ODS output
formatted output that is generated by any of the ODS destinations. For example, the
OUTPUT destination produces SAS data sets, the LISTING destination produces
listing output, and the HTML destination produces output that is formatted in
Hypertext Markup Language.
ODS style
a combination of colors, fonts, lines, marker symbols, and so on that provide a
specific appearance for SAS output. A style is defined in ODS by a style template.
oldest version
the oldest historical version of a data set in a generation group.
one-dimensional array
a grouping of variables of the same type under a single name. When processed, this
grouping of variables produces results that can be presented in simple column
one-to-one matching
the process of combining observations from two or more data sets into one
observation, using two or more SET statements to read observations independently
from each data set.
one-to-one merging
the process of using the MERGE statement (without a BY statement) to combine
observations from two or more data sets based on the observations' positions in the
data sets.
open code
the part of a SAS program that is outside any macro definition.
any of the variables and constants in an expression that contain operators, variables,
and constants.
operating environment
a computer, or a logical partition of a computer, and the resources (such as an
operating system and other software and hardware) that are available to the computer
or partition.
See SAS operator
output buffer
in the DATA step, the area of memory that a PUT statement writes to before it writes
to a designated file or output device.
Output Delivery System
a component of SAS software that can produce output in a variety of formats such as
markup languages (HTML, XML), PDF, listing, RTF, PostScript, and SAS data sets.
output object
a programming object that contains the data that is generated by a DATA step or a
PROC step and which can also contain a table definition that provides information
about how to format that data.
Glossary 799
in benchmarking, the additional resources that are used to move a component of SAS
software (such as a procedure) into main memory the first time a program uses that
packed decimal data
a method of encoding decimal numbers in which each byte represents two decimal
page dimension
in the TABULATE procedure, the combination of variables, variable values, and
statistics that determine the number and arrangement of pages in the table.
page size
the number of bytes of data that SAS moves between external storage and memory in
one input/output operation. Page size is analogous to buffer size for SAS data sets.
parallel I/O
a method of input and output that takes advantage of multiple CPUs and multiple
controllers, with multiple disks per controller to read or write data in independent
parallel processing
a method of processing that divides a large job into multiple smaller jobs that can be
executed simultaneously on multiple CPUs.
paste buffer
a temporary storage location that holds text that is stored with the STORE or CUT
command. The contents of the paste buffer remain in effect only for the current SAS
See Printer Command Language
See program data vector
performance statistics
data that contains measurements of the amount of resources a program uses when it
is compiled and executed.
permanent SAS data set
a SAS data set that is not deleted after the current program or interactive SAS session
ends. Permanent SAS data sets are available for future SAS sessions.
permanent SAS file
a file in a SAS library that is not deleted when the SAS session or job terminates.
permanent SAS library
a SAS library that is not deleted when a SAS session ends, and which is therefore
available to subsequent SAS sessions.
PF key
See function key
800 Glossary
physical filename
the name that an operating system uses to identify a file.
physical order
the order in which data records or observations appear in their storage structure.
in the FORMAT procedure, a template for printing the values of numeric variables.
the operating environment (including both the operating system and the computer
hardware) in which a program runs.
PMENU entry
a type of catalog entry that contains definitions for pull-down menus, menu bars, and
dialog boxes created by the PMENU procedure.
in the DATA step, a programming tool that SAS uses to keep track of its position in
the input or output buffer.
pointer control
the process of instructing SAS to move the pointer before reading or writing data.
positional parameter
a type of macro parameter that is named (using comma delimiters) in the %MACRO
statement at invocation, and is defined in the corresponding position (again using
comma delimiters) in the macro execution statement.
prefix operator
an operator that is applied to the variable, constant, function, or parenthetical
expression that immediately follows it (for example, the minus sign in -6*a).
primary key integrity constraint
a type of general integrity constraint that requires that the specified variable(s)
contain unique data values and which does not allow null data values. A data file can
contain only one primary key. If the primary key integrity constraint in one data file
is referenced by a foreign key integrity constraint in another file, then the primary
key integrity constraint is a referential integrity constraint.
print file
an external file that contains carriage-control (printer-control) information.
Printer Command Language
a command language that was developed by Hewlett-Packard for controlling
Hewlett-Packard printers. Each PCL command consists of an escape key followed by
a series of code numbers. Different versions of PCL have been developed for use
with different models or types of Hewlett-Packard printers.
a SAS data set that is created by the SQL procedure. A PROC SQL view contains no
data. Instead, it stores information that enables it to read data values from other files,
which can include SAS data files, SAS/ACCESS views, DATA step views, or other
PROC SQL views. The output of a PROC SQL view can be either a subset or a
superset of one or more files.
Glossary 801
PROC step
a group of SAS statements that call and execute a SAS procedure. A PROC step
usually takes a SAS data set as input.
See SAS procedure
procedure output file
an external file that contains the result of the analysis that a SAS procedure performs
or the report that the procedure produces. Most SAS procedures write output to the
procedure output file by default. Reports that are produced by SAS DATA steps,
using PUT statements and a FILE statement along with a PRINT destination, also go
to this file.
Profile catalog
See Sasuser.Profile catalog
program compilation
the process of checking syntax and translating a portion of a program into a form that
the computer can execute.
program data vector
the temporary area of computer memory in which SAS builds a SAS data set, one
observation at a time. The program data vector is a logical concept and does not
necessarily correspond to a single contiguous area of memory.
any of the points or values that divide data into groups that contain equal numbers of
observations, or any of those groups. Quartiles, quintiles, and percentiles are all
examples of quantiles.
a set of instructions that requests particular information from one or more data
radix point
in a positional notation system, a symbol that separates the characters of the integral
part of a number from those of the fractional part. For example, in the decimal
system, the radix point is called the decimal point.
random access
in the SAS data model, a pattern of access by which SAS processes observations
according to the value of some indicator variable, rather than processing all
observations sequentially.
raw data
in statistical analysis, data (including data in SAS data sets) that has not had a
particular operation, such as standardization, performed on it.
raw data file
an external file whose records contain data values in fields. A DATA step can read a
raw data file by using the INFILE and INPUT statements.
referential integrity constraint
an integrity constraint that is created when a primary key integrity constraint in one
data file is referenced by a foreign key integrity constraint in another data file. The
802 Glossary
foreign key integrity constraint links the data values of one or more variables in the
foreign key data file to corresponding variables and values in the primary key data
Resource Measurement Facility
a feature of the z/OS and OS/390 operating systems that records information about
each job that is processed.
return code
a numeric value that indicates whether a request was successful. A return code can
also indicate a specific error or warning.
returned value
a value that is the result of the execution of a function.
See Resource Measurement Facility
RTF destination
an ODS destination that produces output written in Rich Text Format for use with
Microsoft Word 2000.
SAS CALL routine
a type of SAS language element that is used to process one or more arguments and
then to return a result that can be used in an expression.
SAS catalog
a SAS file that stores many different kinds of information in smaller units called
catalog entries. A single SAS catalog can contain different types of catalog entries.
SAS catalog entry
an individual storage unit within a SAS catalog. Each entry has an entry type that
identifies its purpose to SAS.
SAS command
a command that invokes SAS. This command can vary depending on the operating
environment and site.
SAS data set
a file whose contents are in one of the native SAS file formats. There are two types
of SAS data sets: SAS data files and SAS data views.
SAS data set option
a SAS language element that specifies actions to apply to a particular SAS data set.
For example, data set options enable you to rename variables, to select observations
for processing, or to specify a password.
SAS data view
a type of SAS data set that retrieves data values from other files. A SAS data view
contains only descriptor information such as the data types and lengths of the
variables (columns) plus other information that is required for retrieving data values
from other SAS data sets or from files that are stored in other software vendors' file
Glossary 803
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