DATA step Component Interface 518
DATA step component objects 517
hash iterator object 531
hash object 518
DATA step debugger 4, 154
DATA step output 16
DATA step processing 402
altering flow for a given observation
changing default sequence of execution
compilation phase 404
default sequence of execution 409
during concatenation 478
during interleaving 482
during match-merging 494
during one-to-one merging 489
during one-to-one reading 487
example 405
execution phase 404
flow of action 402
step boundaries 412
troubleshooting execution 414
with UPDATE statement 498
DATA step programs
See stored compiled DATA step
DATA step views 671
additional output files 674
compared with PROC SQL views 676
compared with stored compiled DATA
step programs 672, 686
creating 671
definition 671
examples 673
merging data for reports 673
passwords and 731
performance 673
restrictions and requirements 672
uses for 672
data transfer services 716
data types 431
Java type set 537
data values 5, 406, 431
database management system (DBMS)
files 6
database management systems (DBMS)
DATAPAGESIZE= system option
I/O optimization and 201
DATASETS procedure
creating indexes 647
creating integrity constraints 632
data set lists and 596
date constants 95
date durations 123
date intervals 123
boundaries of 127
by category 124
multi-unit 128
multi-week 129
shifted intervals 130
single-unit 127
syntax 124
date values 111
as recognizable dates 121
calculating 122
formats and 115
informats and 115
integrity of 114
reading 122
tools by task 115
writing 122
year 2000 and 112
year digits 112, 113
datetime constants 95
datetime intervals 123
boundaries of 127
by category 124
multi-unit 128
multi-week 129
shifted intervals 130
single-unit 127
syntax 124
datetime values 112
as recognizable dates and times 121
formats and 115
informats and 115
integrity of 114
tools by task 115
year 2000 and 112
year digits 112, 113
DBLOAD procedure 707
DBMS (database management systems)
DBMS files 6
debugging 4, 135
DATA step debugger 154
logic errors 154
hash iterator object 531
hash objects 519
Java objects 536
default Base SAS engine 744
default data sets 597
descriptor information 5, 404, 592
using ODS 159
device types
Universal Printing 281, 283
DICTIONARY tables 689
performance 692
818 Index
viewing 690
viewing subset of 691
viewing summary of 690
different data representation
creating files in 716, 717
DIM function
determining number of array elements
versus HBOUND function 566
direct access
combining data sets 471
naming SAS logs 168
directories, library 587
disk space
index requirements for 644
integrity constraints and 631
Display Manager
specifying TrueType fonts 291
DLDMGACTION= data set option
recovering catalogs 753
recovering data files 750
DLDMGACTION= system option 750
DO loops 559
nested 564
processing selected array elements 559
DO UNTIL expressions 562
DO WHILE expressions 562
domain names
fully qualified 775
DROP statement
I/O optimization and 199
dropping variables 52
examples 55
input or output data sets for 53
order of application 54
statements versus data set options 52
duration 123
example 126
dynamic LIBNAME engine 704
See SMTP e-mail interface
statement 704
EMF graphics
creating 300
encoded passwords 729
encoding 710
output processing and 711
encrypting variable values 55
encryption 731
AES 733
audit trails with 735
copies with 735
generation data sets with 735
indexes with 735
SAS Proprietary 732
blotting out 735
engines 739
access patterns 742
characteristics of 741
CVP engine 746
data set access 740
dynamic LIBNAME 704
I/O optimization and 200
indexing 743
interface DATA step 708
interface view 706
levels of locking 742
libraries and 741
library engines 577, 744
library engines and compatibility 721
metadata LIBNAME engine 747
read/write activity 742
SAS files and 740
SAS Information Maps LIBNAME
Engine 747
SAS JMP LIBNAME engine 747
SAS XML LIBNAME engine 748
special-purpose 746
specifying 739
supported by CEDA processing 710
Enhanced Editor window 358
Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF) 300
environment variables
error checking
combining data sets 475
importance of 507
indexes and 507
on all statements using KEY= option
routing execution, when unexpected
condition occurs 509
tools for 508
error processing 135, 145
_IORC_ automatic variable and 153
checkpoint mode and restart mode 147
log control options 153
multiple errors 146
other options for 153
return codes 153
syntax check mode 145
system options for 151
error reporting
format modifiers for 144
ERROR statement
writing to log with 170
Index 819
error types 135
data 143
execution-time 140
logic 154
macro-related 145
semantic 138
summary of 135
syntax 136
ERRORS= system option
error-checking with 153
executable files
reducing search time for 205
execution phase (DATA step) 404
execution-time errors 140
examples 140
out-of-resources condition 140
Explorer 357
assigning file shortcuts 378
backing up Sasuser registry 225
configuring with SAS registry 232
copying data sets 379
data management with 376
renaming data sets 378
sorting data sets in a library 379
tree view 358
viewing data set properties 379
viewing libraries and data sets 376
printer definitions 280
registry files 232
subset of data 393
expressions 92
automatic numeric-character conversion
Boolean numeric 107
compound 92
constants in 93
examples 92
functions in 99
logical (Boolean) operators and 105
operators in 99
order of evaluation 108
simple 92
variables in 98
WHERE expressions 92
extended attributes 660
combining data sets with 477
components of a data set figure 592
descriptor information 404
logical components of a SAS data set
SAS variables 41
external data files
as DATA step output 16
external files 6, 755
as raw data source 14
processing 760
reading 415, 760
reading raw data 435
reading, with leading blanks and
semicolons 433
referencing directly 756
referencing indirectly 756
referencing many files efficiently 757
referencing with FILENAME access
methods 758
writing to 760
fast-append feature 614
file encryption 731
file formats
SAS 9 720
file management
applications performance 749
moving SAS files between operating
environments 749
repairing damaged files 750
file processing
with CEDA 710
file protection
See also passwords
assigning with PW= data set option 728
complete protection 728
encryption 731
file shortcuts 378
configuring with SAS registry 233
FILE statement
SMTP e-mail 767
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 15
file types 576
FILENAME access methods 758
filename extensions
SAS 9 720
FILENAME statement
SMTP e-mail 767
filerefs 756
configuring with SAS registry 233
files 4
See also external files
See also SAS files
appending 481
autoexec files 10
configuration files 10
data files 5
DBMS files 6
executable 205
external data files 16
820 Index
HTML files 17
importing non-standard 398
importing standard 396
moving between operating
environments 749
password-protected 727
procedure output files 17
repairing when damaged 750
FIND method
storing and retrieving data 522, 523
FIRST.variable 450, 455
FIRSTOBS= data set option
I/O optimization and 199
segmenting a subset 191
See also TrueType fonts
additional 286, 288, 297
foreign key integrity constraints 627
format modifiers
for error reporting 144
FORMAT statement
creating variables 43
as variable attribute 40
data grouped by formatted values 460
date values and 115
datetime values and 115
time values and 115
formatted input 438
Forms printing 239, 282
FQDN 775
FTP 15
FULLSTIMER system option 196
interpreting statistics 197
fully bounded range condition 183
fully qualified domain names (FQDN)
changing DATA step execution
sequence 411
in expressions 99
in WHERE expressions 180
general integrity constraints 626
generation data sets 620
base version 620
definition 620
deleting 625
encryption with 735
GENMAX= data set option 620
GENNUM= data set option 620
historical versions 620
invoking 621
maintaining 621
oldest version 620
passwords with 735
rolling over 621
terminology 620
youngest version 621
generation groups 620
appending 624
copying 624
deleting versions 625
displaying data set information 624
managing 623
modifying number of versions 624
naming 622
passwords in 626
processing specific versions 623
renaming versions 625
generation numbers 620
GENMAX= data set option 620
GENNUM= data set option 620
Getting Started with SAS 369
Ghostview previewer 279
GIF format 240
GIF images
creating 303
global statements
stored compiled DATA step programs
and 684
graphic symbol TrueType fonts 286
grouped observations
BY-group processing 175
hash iterator objects 518, 531
declaring and instantiating 531
retrieving hash object data 532
hash objects 518
attributes 530
comparing 530
declaring and instantiating 519
defining keys and data 520
initializing with constructor 519
maintaining key summaries 524
non-unique key and data pairs 521
reasons for using 518
replacing and removing data in 527
retrieving data with hash iterator 532
saving data in data sets 528
storing and retrieving data 522
HBOUND function 566
versus DIM function 566
temporarily changing column headings
Help 368
in command line 368
Index 821
in individual windows 370
Migration Focus Area 719
Help menu
opening from toolbar 369
PCL Universal Printer 305
hexadecimal notation
character constants in 94
numeric constants in 95
historical versions 620
HTML documents
embedding SVG documents in 336
HTML files
as DATA step output 17
HTML reports
creating with ODS and DATA step 424
cost of indexes 643
reducing for CPU performance 204
I/O optimization 197
BUFNO= system option 201
BUFSIZE= system option 201
CATCACHE= system option 201
COMPRESS= system option 201
creating data sets 199
DATAPAGESIZE= system option 201
DROP statement 199
engine efficiency 200
FIRSTOBS= data set option 199
indexes 199
KEEP statement 199
LENGTH statement 199
OBS= data set option 199
SASFILE statement 203
storing variables 203
STRIPESIZE= system option 201
UBUFNO= system option 201
UBUFSIZE= system option 201
views for data access 200
WHERE processing 198
IBM 370 mode 444
illegal character-to-numeric conversions
illegal operations
missing values and 87
in SVG documents 320
data into a table 396
non-standard files 398
registry files 231
standard files 396
IN operator
colon modifier (:) with 101
in character comparisons 104
in numeric comparisons 102
in WHERE expressions 183
IN= data set option
creating variables 44
index files 639
index type 40
INDEX= data set option
creating indexes 647
indexed data files
adding observations to 658
appending data to 659
copying 658
sorting 658
updating 658
indexes 471, 593, 638
benefits of 639
buffer requirements 644
CEDA processing and 659
composite 641
compound optimization 641, 650
costs of 642
CPU cost 643
creating 646
creating with DATASETS procedure
creating with INDEX= data set option
creating with SQL procedure 647
data file considerations 644
definition 638
disk space requirements 644
displaying data file information 656
encryption with 735
engines and 743
error checking 507
for BY-group processing 454, 654
guidelines for creating 644
I/O cost 643
I/O optimization and 199
integrity constraints and 629, 659
key variable candidates 645
missing values 642
multiple occurrences of values 659
NOMISS composite 651
passwords with 735
recovering 753
recovering when damaged 659
recovering when disabled 753
simple 641
specifying with KEY= option 656
taking advantage of 656
types of 640
822 Index
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