1.8 DD4BC

The DD4BC group was seen operating in 2014. It charged Bitcoins as the extortion fee. The group mainly targeted media, entertainment, and financial services. They would send a threatening email stating that a low intensity DoS attack will be carried out first. They would claim that they will protect the organization against larger attacks. They also threatened that they will publish information about the attack in social media to bring down the reputation of the company:

An email from DD4DC

Usually, DD4DC are known to exploit a bug WordPress pingback vulnerability. We don't want to get into too much detail about this bug or vulnerability. Pingback is a feature provided by WordPress through which the original author of the WordPress site or blog gets notified where his site has been linked or referenced. We can call the site which refers to the original site as the referrer and the original site as the original. If the referrer uses the original, it sends a request called a pingback request to the original which contains the URL of itself. This is a kind of notification to the original site from the referrer informing that it is linking to the original site. Now the original site downloads the referrer site as a response to the pingback request as per the protocol designed by WordPress and this action is termed as a reflection. The WordPress sites used in the attack are called reflectors. So an attacker can misuse it by creating a forged pingback request with a URL of a victim site and send it to the the WordPress sites. The attack uses these WordPress sites in the attack. As a result, the WordPress sites respond to the victim. Put simply, the attack notifies the WordPress sites that the victim has referred them in his site. So all the WordPress sites try to connect to the victim, which overloads the victim. If the victim's web page is large and the WordPress sites try to download it, then it chokes the bandwidth and this is called amplification:

WordPress pingback attack
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