table lookup
a processing technique in which information is retrieved from an auxiliary source,
based on the values of variables in the primary source.
a template that defines how to create a type of markup language output from a SAS
format. Tagsets produce markup output such as Hypertext Markup Language
(HTML), Extensible Markup Language (XML), and LaTeX.
target variable
the variable to which the result of a function or expression is assigned.
an abbreviation for a pair of networking protocols. Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) is a standard protocol for transferring information on local area networks such
as Ethernets. TCP ensures that process-to-process information is delivered in the
appropriate order. Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol for managing connections
between operating environments. IP routes information through the network to a
particular operating environment and fragments and reassembles information in
template store
an item store that contains definitions that were created by the TEMPLATE
procedure. Definitions that SAS provides are in the item store Sashelp.Tmplmst. You
can store definitions that you create in any template store to which you have Write
temporary array elements
an array element that behaves like a variable but that does not appear in the output
data set. Temporary array elements have no names and can be referenced only by
their array names and dimensions. They are automatically retained, instead of being
reset to missing at the beginning of the next iteration of the DATA step.
temporary SAS data set
a data set that exists only for the duration of the current program or interactive SAS
session. Temporary SAS data sets are not available for future SAS sessions.
2 to the 40th power, or 1,099,511,627,776 (approximately 1.1 trillion) bytes.
text string
See character string
text-editing command
a command that is used with a particular text editor.
the smallest unit of processing that can be scheduled by an operating system.
thread-enabled procedure
a SAS procedure that supports threaded I/O or threaded processing.
threaded I/O
I/O that is performed by multiple threads in order to increase its speed. In order for
threaded I/O to improve performance significantly, the application that is performing
the I/O must be capable of processing the data rapidly as well.
Glossary 809
threaded processing
processing that is performed in multiple threads in order to improve the speed of
CPU-bound applications.
a high-performance technology for either data processing or data I/O in which a task
is divided into threads that are executed concurrently on multiple cores on one or
more CPUs.
time constant
See SAS time constant
time interval
a unit of measurement that SAS can count within an elapsed period of hours,
minutes, or seconds.
time value
See SAS time value
a record of the date and time at which a certain event occurred.
a heading that is printed at the top of each page of SAS output or of the SAS log.
an option, parameter, or other mechanism that enables you to turn on or turn off a
processing feature.
the unit into which the SAS language or the macro language divides input in order to
enable SAS to process that input. Tokens (also called words) include items that look
like English words (such as variable names) as well as items that do not (such as
mathematical operators and semicolons).
to allow a program to use more of one resource in order to decrease the use of
another resource.
trailing at sign
a special symbol @ that is used to hold a line of input or output so that SAS can read
from it or write to it in a subsequent INPUT or PUT statement.
transaction data set
in an update operation, the data set that contains the information that is needed in
order to update the master data set.
the process of converting the contents of a SAS file from one encoding to another
encoding. Transcoding is necessary if the session encoding and the file encoding are
different, such as when transferring data from a Latin 1 encoding under UNIX to a
German EBCDIC encoding on an IBM mainframe.
transport engine
a facility that transforms a SAS file from its operating environment-specific internal
representation to transport format.
810 Glossary
transport file
a sequential file that contains a SAS library, a SAS catalog, or a SAS data set in
transport format. You can use transport files to move SAS data libraries, SAS
catalogs, and SAS data sets from one operating environment to another.
transport format
either of two file formats that are used to move SAS data sets, SAS data libraries,
and SAS catalogs from one operating environment to another. One transport format
is produced when the COPY procedure is used with the XPORT engine. The other
transport format is produced by the CPORT and CIMPORT procedures. Each of
these transport formats is the same in all operating environments.
two-dimensional array
a grouping of variables of the same type under a single name with two dimensions.
When processed, this grouping of variables produces results that can be displayed in
columns and rows.
a 16-bit encoding that is the industry standard for supporting the interchange,
processing, and display of characters and symbols from most of the world's writing
Universal Printing
a feature of SAS software that enables you to send SAS output to PDF, Postscript,
GIF, PNG, SVG, and PCL files, as well as directly to printers. The Universal
Printing system also provides many options that enable you to customize your
output, and it is available in all of the operating environments that SAS supports.
a process in which SAS replaces the values of variables in the master data set with
values from observations in the transaction data set.
User library
a SAS library to which the libref User has been assigned. When the libref User is
defined, SAS data sets that have one-level names are stored in this library instead of
in the temporary Work library.
See SAS variable
variable attribute
any of the following characteristics that are associated with a particular variable:
name, label, format, informat, data type, and length.
variable label
up to 256 characters of descriptive text that can be printed in the output by certain
procedures instead of, or in addition to, the variable name.
variable type
the classification of a variable as either numeric or character. Type is an attribute of
SAS variables.
a definition of a virtual data set that is named and stored for later use. A view
contains no data; it merely describes or defines data that is stored elsewhere.
Glossary 811
view descriptor
a SAS/ACCESS file that defines part or all of the DBMS data that is described by an
access descriptor.
a message in the SAS log or Message window that indicates that SAS took corrective
action to continue processing the program.
WHERE clause
a syntax string that is composed of the keyword WHERE, followed by one or more
WHERE expressions. A WHERE clause defines the conditions to be used for
selecting observations in a data set.
WHERE expression
is a syntax string within a WHERE clause that defines the criteria for selecting
observations. For example, in a membership database, the expression "WHERE
member_type=Senior" returns all senior members.
WHERE processing
a method of conditionally selecting rows for processing by using a WHERE
in the SAS programming language, a collection of characters that communicates a
meaning to SAS and which cannot be divided into smaller units that can be used
independently. A SAS word can contain a maximum of 32,767 characters.
Work library
a temporary SAS library that is automatically defined by SAS at the beginning of
each SAS session or SAS job. Unless you have specified a User library, any newly
created SAS file that has a one- level name will be placed in the Work library by
default and will be deleted at the end of the current SAS session or job.
WORK library
See Work library
See Extensible Markup Language
XMLMap file
a file that contains XML tags that tell the SAS XML LIBNAME engine how to
interpret an XML document.
XPORT engine
the SAS transport engine. This engine accesses SAS files in transport format.
youngest version
the historical version of a data set that is chronologically closest to the base version
in a generation group.
812 Glossary
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