
After coauthoring our first book in 1992 (now out of print) and collaborating on our second book Shoplifting: Managing the Problem, published in 2006, we were approached about writing a book covering the entire gamut of retail crime and loss prevention issues. After some discussion of how to approach a project of such scope, we agreed to undertake the project.

Since many of the procedures and methods of dealing with the myriad of retail security/loss prevention issues have changed over the past four decades from those outlined in Bob Curtis’s seminal work Retail Security, and many of these changes were the result of advances in both technology and the law, we determined to solicit the advice and help of experts in certain areas to assist us to assure that this book will present both the tried and true as well as the cutting edge of retail loss prevention techniques, procedures, and practices. With this as our goal, the reader will find some portions of this work to be authored by those contributing experts; their help will be appropriately identified and is herewith gratefully acknowledged. The views expressed by these contributors are exclusively theirs and may, or may not, be shared by your authors.

Similarly, when we mention a specific company or product by name, such mention is not meant as an endorsement but is done solely as a convenience to the reader should you wish to pursue more information.

Finally, it is our hope that this book will serve as a practical guide to solving those security/loss prevention issues encountered by the mom-and-pop store owner, the specialty retailer, and the big box regional and national chain stores. We have written it with the thought that readers will cover the spectrum of retailers, including drug, grocery, RTW, book, and convenience stores ranging from those with no loss prevention staff or training to sophisticated loss prevention departments with a vice president or CSO-level loss prevention executive. The book is also written with the thought it will assist attorneys involved with security/loss prevention litigation, providing them with generally accepted loss prevention practices and procedures.

In some cases a topic is covered by more than one author; this was not an oversight. Occasionally, we found different perspectives, nuances, or additional information which we felt both meritorious and deserving of consideration. In those instances, they are included.

Note: This book is not intended to provide legal advice or be a substitute for competent legal services. This book contains the opinions and ideas of its authors and contributors, and is intended to provide helpful and informative material on the topics covered. The authors specifically disclaim any responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk incurred as a consequence by the use or application of any of the contents of this book. Whenever legal issues come into question, we urge that the services of a competent attorney be sought.

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