SAS date constant
a string in the form 'ddMMMyy'd or 'ddMMMyyyy'd that represents a date in a SAS
statement. The string is enclosed in quotation marks and is followed by the character
d (for example, '6JUL01'd, '06JUL01'd, '6 JUL2001'd, or '06JUL2001'd).
SAS date value
an integer that represents a date in SAS software. The integer represents the number
of days between January 1, 1960, and another specified date. For example, the SAS
date value 366 represents the calendar date January 1, 1961.
SAS datetime constant
a string in the form 'ddMMMyy:hh:mm:ss'dt or 'ddMMMyyyy:hh:mm:ss'dt that
represents a date and time in SAS. The string is enclosed in quotation marks and is
followed by the characters dt (for example, '06JUL2001:09:53:22'dt).
SAS datetime value
an integer that represents a date and a time in SAS software. The integer represents
the number of seconds between midnight, January 1, 1960, and another specified
date and time. For example, the SAS datetime value for 9:30 a.m., June 5, 2000, is
SAS engine
See engine
SAS expression
a type of macro expression consisting of a sequence of operands and arithmetic
operators that form a set of instructions that are evaluated to produce a numeric
value, a character value, or a Boolean value. Examples of operands are constants and
system functions. SAS uses arithmetic expressions in program statements to create
variables, to assign values, to calculate new values, to transform variables, and to
perform conditional processing.
SAS file
a specially structured file that is created, organized, and maintained by SAS. A SAS
file can be a SAS data set, a catalog, a stored program, an access descriptor, a utility
file, a multidimensional database file, a financial database file, a data mining
database file, or an item store file.
SAS initialization
the process of setting global characteristics that must be in effect in order for a SAS
session to begin. SAS performs initialization by setting certain SAS system options
called initialization options. SAS initialization happens automatically when you
invoke SAS.
SAS keyword
a literal that is a primary part of the SAS language. For example, SAS keywords
include DATA, PROC, RUN, names of SAS language elements, names of SAS
statement options, and system variables.
SAS log
a file that contains a record of the SAS statements that you enter, as well as messages
about the execution of your program.
SAS name
a name that is assigned to items such as SAS variables and SAS data sets. For most
SAS names, the first character must be a letter or an underscore. Subsequent
804 Glossary
characters can be letters, numbers, or underscores. Blanks and special characters
(except the underscore) are not allowed. However, the VALIDVARNAME= system
option determines what rules apply to SAS variable names. The maximum length of
a SAS name depends on the language element that it is assigned to.
SAS naming conventions
the set of rules that describe what constitutes a valid name for SAS variables, data
sets, librefs, filerefs, and other constructs of the SAS programming language.
SAS operator
in a SAS expression, any of several symbols that request a comparison, a logical
operation, or an arithmetic calculation.
SAS procedure
a type of SAS language element that refers to a self-contained program for
performing a specific task, such as to produce reports, to manage files, or to analyze
SAS program
a group of SAS statements that guide SAS through a process or series of processes in
order to read and transform input data and to generate output. The DATA step and
the procedure step, used alone or in combination, form the basis of SAS programs.
SAS registry
an item store that contains configuration data for one or more SAS software
products. For example, the SAS registry stores information about data libraries and
file shortcuts that SAS assigns at startup, about menu definitions for the SAS
Explorer pop-up menus, and about printers that have been defined. The SAS registry
is usually viewed with the Registry Editor, which is invoked with the REGEDIT
SAS statement
a type of SAS language element that is used to perform a particular operation in a
SAS program or to provide information to a SAS program.
SAS system option
a type of SAS language element that is applied to any of a number of operations
during a SAS session. System options can control SAS session initialization, SAS
interactions with hardware and software, and input and output processing of SAS
SAS time constant
a string in the form 'hh:mm:ss't that represents a time in a SAS statement. The string
is enclosed in quotation marks and is followed by the character t (for example,
SAS time value
an integer that represents a time in SAS software. The integer represents the number
of seconds between midnight of the current day and another specified time value. For
example, the SAS time value for 9:30 a.m. is 34200.
SAS variable
a column in a SAS data set or in a SAS data view. The data values for each variable
describe a single characteristic for all observations (rows).
Glossary 805
a type of file that retrieves data values from files that are stored in other software
vendors' file formats. You use the ACCESS procedure of SAS/ACCESS software to
create SAS/ACCESS views.
SAS/SHARE server
the result of an execution of the SERVER procedure, which is part of SAS/SHARE
software. A server runs in a separate SAS session that services users' SAS sessions
by controlling and executing input and output requests to one or more SAS libraries.
Sashelp library
a SAS library supplied by SAS software that stores the text for Help windows,
default function-key definitions and window definitions, and menus.
SASHELP library
See Sashelp library
a representation of the name for the directory or folder in which SAS is installed at a
site or a computer.
Sasuser library
a default, permanent SAS library that is created at the beginning of your first SAS
session. The Sasuser library contains a PROFILE catalog that stores the customized
features or settings that you specify for SAS.
SASUSER library
See Sasuser library
Sasuser.Profile catalog
a SAS catalog in which SAS stores information about attributes of the SAS
windowing environment for a particular user or site. It contains function-key
definitions, fonts for graphics applications, window attributes, and other information
that is used by interactive SAS procedures.
Scalable Performance Data Engine
a SAS engine that is able to deliver data to applications rapidly because it organizes
the data into a streamlined file format.
an initial value from which a random number function or CALL routine calculates a
random value.
software that provides either resources or services to requesting clients, possibly over
a network.
a single period during which a software application is in use, from the time the
application is invoked until its execution is terminated.
See mantissa
simple expression
a SAS expression that uses only one operator.
806 Glossary
simple index
an index that uses the values of only one variable to locate observations.
site number
the number that SAS uses to identify the company or organization to which SAS
software is licensed. The site number appears near the top of the log in every SAS
See System Management Facility
See symmetric multiprocessing
sort indicator
an attribute of a data file that indicates whether a data set is sorted, how it was sorted,
and whether the sort was validated. Specifically, the sort indicator attribute indicates
the following information: 1) the BY variable(s) that were used in the sort; 2) the
character set that was used for the character variables; 3) the collating sequence of
character variables that was used; 4) whether the sort information has been validated.
This attribute is stored in the data file descriptor information. Any SAS procedure
that requires data to be sorted as a part of its process uses the sort indicator.
SOURCE entry
a type of catalog entry that contains text from SAS text editor windows.
SPD Engine
See Scalable Performance Data Engine
See Structured Query Language
standard data
data in which each digit or character occupies one byte of storage.
a method of transforming values of a variable to a different scale based on a
particular mean and standard deviation.
See SAS statement
statement label
a SAS name followed by a colon that prefixes a statement in a DATA step so that
other statements can direct execution to that statement as necessary, bypassing other
statements in the step.
statement option
a word that you specify in a particular SAS statement and which affects only the
processing that that statement performs.
statement-style macro
a macro that is defined with the STMT option in the %MACRO statement.
Glossary 807
step boundary
a point in a SAS program when SAS recognizes that a DATA step or PROC step is
stored compiled DATA step program
a SAS file that contains a DATA step program that has been compiled and then
stored in a SAS library. You can execute stored compiled programs as needed
without having to recompile them.
See character string
Structured Query Language
a standardized, high-level query language that is used in relational database
management systems to create and manipulate objects in a database management
system. SAS implements SQL through the SQL procedure.
See ODS style
a query-expression that is nested as part of another query- expression. Depending on
the clause that contains it, a subquery can return a single value or multiple values.
summary statistic
See descriptive statistic
symbol table
the area in which the macro processor stores all macro variables and macro statement
labels for a particular scope.
symbolic variable
See macro variable
symmetric multiprocessing
a hardware and software architecture that can improve the speed of I/O and
processing. An SMP machine has multiple CPUs and a thread-enabled operating
system. An SMP machine is usually configured with multiple controllers and with
multiple disk drives per controller.
syntax error
an error in the spelling or grammar of a SAS statement. SAS finds syntax errors as it
compiles each SAS step before execution.
System Management Facility
a feature of the z/OS and OS/390 operating systems that provides information about
the computing resources that the operating system utilizes when it runs a job.
system option
See SAS system option
table definition
a set of instructions that describe how to format output in the Output Delivery
System (ODS).
808 Glossary
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