4.11 Exploit

Software is written by humans and, obviously, there will be bugs. Hackers take advantage of some of these bugs to compromise a system in an unauthorized manner. We call such bugs vulnerabilities. There are a number of vulnerabilities due to various reasons, mostly due to imperfect programming. If programmers have not considered certain scenarios while programming the software, this can lead to a vulnerability in the software.

Here is a simple C program that uses the function sctrcpy() to copy a string from source to destination:

C program with the strcpy() function

The programmer has failed to notice that the size of the destination is 10 bytes and the source is 23 bytes. In the program, the source is allocated 23 bytes of memory while the destination is assigned 11 bytes of memory space. When the strcpy() function copies the source into the destination, the copied string goes beyond the allocated memory of the destination. The memory beyond the memory assigned to the destination can have important things related to the program which would be overwritten. This kind of vulnerability is called buffer overflow. Stack overflow and heap overflow are commonly known as buffer overflow vulnerability. There are other vulnerabilities, such as use-after-free when an object is used after it is freed (we don't want to go into this in depth as it requires an understanding of C++ programming concepts and assembly language).

A program that takes advantage of these vulnerabilities for a malicious purpose is called an exploit

To explain an exploit, we will talk about a stack overflow case. Readers are recommended to read about C programs to understand this. Exploit writing is a more complex process a and requires knowledge of assembly language, debuggers, and computer architecture. We will try to explain the concept as simply as possible.

The following is a screenshot of a C program. Note that this is not a complete program and is only meant to illustrate the concept:

C program having stack overflow

The main() function takes input from the user (argv[1]) then passes it on to the vulnerable function vulnerable_function. The main function calls the vulnerable function. So after executing the vulnerable function, the CPU should come back to the main function (that is, line no 15). This is how the CPU should execute the program: line 14 | line 4 | line 5 | line 6 | line 15.

Now, when the CPU is at line 6, how does it know that it has to return to line 15 after that? Well, the secret lies in the stack. Before getting into line 4 from line 14, the CPU saves the address of line 15 on the stack. We can call the address of line 15 the return address. The stack is also meant for storing local variables too. In this case, the buffer is a local variable in vulnerable_function. Here is what the stack should look like for the preceding program:

Stack showing buffer address and return address

This is the state of the stack when the CPU is executing the vulnerable_function code. We also see that return address (address of line 15) is placed on the stack. Now the size of the buffer is only 16 bytes (see the program). When the user provides an input(argv[1]) that is larger than 16 bytes, the extra length of the input will overwrite the return address when strcpy() is executed. This is a classic example of stack overflow. When talking about exploiting a similar program, the exploit will overwrite the RETURN ADDRESS. As a result, after executing line 6, the CPU will go to the address which has overwritten the return address. So now the user can create a specially crafted input (argv[1]) with a length greater than 16 bytes. The input contains three parts - address of the buffer, NOP, and shellcode. The address of the buffer is the virtual memory address of the variable buffer. NOP stands for no operation instruction. As the name implies, it does nothing when executed. 

Shellcode is nothing but an extremely small piece of code that can fit in a very small space. Shellcode is capable of doing the following:

  • Opening a backdoor port in the vulnerable software
  • Downloading another piece of malware
  • Spawning a command prompt to the remote hacker, who can access the system of the victim
  • Elevating the privileges of the victim so the hacker has access to more areas and functions in the system:
Input argv[1] to exploit

The following image shows the same stack after the specially crafted input is provided as input to the program. Here, you can see return address is overwritten with the address of the buffer so, instead of line 15, the CPU will go to the address of the buffer. After this NOP, the shellcode will be executed:

Shellcode placed in the buffer

The final conclusion is, by providing an input to the vulnerable program, the exploit is able to execute shellcode which can open up a backdoor or download malware. 

The inputs can be as follows:

  • An HTTP request is an input for a web server
  • An HTML page is an input for a web browser
  • A PDF is an input to Adobe Reader

And so on - the list is infinite.

You can explore these using the keywords provided as it cannot be explained in a few lines and goes beyond the scope of this book.

We often see vulnerabilities mentioned in blogs. Usually, a CVE number is mentioned for a vulnerability. One can find the list of vulnerabilities at http://www.cvedetails.com/. The wannacry ransomware used CVE-2017-0144 . 2017 is the year when the vulnerability was discovered. 0144 denotes that this was the 144th vulnerability discovered in 2017. Microsoft also issues advisories for vulnerabilities in Microsoft software. https://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-0144 gives the details of the vulnerability. The vulnerability description tells us that the bug lies in the SMBv1 server software installed in some of Microsoft operating system versions. Also, the URL can refer to some of the exploits.

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