
Note: Page numbers followed by f for figures and t for tables.


Access controls/requirements
areas of security expertise, 241
card access control system, 515
CPTED in, 73
data processing center, 286
electronic entry systems, 453
high-value/theft-prone goods, 91
implementation of, 82
in interior space design, 89
LP strategies for, 526
natural surveillance, 69–71
parking area crimes, 327
security metrics, 552
security surveys, 447–448
security tag, 112
sources of crime, 560
TAM countermeasure planning, 542
written documentation, 422
Accident investigations, 76–77
Active physical resistance, 580
Admissions, 41, 49, 234, 244, 255, 380, 441, 483, 539, 644
civil litigation, 299
exception reporting software, 156
interrogation, 260
interrogator using factual attack, 264–267
interview and interrogation, 246
preparation and room setting, 250
Advanced Systems Technology, Inc., security programs, 231
Agency relationships, 295
Aggressive physical resistance, 580
Agitated delirium, 501–502
Alarm field transmitting devices, 3
Alarm Systems
anti-burglary alarm, 25
anti-robbery, 99
for cash office security, 32–35
company services for, 5–6
control panel for, 4
for crime prevention through environmental design, 69
designing of, 2–4
false alarms, 7
in grocery companies, 196
maintenance issues, 3
method for testing, 7
objective of, 3
retail security program, 2
security features of, 3
technology, 2
telephone line security for, 5
types of keypads for, 4–5
use of sounders for, 5
Alcohol, tobacco & firearms federal agents, 268
Alpha negative file, 57, 641
Alphanumeric keypads, for alarm security system, 4
Amateur shoplifters, 8–9, 361
categories of, 8
classifications of persons, 8
American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS), 50, 123, 212–213, 456, 549, 566
Analog CCTV cameras, 599f
and IP surveillance systems, 601
Answering complaints. See Legal considerations
Apologies. See Legal considerations
Apparel industry, 105
Apprehending shoplifters. See Shoplifting
Approaching the suspect. See Shoplifting
Arrest powers. See also Citizens arrest; Powers of arrest
Arson. See Bomb threats
Asphyxia, 9–10, 502
Assaults. See Legal considerations
Attorney calls or letters. See Legal considerations
Augustus, 204
Auras (Guilt Auras), 10–11
Authority to detain. See Shoplifting
Automated cash handling, 17, 31
Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), 453. See also See also Biometrics
Automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS), 453, 454
Automatic gait recognition (AGR), 626
Automatic name identification platform, 189
Automation in LP–Sell more, lose less, 462
Avoidable fires, steps to prevent, 165
Award programs, 11–12, 361


Background investigations, 22–23, 113, 184, 212, 272, 443, 643
crimes against persons, 267–268
lifestyle interviews, 257
pre-employment screening, 355–356
retail crime, security, and loss prevention, 594
retail loss prevention, 232
security clearances, 212
use of private investigators by retailers, 584–587
walk-in applicants, 353
Bad stops. See Questionable detentions
Bandit barriers. See Cash office security
Bank deposits, 60, 226, 646
cash register manipulations, 34
escort policy and procedure, 142
robbery, 99
for working part time, 15–16
Banning. See Trespassing
Bar code fraud, 131, 186, 188–190, 373–374, 385, 407, 461, 567
Basic protection officer program, 231
Basic security officer training series, 232
Battery-operated radios, 417
Benefit denial devices, 106, 111–113
Best practices–shoplifting, 18–22
Bi-directional audio, 601. See also IP surveillance system
Big box (open), 22, 33, 95, 226, 357, 583
Bill trap, 33
Biometric readers, 194
Biometrics, 453, 455. See also Grocery loss prevention
Bomb threats, 451–452, 467
areas of security expertise, 241
emergency preparedness plan for, 431
for extortion purposes, 22–25
finding of incendiary or explosive device, 268
investigations for, 267
labor disputes, 281
NSF checks for, 225
outline of plan, 117
procedures for, 283
product tampering, 364
security or loss prevention incident for, 377
at store, warehouse, distribution center and offices, 120
types of circumstances for, 124–225
Bookstore management, 420
Book Stores–College & University. See Security Survey
Booster equipment, booster bags, bloomers, boxes, cages, coats, girdles, purses, 642
Breakage, financial leverage of, 188
Brookshire Grocery Company, 198
Burglar alarm system, 2, 7
convenience stores, 25
drug stores, 2
gas stations, 25
grocery stores, 25
liquor stores, 25
Burns, 205, 211f
Business continuity, 227, 281, 283, 517, 633
Business ethics, 144–148


Cables, 29
Cable-securing devices, 29
Calls for Service (CFS), 561, 563
Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, 164
Cargo security, 241, 503, 505–506, 510, 516–517
Case management, 29–31, 222, 289–291, 324, 521–522, 541
Cash control, automated, 31–32
Cash disbursing machines, 32f,, 389, 392, 626
Cash office security, 32–34
Cash register
balancing of, 15
manipulations, 34–35
Cash thefts, 652
Casino/gaming shops & adjunct retailers, 390–404
Closed-circuit television camera
CCTV camera networks, 455
Celebrity and sensitive arrest, 40–41
Celebrity appearances
planning for, 40
security aspects, 37–38
and special events, 37–38, 40
Cellular radio transmitters, 5
Certification. See History of private security
Certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI), 244
Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), 456, 585
Certified Protection Officer program, 231
Certified Protection Professional (CPP), 44, 94, 375–376
professional certification program, 213
Certified security consultant, 213, 241
Chain of custody. See Evidence
Chain of evidence. See Evidence
Charge couple device, 584
Chase policy, 41–42, 315
Checks. See Retail fraud
Check washing, 43–44
Chicken wire
between stock areas, 162
use of, 161
Chief Security Officer (CSO), 75, 212, 218
Citizens arrest, 44–46, 67, 284, 296
Civil demand /recovery, 9, 47, 49–52, 98, 217, 303, 486, 497, 522
Civil disturbances and terrorism, 46–47. See also See also Window smashing
Civil litigation, avoidance and cost control, 299–300
Civil recovery
collection services, 50
procedure and recommendations, 49
Civil restitution
demand and collection system, 52
history of, 50–51
prosecute vs. catch, 51
release and issue of extortion, 51
utilization of, 51
Civil rights violations, 481
Cloning. See Skimming
Cloning cards, 643
Closed-circuit television, 115, 139, 154, 194, 360, 421–422, 552–553, 599f, 631–632
areas of security expertise, 241
and DVR technology, 600
functions of, 36
and IP surveillance system, 601, 603
parking area crimes, 327
single-purpose cameras, 600
surveillance, 36–37
usage in grocery industry, 195
use of video cameras, 598
visual surveillance by, 35
Closed-circuit television camera, 327
Code of conduct. See Law
Code of ethics for loss prevention personnel, 302, 368
Code of Hammurabi, 204
Cohort. See Military unit
Cold War and private security, 212
Collapsible gates. See Scissors gates
College & university book stores, 418
Collusion, 52–54, 97, 156, 195, 314, 506, 511, 514, 515, 643
Combustible materials
fire in, 163
ignition temperatures of, 164
Combustion, 163
Company property, 183, 380, 530, 607
employee purchases and package control, 138–140
loss prevention, 595
misuse of, 148
shoplifting suspects, 19
warehouse and distribution center, 53–55
Compensatory damages, 294–295, 358, 643
Computer operations security, 80
Computer programs, in retail environment, 239–240
Computer tracking, 81, 219
Concessionaires and tenants, 55
Conditional release, 41, 55, 368
Confidential tip lines, 290
Conflict of interest, 146–150
Confrontation of suspects. See Shoplifting
Conscience letters, 56–57
Consent to search, 57
Conspiracy, 381, 643
Consumer Healthcare Products Association, 366
Container Security Initiative (CSI), 516
Contractors, 53–54, 57, 62, 73–74, 79, 88–89, 91, 101, 119, 146, 149, 196, 243, 295, 399, 559, 641
Contract security
employees, 57–61, 213–214, 402, 404
LP Services, 57–66, 122–124, 213–214, 402, 404
in retail environments, 57–62
consent to search, proforma, 58
contractors and consultants, 62
contract security guards, 57
contract store LP agents, 61
service provider, expectations of, 60
Controlled release. See Conditional release
Controlled/scheduled drug, stealing of, 340–342
Convenience stores burglary. See Burglary
Convenience stores robbery. See Robbery
Counterfeit checks, 44
Counterfeit currency, 62–64
Counterfeiting, 188, 208, 409, 562, 588
Courtroom appearance and testimony, 65–69
cross-examination, 66–67
examinations, types of, 65–66
fundamental rules in testifying, 67
rehabilitation, 68
CPTED, 69–75, 88, 218, 557, 630–631, 639
Credit card fraud, 132, 137, 212, 225, 232, 389, 454, 521, 529, 530
Credit reporting agencies (CRAs), 585–586, 643. See also Private investigators (PIs)
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
concepts related to, 218
distribution center site, 88
enhancing physical security using, 630–631
historical precedence, 70
need for, 74–75
planning for visual space, 72
related concepts, 70–72
statistical results, 74
strategies, 69, 70
in United States, 73
visual bubbles, landscape, art, and, 72
analysis and definition of, 559
in parking environment, 328–331
in parking lots, 328–330
prevention, 1, 54, 69–75, 88, 198, 205, 207, 214, 218, 228, 242, 420, 423, 451, 457
statistics, 78, 194, 288, 561–562, 577
Crisis management, 242, 534
combining services for, 193
to deter losses in enterprise, 123
labor disputes, 281
for long-term emergency situation, 122–124
primary responsibility for, 76
product tampering and contamination, 362
for product tampering threat, 364–367
requirement for, 75–76
Crisis management team (CMT), 75, 122–124, 362, 534
coordinator, 365
Crotching, 643
Customer accident investigations
accidents/injuries, types of, 76
investigation, 76–77
Customer accidents, 197. See also General liability, grocery operators
privacy concerns, 172
Customers, privacy concerns, 170
Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT), 88, 90, 503, 516
Cyber Security, 81
Cybersecurity rules, 77–83
to customer-centered technology, 81
retail cybersecurity program, features of, 81–82
retail industry
cyber crimes in, 79–80
cybersecurity in, 80–81
Cyclone fencing, 162


Damages. See Definitions
Data-driven security, 551
Death. See Asphyxia
Deep-seated fire, extinguishment of, 167
Definitions, 641–653
Detention restrictions, fitting room, 172
Detentions. See Legal considerations
Digital video recorder (DVR), 599
closed circuit television system and, 600
Direct store delivery (DSD) system, 98, 644. See also Grocery loss prevention
in grocery companies, 195
dealing with, 633
recovery, 218
Discount violations, 85–86
Displays, 4, 13–14, 20–21, 35, 53, 64, 76–77, 86
open, 86–87
visual presentations, 87–88
Distribution centers (DC), 53–54, 59, 120–121, 161, 202
coordination and liaison, 116–118
count of receipts, 91
distribution center site, 88–89
high-value/theft-prone goods, 91
interior space design, 89
logistics at, 62
rules communication, 89
screening protocols, for employees, 90–91
security functions, 92
security of trailer, 90
shift work at warehouses and, 47
shipment, 91–92
transportation controls, 90
District loss prevention manager, 273
Diversion programs, 9, 588
Docks (receiving and shipping), 72, 103, 447, 503
checklist of rules and strategies, 92–93
of incidents, 92–94
of policies and procedures, 94
report, qualities of, 93–94
Dressing rooms. See Fitting room
Drill down, 156, 505
Driving records, 353, 443, 459
Drug addiction problem, 339–340
Drug diversion investigation, 342–343, 344f,, 345
Drug enforcement administration, 339
Drugs in workplace, 101, 104–105
Drug store loss prevention
deterrent measures awareness, 100
retail store, 95–97
security and asset protection, 97–100
Drug testing
employee education and assistance, 102
evidence of illegal drug use, 102–103
federal program, 101
for hiring entry-level person, 460
in pharmacy investigation, 346
policy, 101–102
security, role of, 103
supervisory training, 102
Dump. See Definitions
DVD. See Benefit denial


EAS tags, 105, 107–108, 112, 302
Electrical fire, extinguishment of, 167
Electronic article surveillance (EAS), 51, 98, 105, 111, 194, 217, 360, 421, 455, 483, 488, 552, 644–645
basic technology, 106–108
acousto-magnetic (AM) technology, 107
electro-magnetic (EM) transmitter, 106
METGLAS®, AM disposable labels, 108
radio frequency (RF) systems, 106–107
benefit denial devices, 111–113
contact and proximity deactivation, 106
detacher, 106
early successes, 109–110
Eckerd Corporation, 109
Home Depot’s source tagging program, 109
EAS source tagging, 108–109
executives objectives, 108
market and detection equipment, 108
organizations, 109
EAS system, 105
source tagging, economics of, 110–111
tags and labels, 106
Electronic incident reporting, 29
benefits of, 30
disadvantages of, 229–230
elements of, 29–30, 228–229
pitfalls of, 31
Electronic security tags (EAS), 557
E-mail, 79, 102, 118, 157, 196, 220, 222, 292, 385, 530, 536, 539, 598
Embezzlement prevention checklist, 113–115, 384
Emergency exits, 47, 115–116, 161–162, 165, 275, 282, 301, 518, 632
Emergency planning, 76, 124, 242, 419, 423, 450
bomb threats, 120
civil disturbance, 120
command and control, 117–118
communications, 118
continuity of management, 118
contract security services, 122–123
coordination and liaison, 118
crisis management team (CMT), 122
customizing the plan, 119
earthquake, 121
emergency supplies, 119
execution instructions, 117
explosion or major fire, 121
fire prevention, 119
kidnapping and extortion, 121–122
KISS principle, 116–117
letter bombs, 120–121
personnel, 118
purposes of plan, 117
security, 119
severe weather and flood, 121
Emergency planning
testing plan, 119
utilities, 118–119
Employee Assistance Program (EAP), 541
Employee education programs, for
merchandise protection, 360
Employee fraud, 136, 189
cash refund fraud, 128–130
to house credit cards, 132
for store credit, 132–133
to third-party credit cards, 130–132
fraud voids, 134–136
stolen credit cards, 136–137
tools for investigators, 127–128
type of fraud, 127
Employee handbook, 137–138, 222, 301, 405, 524–525, 530
Employee hotline, 219. See also Incident reporting system, third-party anonymous
communication of, 221–222
critical activity impacting, 221
as report receipt mechanism, 221
reports documentation, 220
Employee lockers, 89, 301, 499
Employee misconduct. See Employee theft
Employee Polygraph Protection Act, 268, 345–348
Employee purchase and package control, 190, 431, 442
elements for scrutiny and verification, 138
rules and regulations, 138–139
Employee theft, 11, 16, 31, 95, 126–127, 194, 196, 216, 242, 267–268, 302, 353, 376, 389, 408, 494. See also See also Internal theft
lawsuits, 141
privacy, 141
restitution, 140
termination for dishonesty, 139
theft, 140
wrongful termination, 139
Employment application. See Forms; Pre-employment screening
Entrapment, 183, 237, 268, 524, 644
definition and scenario, 141–142
Entry Level Protection Officer, 231
Escort policy, 34, 463
limitations, 142–143
Ethical dilemmas
business ethics policy, 145–148
conflict of interest reporting program, 150
Cowboy Code, 143
ethical decisions, 143–144
ethics-based policies, need for, 144–145
potential conflicts of interest, 148–149
principles for decisions, 144
training to employees, 148
Ethics, 146–148, 218, 221, 302, 368, 524
boxed or bagged, 155
for company property, 54
consent to search, 57–58
for convicting theif, 36
corporate response, 152
for courtroom appearance and testimony, 65
of damage or open cartons, 91
documentary evidence, 153
drug testing, 102–104
emergency exits, 115–116
evidence log, 155
inadmissible evidence, 155
means of preserving, 36
merchandise inventory, 156
of policies and procedures, 94
prevention of, 41
procedures, 154
proper methods of collecting, preserving, and tracking, 150
protection of, 77
sample conflict reporting, 151
scientific evidence, 21
types of, 150–151
video, 127
Exception reporting, 127, 132, 136, 189, 191, 342, 422, 445, 526
basic components, 156–157
digital video surveillance, 157
software, 197
Excessive force. See Use of force
Executive protection, 156–158, 204, 212, 242, 287, 607
alarm specifications, 157
precautions for traveling, 157
pre-event inspection of venue, 158
survey of residence, 157
Executive vice president (EVP), 75, 218
Expert witnesses, 318, 609
analysis, 158
litigation against retailers, 159
External criminal attacks, 227, 309, 330, 357, 635
External fraud, 190
Extortion, 22, 51, 121–122, 124, 140, 267, 293
threats by letter, 159–160
threats over phone, 159


Facial recognition technology, 37, 453–454, 456–455. See also See also Biometrics
Failure to Appear (FTA), 460
Failure to Record (FTR), 234, 236, 645
Failure to Remove (FTR), 34, 645
Fair Credit and Reporting Act, 268, 290, 353, 585
False arrest/imprisonment, 590–591. See also Questionable detentions
FBI Crime Index, 563
Federal Anti-Tampering Act, 362
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 577
everyday use of, 288–289
major role of, 289–290
Federal sentencing guidelines 1991, 220
Federal Trade Commission, 268
Felony. See Definitions
Fences and fencing
common applications of, 161–162
in retail industry, 161
Feudalism, 206
Fibrous material, heat conductivity of, 164
FIFO. See Definitions
Fine jewelry stores, security measures, 271–272
Finger pull, 33
brigade, salvage work of, 169
classification of, 166
combustible materials, 163
extinguishment techniques, 166–167
first responders to, in stores, 163
hoses, 168
prevention, 119, 163–165, 385, 570
reporting to fire department, 165
suppression equipment, portable and manual, 166–167
suppression methods, 163–164
Fire extinguishers
guidelines for using, 167
method of operating, 167–168
classes of, 166
Fitness-for-duty (FFD) evaluation method, 538–541, 543
Fitting room, 36, 61, 192, 275–276, 278–279, 286, 293, 302, 418
checker, 170
security, 169–173
theft issues associated with, 170
Fixtures, 29, 97, 163, 172, 351, 410, 526
Fleet, Ed Van, 198
Floor matting, 197
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agency, in product tampering regulations, 362
Force policy
resistance, levels of, 579–583
response, levels of, 580–583
use of, 578
Foreign gangs, 508
Forged prescriptions, in drug diversion investigations, 346–347
Forms, 173
Fraud (General), 134
Fraud gift card, 187–191
Fraud refunder, 128–134
Fraud returns/refunding. See Fraudulent refunds
Frauds investigation, by private investigators, 587–588
Fraudulent checks, 127
Fraudulent invoicing, 54
vulnerabilities of, 173–177
Fraudulent refunds
basic concept of, 178
issue in United States, 180
legitimacy of, 185
misconceptions involving, 181
schemes, 181
standards of conduct, for security personnel, 183
technology to combat, 186
Frederick Loeser’s & Company, 215
Fugitive task force, in U.S., 588


Gangs, 80, 196, 219, 320, 402
Gas stations. See also Burglary; Robbery
General liability, grocery operators, 197
Ghost employees, 187, 645
Gift card. See also See also Retail fraud
external fraud and, 190
faced by retailers, 188
fraud, 187–191
fraudulent behavior patterns and, 189–190
indicators of, 189
loss prevention techniques for, 191
market, growth of, 187–188
real-time accounting of, 191
with scratch-off electronic security code, 190
Goals & Quotas. See Quotas
Good housekeeping, 191–192
Grab-and-run technique, 193
Grab & run thefts, 87, 192, 645
Graphology. See Pre-employment screening
Grazing, definition of, 645
Grocery loss prevention
alarm systems for, 195
article on, 198
biometric readers and CCTV for, 194–195
direct store delivery systems for, 195
electronic article surveillance for, 194
exception reporting for, 197
personnel, 193–194
safety program for, 197–198
Grocery operators
general liability of, 197
internal theft problems faced by, 196
ORT problems faced by, 196–197
proactive and productive efforts made by, 198
shoplifting outsourcing by, 196
Grocery stores
LP procedures, 193–198
robbery procedures, 341
vendor frauds in, 596
Group A offenses, 577
Guide for merchant dealing with shoplifting, 297–298. See also See also Shoplifting


Habitual offenders, 8, 470, 478
Handcuffs, 202f,, 240, 274, 502
guidelines for using, 201
Handwriting analysis. See Pre-employment screening
Hangers, reversing, 87, 192
Heating & air vents. See Definitions
Heat transfer, 164–165
High impact training solutions, 231
Highjacking prevention, 202–203
High-theft/high-shrinkage merchandise protection, in stock areas, 162
approaches for preventing, 509
of trucks, 508
Hiring before background verification. See Background investigations
History of private security, 203, 215
History of retail LP, 215–219
Holding force. See Definitions
“Holds”/hold procedures, 219
Honesty shopping, 233–237, 442, 585
Honesty testing. See Pre-employment screening
Horizontal travel, prevention of
behind selling floor, 161
thief, 162
Hot lines, 100, 432, 445


ICSC, 305, 517
Identification card, 13. See also See also Badges
Identifying and recognizing risks. See Risk assessment
Ignition temperature, lowering of, 163
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA), 89
Incident reporting system, third-party anonymous
advantages of, 222
cost of, 221
implementation of, 220
In-custody death, 501–502
Infrared motion detector, 3
limits on the right, 283
preparation procedure, 284
procedure for obtaining, 284
Ink tags, 106, 112–113, 645
of cash wrap area, 189
of gift cards, 190
Instant credit application (ICAP), 388
Insurance, for retail stores, 230
Integrity testing. See also See also Honesty shopping
in retail environment, 237–239
of sales associates, 232–237
Interactive video training, in retail environment, 239–240
Internal auditors, 187. See also See also Payroll fraud
Internal criminal attacks, 80, 309
Internal theft, 196
controls and procedures, 419
International Association of Chiefs of Police, 214
International Association of Professional Security Consultants (IAPSC), 18–22, 213, 552
development and security expertise areas of, 241–243
and loss prevention industry, 240–241
International Cargo Security Council (ICSC), 517
International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), 305
International Foundation for Protection Officers, 457
and loss prevention industry, 230–231
memberships, 232
training and certification programs of, 231–232
International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC2), 213
International Security Conference, 240
Interrogation processes
confession of, 261–262
denials in, 262–263
documentation of, 266–267
methods of, 263–265
preparation of, 260–261
rationalization of, 262
Wicklander-Zulawski Non-Confrontational Method®, 265
Inter-store transfers, 202, 241
and interrogations, 244–267
log (See Forms)
behavioral interviewing and diagrams usages, 259
behavior and relations of people, 245–250
conducting of, 252–253
errors in, 260
fact gathering and cognitive interviewing, 257–259
processes of, 250–252
questioners in, 253–255
Invasion of privacy. See Definitions
shortage, 646
shrinkage, 192, 226–228, 646, 649
backgrounds, 585–586
bomb threats, 22–25
of crimes, 267–269
employee theft, 139–141
extortion, 159–160, 160f
Investigative case management, 222, 289
Investigative Consumer Reports FCRA, 586
IP surveillance system
and analog cameras, 601
and CCTV system, 603
evolution, 600–601
infrastructure provision for, 603
post 9/11, 603
steps in, 601
use of, 601
video analysis in, 602
wireless system for, 602
IVR number, 189


Jeweler’s Security Alliance, 216
Jewelry, 271–272, 292, 556
Job descriptions, 332
importance of, 272–274
Job performance evaluations, 148
Justice system, England, 206
Juveniles in retail store, 274


Key control, 275–276, 281, 446
Kleptomania, 276
Known losses. See Definitions
Known loss reports, 276


Labor dispute
identification of replacement workers, 285
preparation phase, 281
restraining order, 283
steps to take, 282
Labor problems (Picketing), 574
concepts of, 203
during Middle Age period, 206
related to property, inheritance, slaves, and criminal offenses, 204
suits, 362, 583
Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs), 13, 41, 287, 300. See also See also Badges
dealing with shoplifters, 357–358, 488
liaison with, 300
loss prevention and, 300
as LP agents, 287, 300
Law enforcement retail partnership network (LERP)
benefits of, 292
connected with, 287
design and implementation, 290
law enforcement assessment, 292–293
operating protocols, 291
Lease departments. See Concessionaires
Legal cases by subject matter (Case Law), 293–294
Legal considerations
damage in security-related lawsuits, 294–295
respondeat superior, 295
Legal issues, 207, 287, 427, 584
legal cases by subject matter-litigation control, 293–296
legal considerations, 294–300
legal risks & liabilities, 498
Liaison with law enforcement, 300
Lighting, in parking areas, 328
Lighting outside, 301
Litigation. See Legal considerations
Litigation avoidance & cost control. See Legal considerations
Local area network (LAN), 600
Lockers, 301
Locking systems, 275
delaying device, 276
lock bumping, 275
type of, 275
Lord’s court, 206
Loss prevention (LP), 29, 302–303
negligence in hiring of, 311–312
retention, 313
in training and supervision, 312–313
aspects of potential acts, 305
assets protection, 493
certification program of, 213
as concept, 302
content and preparation, 302–303
contents protection of, 306
challenges faced by, 519
personnel training programs for, 523
foundation, 213
identification cards, 15
industry organizations, 230–231, 240–241
magazine for, 1
manuals for, 306–307
membership stores, 307
mission statement, 308–309
personnel, selection and hiring procedure for, 458–459
publications See (Reading list)
software programs, 522
as strategy, 237
Loss reports, 276, 647
Lost children, 267, 303–304
LPCQUALIFIED certification program, 213


Magna Carta Act, 207
“Malicious mischief.” See Vandalism
Malls, 305, 325, 390, 394–395, 402
Management of LP personnel, 240, 282
Managing labor disputes, 281
Man trap, 33
Manuals LP, 94, 201, 302–303, 306, 645
Manufacturing plant night watchman, 213
Mark Out of Stock (MOS), 526
Master-keyed system, 275
Membership stores, 307
Mentally disturbed persons, 8
pre-event planning, 285–286
special equipment, 286–287
to stores and DCs, 285
handling procedures, 419
inventory, 307–308
physical security of, 192
theft, prevention of, 360–361
Merchant’s guide for dealing with shoplifting, 297–298
Merchant’s privilege. See Legal considerations
Metropolitan statistical area (MSA), 562
Military unit, 204
Minorities in loss prevention, 610
Miranda rights, 308
Mirrors. See Security mirrors
Misdemeanors. See Definitions
Missing merchandise report, 182, 276. See also Loss reports
prevention measurement for, 279
proformas for, 277, 278
Mission statements, 308, 309
Motion detection alarms, 3, 4, 7
Mystery shoppers. See Integrity testing


National Crime Information Center (NCIC), 288
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 552
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), 577
National Labor Relations Board, 268
National Retail Federation, 290, 293, 554, 615–616. See also Retail Trade Associations
National Retail Security Survey (NRSS), 98, 193, 196, 288, 308, 596
Neatness. See Good housekeeping
Negligence in LP personnel employment
hiring, 311–312
retention, 313
in training and supervision, 312–313
Negligent hiring. See Legal considerations
Neighborhood checks. See Pre-employment
Night depositories, 313, 314
Nonproductive detention (NPD), 486
Nonsufficient funds, 190, 225, 588
No touch-no chase policy. See No-touch policy
No-touch policy
civil lawsuits, 41
liability for, 314–315
Nozzle, of hoses, 168


Off-duty police officers, use for loss
prevention, 583–584
Oh Shit Syndrome, 317
Oleoresin capsicum (OC), 581, 607
On-the-job-training, 67–68, 317–318, 403, 570–571
Open Web Application Security Project
(OWASP), 82
Operation Safe Commerce (OSC), 516
Optical character recognition (OCR), 373
Organized retail crime (ORC), 190, 292, 507, 527
Organized retail theft (ORT), 97–98, 193, 196–197, 199, 268, 319, 320, 642, 647
comprehensive plans, 325–326
ethnicity in, 323
law enforcement for, 324–325
problem faced by grocery company, 196
role of retailers, 322
tax loss due to, 197
victims, 320
Outsourcing, 50, 54, 62, 158, 173, 196, 222, 513, 637, 638
OxyContin, 339–340


Pain compliance technique, 579
Palm & switch methods. See Jewelry
Pan, Tilt, and Zoom (PTZ) cameras, 526
Parking area crimes, 327–328
Parking environment of retail stores
basic protection measures in, 330–331
crimes in, 328–330
facilities in, 328
security principles for, 330
Parking lots, 3, 16, 20, 35–36, 42, 64, 69, 74, 92, 125, 143, 258
Passive physical resistance, 580
Pass offs definitions, 647
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, 82
Payroll fraud, 187
Peers calling. See Vendor relations
Pencil-paper polygraph tests. See Pre-employment screening
Pepper spray. See Weapons
Performance and development review process, in retail stores
benefits of, 331–332
objectives of, 331
steps for, 332–338
Performance appraisals, 338
Personal injury liability, 356–358
Personalization, gift cards, 188
Personal use of computers, 218
Pharmacist in charge (PIC), 95
Pharmacy LP investigations
addiction problem, 339–340
controlled/scheduled drug, 340–342
drug diversion, 342–345
Employee Polygraph Protection Act, 346–348
Pharmacy recovery network, 347
Photoelectric beams, roof protection using, 3
Photographing shoplifting suspects, 349
Photographing suspects, 349
Picketing. See Trespassing
Pinkerton Detective Agency, 216
Plaintiffs’ attorneys, duties of, 318
Point of sale (POS), 529
types of theft at, 189
Police officers. See Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs)
Police powers for LP personnel, 583
Polygraph, 349–350, 355, 456
in drug diversion investigations, 345–346
POP Training Formula, 569f,, 570t
POS Exception reporting, 30, 156, 229
Positional asphyxia, 9–10, 502
Post 9/11, and IP surveillance system, 603
POS Terminals. See Cash register
Post orders, 38–39, 60, 286
security of, 350–352
Power over Ethernet, 601, 602f
Powers of arrest, 19
Pre-employment checks. See Pre-employment screening
Pre-employment screening, 209, 242, 311, 349, 352, 353, 355, 356, 443, 643, 644
goal of, 353
importance of, 352
protocol and recommendations for, 356
Premises liability, 356–358, 552, 565
Pre-strike preparation areas, 281–282
Pre-teens, 358, 359
Prevention vs. detention, 51, 459, 571
Price lookup (PLU) system, 449
Price switching. See Ticket switching
Privacy. See Legal considerations
Private investigators (PIs), 268, 411, 457, 458, 593
background investigation, 585–586
counterfeit checking by, 588
forgery checks, 589
fraud credit card investigation by, 589–590
investigation for frauds, 587–588
sexual harassment investigations by, 593–594
undercover operations by, 586–587
Private patrol operators (PPOs), 584–585
Private security
during ancient and Biblical periods, 203–204
during Anglo-Saxon period, 205–206
challenges faced by, 213–214
during Cold War, 212
future of, 212–213
during Middle Age period, 206
during modern period, 208–212
during Norman and post Norman period, 206–208
personnel, 213
public’s perception of, 214
during Roman Empire, 204–205
state regulation of, trend in, 213
during World War II, 211
Private Security Services. See Contract security
Probable cause. See Legal considerations
Product tampering, 361–367
and contamination, 362–367
historical perspectives of, 361–362
Professional Certified Investigator (PCI), 82, 213
Professional shoplifters, 470
Profession and professionalism, 213
Promissory notes, 140, 379, 380, 381, 497, 522
Promontory Summit, in Utah, 597
Property tags, 155, 422
Proprietary information, 146, 242, 289, 303, 306, 309, 367–368, 469
Proprietary vs. contract staffing, 59
Prosecution vs. release policies, 368
Prosecution vs. release protective order, 368
Psychological tests, 355
Public (coin operated) lockers, 301
Public law enforcement
community responsibilities, 205
developmental process of, 203
during Roman Empire, 204–205
Public restrooms, 368–369
Punishment, common forms of, 205
Pursuits. See Chase policy


Questionable detentions, 19, 486
Quick change artists, 371
Quotas and goals, 371–372


Racial profiling, 481
Radiated heat, 164
Radiation, 164
Radio frequency identification (RFID), 218, 373–375, 406
current EAS frequencies, 374–375
ethical considerations of, 406–409
frequencies and standardization, 374
memory capacity, 373–374
tags, 373
Radio systems, 417
Reading list, 15, 198, 199, 267
Ready-to-wear (RTW), 29
Real time in-store analysis, 462
Reference sources, 376
Refunding fraud, 132, 186, 342
Rehabilitation, 68. See also Diversion programs
Re-packaging, 71, 321–322, 488, 644
Report format. See Forms
Reporting results, 420, 577–578
Reports. See Forms
Report writing, 93–94, 333, 351, 377–378, 423, 427
confidentiality of, 381
elements of, 381–382
general information, 382–383
investigative report, objectives, 377
parts of a report, 377
person identification, 382
samples, 378–381
Requests made by detainees, 383
Restaurants in stores
devices required for danger, 385
Proprietary restaurants, 385
skill to operate, 384
Restitution, 348, 380
Restraining order, 283, 285, 330, 543–545, 549, 619, 629
Restraint device. See Force policy
Restrooms. See Public restrooms
Retail environment, key for, 275
fencing strategy adopted by, 161–162
fire damage to, 163
gift card fraud faced by, 188–189
highjacking problem faced by, 202–203
in-house security department of, 215–216
Retail fraud, 385–389
apprehension and prosecution, 389
authentic vs. manufactured identity, 388
awareness programs to combat, 389
credit fraud, 388–389
gift cards, 387
refund/return fraud, 386
Retail industry
badging of visitors, 603
private investigators use in, 584–585
frauds investigation, 587–588
uniform crime report, 577
vendors role in, 596
Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), 191, 554
Retail intelligence network, 290
Retail inventory loss statistics, 481
Retail loss prevention, performance review processes in, 331–332
Retail merchandising, in casinos, 390
gaming in America, 391–393
hospitality industry, retailing in, 393–395
liability repercussions, erroneous statutes, 404–405
misinterpretation and misapplication, statutes, 401–404
retail industry, shopkeeper statutes in, 395–398
theory vs. reality, statutes application, 398–401
Retail outlets
asset identification and existing security measures, 552–553
crime analysis in, 550
data-driven security, 551–552
robberies in, 556–557
security technology, 453–454
strategic risk assessment process, 551
threat assessments in, 550
threat dynamics of, 555–556
threat information sources, 554
Retail security/loss prevention
guard dogs for, 216
personnel, 218
radio frequency identification (RFID) for, 218
store detective and shoplifters, 215–216
uniformed (red blazers) security personnel and, 217
Retail shrinkage. See Definitions
Retail stores
fraudulent refund issues, 173–186
shoplifting issues, 170–173
Retail trade associations, 293
Return on investment (ROI), 526
Return to vendor, 243
R.H. Macy Company, 216
Riots, 409–410
Risk assessment, 534, 537, 550, 551f, 567, 578, 619, 623f, 624, 628, 638
Risk identification and recognition, in retail stores
inventory shrinkage, 226–228
strategies for, 225–226
Risk management, 197–198. See also Grocery loss prevention
Ritalin©, 341
convenience stores, 74, 217, 531, 556, 624
drug stores, 95, 341
gas stations, 531
grocery stores, 25
liquor stores, 25, 361
robbery advisory and reporting form, 412–413
security checklist, 413–414
Role of private investigator in LP, 268
Role of women in LP, 383, 615
Roof security, 414
roof, inspection of, 415


Sales associates, integrity testing of
basic shopping procedures, 234–235
cash handling detection, 233–234
techniques in, 235–236
types of, 232–233
Salvage operations, 169
Sample forms, 123, 124, 151, 153f
Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002, 144, 220
Scissors gates, 162. See also Fences
Seals, 90, 507, 509–512
Search, consent to, 57–58
Security and emergency communications, 122
Security department, functions, 309
Security inspection, 314
Security investment, return on, 566
Security measure inventory, 550
Security mirrors, 418
Security programs, in parking area, 327–328
Security reports (SRs), 561
Security Supervision and Management Program, 231
Security survey, 418–419
Security technology, for retail industry
facial recognition technology, 454–455
fingerprint identification, 453
Security vendor relations, 597–598
Sex crimes in retail environment, 462–463
Sexual crimes in
parking lots, 330–331
public restrooms, 368–369
Sexual harassment investigations, by private investigators, 593–594
diversion, 469
profiling, as retail loss prevention tool, 478–482
surveillance of, 481
Shoplifting, 8–11, 30, 35–37, 40–42, 45, 50, 51, 55, 59, 66, 68, 95, 170
alternative to, 178
apprehension report, 171f
articles on, 182f
best practices, 18
definition, 486
design of, 172
detainees, requests and course of actions for, 383–384
detention of suspects, 18
detentions, six steps for, 298
factors influencing customer theft activity, 483
management attitudes toward shrinkage, 483–484
organized retail theft, 487
outsourcing, 196
plan for shrinkage reduction, 490–491
shortage awareness programs, 489
as subject of retail crime, 482
as threat to profitability of retail stores, 19
Shopping. See Integrity testing
Shopping centers (malls), 305
security aspects, 306
Shopping policy violation, interview for, 237
Shortage awareness programs, 489–490
Shrinkage, 47, 49, 50, 80, 86, 89, 94–97, 126, 139, 161, 162, 180, 191, 192
Signage, 100, 116, 148, 162, 194, 327
Silent Witness Incentive Award Programs, 11
Six-Step Rule, 172
Skimming, 190
Slander. See Legal considerations
Small claims court, 9, 496–497
Social security numbers by state of issue, 650
Sounders, for alarm system applications, 5
Source tagging, 98, 106, 108–109
Special considerations, 132, 238
Special events and assignments. See Celebrity appearances; Executive protection
Special police powers, 497–498
Sprinkler systems
automatic, 168
shutoff valves of, 169
Stairwells, 162
Standards of conduct, for security personnel, 183
State Department Security (DSS), 37
Steps for successful LP program, 528
Stock areas
access to, 161
horizontal travel prevention, 162
near entrances and exits, vulnerability of, 192
Stock keeping units (SKUs), 109, 243, 491
Stockroom prowlers, limited access of, 162
Stockrooms, 25, 161, 162, 192, 275, 277, 365, 418, 433, 447, 448, 466, 482
Storage area network system, 601
Store detective, 215–216
Store night depository system, 314
Stores. See Retail stores
additional steps, 282
best practices throughout, 283
preparation steps, 281–282
Structured OJT, 318
alarm system, 2
degree of, 315
deployment and productivity, 427
employment of LP personnel, 311–313
in enforcement of wagering games, 402
findings and recommendations, 421
hiring and training, 481
by law enforcement agencies, 8
legal considerations, 297
liability issues, 428
of lost or unaccompanied children, 303
of LP employees, 159
of LP management, 571
monitoring service, 6
security reports, 561
shoplifting detection and apprehension, 404
training and certification options, 231
Supply chain
overview, 502
for retailing, 502–503
vulnerabilities for, 504
Surveillance-stake out, 651
Sweethearting, 650, 652
Sworn officers, 583


TAM, 531–547, 549
Tax loss, due to ORT, 197
Teenage shoplifting, 358–359
Telegraph, 597
Temporary restraining order (TRO), 283–285, 543
police liaison, 285
auto theft, 557
fitting room, 169–170, 172
Theft technique. See Grab-and-run technique
Threat Assessment and Management (TAM), 549
principles of, 531
role of loss prevention professional in, 535–537
role of psychologist in, 537
Threats and crank letters, 267
Threats & bomb threats, 22–25, 26f,, 117, 120–121, 124, 225, 241, 267–268, 281, 283, 364, 377
Ticket switching, 567
Till taps, 567–568
Time card violations, 140, 568–569
Time lock, 33
Torts. See also See also Legal considerations
intentional, 297
unintentional, 296
for cash handlers, 64
cash office security, 33
and certification, 230–232, 457, 579
courtroom appearance and testimony, 67–68
documentation of procedures, 10
drafting or redrafting of policy, 42
for emergency planning, 118
guards, 59–62
for operating alarm systems, 4
for operations and staffing, 95
of policies and procedures, 94–96
professionalism, 213
for robbery prevention, 99–102
supervisory, 114
for testing and maintenance, 8
visual bubbles, landscape, art, and CPTED, 72
Trash, 17, 24, 46, 72, 93, 142, 165, 197, 272, 372, 380, 410, 571–572, 596, 636
Trends in LP, 62
Trespassing, 465, 499, 572, 574
Trial by oath, 205
Turkey crisis, 362–363. See also Product tampering


UCR coding system, 565
Ultra-high-frequency (UHF), 374
Unaccompanied children, 303–304
Undercover agents, 139, 142
Undercover operations (UC) by private investigators, 586–587
Uniform Crime Report (UCR), 508, 561–563, 565, 577
crime rates provision by, 577
for retailers, 577
Uniforms, 351
Unintentional tort, 296
United States (n), U.S. (a), 139
Universal product codes (UPCs), 567
Unlawful detention, 590–591
Use of force, 312, 315, 404, 578–579


attempted break-in, 282–283
in behavioral interviewing, 259
inside the store, 595–596
outside the store, 596
definition, 595
labor picketing and handbilling, 574
in malls and shopping centers, 305
precautionary measures for, 597
against property in parking facilities, 329
retail crime, security, and loss prevention, 350
uniform crime report, 562
Vaults, 17, 24, 33, 74, 243, 435–437, 443, 446, 557, 648
Vendor badging, 597
Vendor frauds, 139, 385, 596, 597, 603
Vendor relations
decision on products, 597–598
importance of communication, 597
Vendor reps, 597
Vendors wheel (Vendors list). See Fraudulent invoicing; Outsourcing
Verbal resistance, 580
Vertical traveling prevention, by fences, 162
Vicodin, 339–340, 347
Video recording technology (VHS), 526
Video surveillance, origin of, 598. See also See also CCTV
Video tape recorders (VTRs), 35
Vigiles of Rome, 204
Violence in the Workplace, 329, 375, 620, 622, 625, 638
VIP appearances in stores. See Celebrity
VIP high profile detentions–Celebrity arrests, 241, 652
Visible security officer, 361, 439, 604, 652
Visible security vs. plainclothes, 604–605
Visitor badging, in retail industry, 603
Voyeurism sex crimes, 462–463


Wall, William, 216
Warehouse theft prevention
auditing and inspection program for, 515
internal theft deterrents, 515
physical security controls for, 514–515
Warn & release. See Shoplifting
damage phase, of salvage work, 169
as fire extinguishment media, 163
Weapons, 21–22, 40, 64, 158, 201, 385, 391, 410, 412, 533, 539, 540, 607
White (race), 412, 610
Wicklander-Zulawski (WZ) non-confrontational method, 265
Window smashers. See Civil disturbances
Window smashing, 608. See also Civil disturbances
Wireless system for, IP surveillance
system, 602
deposition, 501, 609
expert, 158–159, 609
types of, 608
in loss prevention, 612–616
and minorities in retail security, 609–612
Workmen’s compensation employee accidents, 197–198
Workplace violence, 617, 637, 638
crisis response procedures, 633
disaster planning, myths of, 633
elimination, at risk behaviors, 624
emergency protocol with police, 634
enhancement, hiring procedures, 634–635
enhancing physical security, 630–631
external threats/risks to company, 625–626
facility risk assessments, 626–628
level of risk, for action, 618–620
Nix model, 623
no weapons in workplace policy, 630
organizational violence assessments, 628–629
prevention effort, 637
prevention strategies and avoiding, robbery, 631–633
survival rules, 636
synchronization, 633
time bomb, 637–638
training program, 635–636
types of, 531–532
viva la difference, 620
workplace violence prevention committee, 623–624
zero tolerance and zero incident, 621–622
World War II and private security, 211


Zone expansion modules, for alarm control panel, 4
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