and the second (optional) argument is a dictionary with the optional arguments. You can get the help text for the import_table() utility using the util.help() method, like

mysql-py> util.help('import_table')

The help text includes a detailed description of all the settings that can be given through the dictionary specified in the second argument.

MySQL Shell disables duplicate key and foreign key checks and sets the transaction isolation level to READ UNCOMMITTED for the connection doing the import to reduce the overhead during the import as much as possible.

The default is to insert the data into a table in the current schema with the same name as the file without the extension. For example, if the file is named t_load.csv, the default table name is t_load. A simple example of loading the file D:MySQLFiles _load.csv into the table chapter_25.t_load is shown in Listing 25-8. The t_load.csv file is available from this book’s GitHub repository as t_load.csv.zip.
mysql> sql
Switching to SQL mode... Commands end with ;
mysql-sql> CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS chapter_25;
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.0490 sec)
mysql-sql> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS chapter_25.t_load;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.3075 sec)
mysql-sql> CREATE TABLE chapter_25.t_load (
             id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
             val varchar(40) NOT NULL,
             PRIMARY KEY (id),
             INDEX (val)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.3576 sec)
mysql> SET GLOBAL local_infile = ON;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.0002 sec)
mysql> py
Switching to Python mode...
mysql-py> use chapter_25
Default schema set to `chapter_25`.
mysql-py> util.import_table('D:/MySQL/Files/t_load.csv')
Importing from file 'D:/MySQL/Files/t_load.csv' to table `chapter_25`.`t_load` in MySQL Server at localhost:3306 using 2 threads
[Worker000] chapter_25.t_load: Records: 721916  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0
[Worker001] chapter_25.t_load: Records: 1043084  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0
100% (85.37 MB / 85.37 MB), 446.55 KB/s
File 'D:/MySQL/Files/t_load.csv' (85.37 MB) was imported in 1 min 52.1678 sec at 761.13 KB/s
Total rows affected in chapter_25.t_load: Records: 1765000  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0
Listing 25-8

Using the util.import_table() utility with default settings

The warning when creating the chapter_25 schema depends on whether you have created the schema earlier. Notice that you must enable the local_infile option for the utility to work.

The most interesting part of the example is the execution of the import. When you do not specify anything, MySQL Shell splits the file into 50 MB chunks and uses up to eight threads. In this case the file is 85.37 MB (MySQL Shell uses the metric file sizes – 85.37 MB is the same as 81.42 MiB), so it gives two chunks, of which the first is 50 MB and the second 35.37 MB. That is not a terrible good distribution.


You must enable local_infile on the server side before invoking the util.import_table() utility.

What you can choose to do is to tell MySQL Shell what size to split at. The optimal is that each thread ends up processing the same amount of data. For example, if you want to divide the 85.37 MB data, set the chunk size to a little more than half the size, such as 43 MB. If a decimal value is specified for the size, it is rounded down. There are also several other options you can set, and Listing 25-9 shows an example of setting some of them.
mysql-py> sql TRUNCATE TABLE chapter_25.t_load
Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.1294 sec)
mysql-py> settings = {
              'schema': 'chapter_25',
              'table': 't_load',
              'columns': ['id', 'val'],
              'threads': 4,
              'bytesPerChunk': '21500k',
              'fieldsTerminatedBy': ' ',
              'fieldsOptionallyEnclosed': False,
              'linesTerminatedBy': ' '
mysql-py> util.import_table('D:/MySQL/Files/t_load.csv', settings)
Importing from file 'D:/MySQL/Files/t_load.csv' to table `chapter_25`.`t_load` in MySQL Server at localhost:3306 using 4 threads
[Worker001] chapter_25.t_load: Records: 425996  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0
[Worker002] chapter_25.t_load: Records: 440855  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0
[Worker000] chapter_25.t_load: Records: 447917  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0
[Worker003] chapter_25.t_load: Records: 450232  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0
100% (85.37 MB / 85.37 MB), 279.87 KB/s
File 'D:/MySQL/Files/t_load.csv' (85.37 MB) was imported in 2 min 2.6656 sec at 695.99 KB/s
Total rows affected in chapter_25.t_load: Records: 1765000  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0
Listing 25-9

Using util.import_table() with several custom settings

In this case the target schema, table, and columns are specified explicitly, and the file is split into four roughly equal chunks and the number of threads is set to four. The format of the CSV file is also included in the setting (the specified values are the default).

The optimal number of threads varies greatly depending on the hardware, the data, and the other queries running. You will need to experiment to find the optimal settings for your system.


This chapter has discussed what determines the performance of DDL statements and bulk data loads. The first topic was schema changes in terms of ALTER TABLE and OPTIMIZE TABLE. There is support for three different algorithms when you make schema changes. The best-performing algorithm is the INSTANT algorithm which can be used to add columns at the end of the row and several metadata changes. The second-best algorithm is INPLACE which in most cases modifies the data within the existing tablespace file. The final, and in general most expensive, algorithm is COPY.

In cases where the INSTANT algorithm cannot be used, there will be a substantial amount of I/O, so the disk performance is important, and the less other work going on requiring disk I/O, the better. It may also help to lock the table, so MySQL does not need to keep track of data changes and apply them at the end of the schema change.

For inserting data, it was discussed that it is important to insert in primary key order. If the insert order is random, it leads to larger tables, a deeper B-tree index for the clustered index, more disk seeks, and more random I/O. The simplest way to insert data in primary key order is to use an auto-increment primary key and let MySQL determine the next value. For UUIDs, MySQL 8 adds the UUID_TO_BIN() and BIN_TO_UUID() functions that allow you to reduce the storage required for a UUID to 16 bytes and to swap the low and high order parts of the timestamp to make the UUIDs monotonically increasing.

When you insert data, a typical cause of the insert rate suddenly slowing down is when the secondary indexes no longer fit into the buffer pool. If you insert into an empty table, it is an advantage to remove the indexes during the import. Partitioning may also help as it splits the index into one part per partition, so only part of the index is required at a time.

In some circumstances, you can disable constraint checks, reduce flushing of the redo log, disable binary logging, and reduce the transaction isolation to READ UNCOMMITTED. These configuration changes will all help reduce the overhead; however, all also have side effects, so you must consider carefully whether the changes are acceptable for your system. You can also affect the performance by adjusting the transaction size to balance the reduction of commit overhead and overhead of working with large transactions.

For bulk inserts you have two options of loading the data. You can use regular INSERT statements, or you can use the LOAD DATA statement. The latter is in general the preferred method. It also allows you to use the parallel table import feature of MySQL Shell 8.0.17 and later.

In the next chapter, you will learn about improving the performance of replication.

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