unique values 642
updating data sets 500, 507
usage information in log 653
use considerations 645
WHERE and BY processing with 655
WHERE processing with 648
WHERE-processing performance and
with MODIFY statement 500
with views 654
INFILE statement
data-reading features 439
infix operators 100
INFORMAT statement
creating variables 43
Information Maps LIBNAME Engine
as variable attribute 40
binary 443
column-binary 445
date values and 115
datetime values and 115
native or IBM 370 mode 444
time values and 115
initializing hash objects
with constructore 519
input buffers 404
creating 405
input data
preprocessing for BY-group processing
representing missing values in 441
input data sets
dropping, keeping, or renaming
variables 53
input data sources 14, 415
input pointer 406
INPUT statement
creating variables when reading data 42
data-reading features 439
input styles 435
reading raw data 435
input styles 435
column input 437
formatted input 438
list input 435
modified list input 436
named input 438
hash iterator object 531
hash objects 519
Java objects 536
instream data 434
as raw data source 14
multiple input files in 417
reading raw data from 416
reading, with leading blanks and
semicolons 433
reading, with missing values 416
semicolons in 434
INTCK function
interval boundaries and 127
integrity constraints 626
CEDA processing and 632
creating with DATASETS procedure
creating with SCL 633
creating with SQL procedure 633
definition 626
examples 632
foreign key constraints 627
general constraints 626
indexes and 629, 659
inter-libref referential 631
listing 631
locking 630
overlapping primary and foreign key
constraints 627, 637
preservation of 628
reactivating 637
recovering when disabled 753
referential constraints 627
rejected observations 631
removing 636
specifying 630
inter-libref referential integrity constraints
interactive line mode 8
interactive mode
SAS log in 166
interface data files 606
interface DATA step engine 708
interface library engines 746
BMDP 746
SPSS 746
view engines 746
interface view engine 706
interface views 669
interleaving data sets 472, 481
comments and comparisons 486
DATA step processing during 482
different BY values in each data set 485
duplicate values of BY variable 484
simple interleaving 483
sort requirements 482
syntax 482
international characters 286, 297
Internet Protocol Version 6
See IPv6
intervals 123
Index 823
custom 131
date and time 123
ISO 8601 compliant 131
multi-unit 128
multi-week 129
retail calendar intervals 131
shifted 130
INTNX function
interval boundaries and 127
invalid data 441
IPv6 773
address formats 774
addresses including a port number 774
addresses including a URL 775
examples of addresses 774
full and collapsed addresses 774
fully qualified domain names 775
IS MISSING operator 185
IS NULL operator 185
ISO 8601 131
iterative DO loops 559
processing selected array elements 559
Java objects 518, 534
accessing object fields 536
accessing object methods 537
arrays and 539
calling a simple method 543
CLASSPATH and Java options 534
creating a custom class loader 547
creating a user interface 543
declaring and instantiating 536
examples 543
exceptions 542
passing arguments 540
restrictions and requirements 536
standard output 543
type issues 537
Java type set 537
mapping to SAS data types 537
KEEP statement
I/O optimization and 199
keeping variables 52
examples 55
input or output data sets for 53
order of application 54
statements versus data set options 52
key summaries 524
key variables 640, 645
KEY= option
error checking and 511
MODIFY statement 656
SET statement 656
specifying indexes 656
data pairs and 521
defining 520
non-unique 521
SAS registry and 223
labels 40
language elements 6
LAST.variable 450, 455
Latin TrueType fonts 286
LBOUND function 566
leading blanks
reading data containing 433
Learning SAS Programming 369
LENGTH statement
creating variables 43
I/O optimization and 199
LIBNAME catalog concatenation 699
LIBNAME statement
associating librefs 578
clearing librefs 578
libraries 4, 575
accessing permanent files without libref
concatenation 580
configuring with SAS registry 233
defined by SAS 376
defining 577
engines and 741
file types 576
library directories 587
library engines 577
librefs 577
logical names 577
management tools 586
names 577
operating environment commands 588
permanent 582
physical names 577
remote access 579
SAS system libraries 583
sequential 586
sorting data sets in 379
temporary 582
utilities for 586
viewing with Explorer 376
library concatenation 580
definition 580
library members 581
824 Index
rules for 581
library directories 587
library engines 577, 744
definition 744
interface library engines 746
native 744
version compatibility and 721
librefs 577
accessing permanent files without 587
assigning 578
assigning the User libref 584
associating 578
clearing 578
configuring with SAS registry 233
fixing problems with SAS registry 234
reserved 579
syntax for assigning 578
LIKE operator 185
line mode
SAS log in 166
SAS registry and 223
to SVG documents 336
list input 435
LIST statement
writing to log with 169
listing output 162
viewing in Output window 361
literals 22
See also constants
name literals 31
little endian platforms 443
lockdown state 17
locking integrity constraints 630
log 16, 156
altering contents of 170
appending to 167
as DATA step output 16
changing destination of 158
customizing 170
customizing appearance of 172
in batch mode 166
in interactive mode 166
in line mode 166
in objectserver mode 166
index usage information in 653
naming with directives 168
replacing 167
rolling over 167
specifying when to write to 167
structure of 164
suppressing parts of 170
writing to, in all modes 169
log control options 153
Log window 359
logger objects 518
logging facility 156
logic errors 154
logical names 577
See also librefs
logical operators 105
combining WHERE expressions 188
syntax for WHERE expressions 188
macro facility 7
definition 4
macro-related errors 145
many-to-many relationships 470
many-to-one relationships 469
Maps library 376
master data set 497
updating 504
match-merging 473, 493
combining observations based on a
criterion 494
DATA step processing during 494
duplicate values of BY variable 495
nonmatched observations 496
syntax 494
MAX operator 107
in WHERE expressions 188
increasing for CPU performance 204
optimizing usage 204
menus 364
Help menu 369
Universal Printing 257
MERGE statement
data set lists and 596
match-merging 494
one-to-one merging 489
data for reports 673
match-merging 473, 493
one-to-one 472, 489
metadata LIBNAME engine 747
metadata-bound library 583, 737
Migration Focus Area 719
MIN operator 107
in WHERE expressions 188
missing semicolons 138
missing values 6
automatically set by SAS 86
character 441
checking for, in DATA step 90
creating special missing values 84, 88
definition 83
generated by SAS 87
Index 825
illegal character-to-numeric conversions
and 88
illegal operations and 87
in raw data 441
indexes 642
numeric 441
order of 85
printing 162
propagation of 87
propagation of, preventing 88
reading instream data lines with 416
representing in input data 441
representing in raw data 89
setting to missing in DATA step 90
special numeric 441, 442
updating data sets 499, 503
modified list input 436
MODIFY statement
indexes with 500
primary uses 500
updating data sets 497, 498
with BY versus UPDATE statement
modifying data sets 466
tools for 466
monolingual Asian TrueType fonts 286
Mozilla Firefox
font mapping 320
SVG documents and 320
MPP appliances 207
Multi Engine Architecture 577
multi-unit intervals 128
multi-week intervals 129
multidimensional arrays 556, 563
grouping variables in 563
nested DO loops 564
multilingual Unicode TrueType fonts 286
multiple-pass access
engines 742
name literals 31
avoiding errors 33
examples 32
restrictions 32
name prefix lists 50, 596
name range lists 50
named input 438
names 22, 24
automatic naming convention 597
catalogs 695
data sets 594
definition 24
generation groups 622, 625
length of 24
library names 577
reserved 24, 39
user-supplied 24
variable names 26
native data files 606
native library engines 744
default Base SAS engine 744
definition 744
REMOTE engine 744
SASESOCK engine 745
sequential engines 745
SPD Engine 745
transport engine 745
V6 compatibility engine 745
native mode 444
native views 669
nested DO loops 564
NOMISS composite indexes 651
non-standard files
importing 398
noninteractive mode 9
nonmatched observations
updating data sets with 503
nonstandard data 431
NOT operator 106
null data sets 597
numbered range lists 49, 596
numbers 22
numeric comparisons 102
IN operator in 102
numeric constants 94
in hexadecimal notation 95
in scientific notation 95
in standard notation 94
numeric data
reading 431
numeric missing values 441
numeric values 431
numeric variables 38
converting to character 44
sort order of missing values 85
numeric-character conversion 98
numerical precision 60
comparison considerations 74
computational considerations 72
determining number of bytes 79
double versus single precision 80
floating-point example on Windows 67
floating-point example on z/OS 72
floating-point on Windows 67
floating-point on z/OS 70
floating-point representation 63
how SAS stores 62
IEEE standard 66
precision versus magnitude 64
transferring data 81
826 Index
using formats to avoid errors 75
using the LENGTH statement 77
using the ROUND function 72
using the TRUNC function 79
numerical precision variables 38
object fields 536
object methods 537
object server mode 9
object spawner 769
UUIDs and 769
See DATA step component objects
objectserver mode
SAS log in 166
OBS= data set option
I/O optimization and 199
segmenting a subset 191
OBSBUF= data set option
system performance 203
OBSBUFSIZE= data set option
performance considerations 673
observations 5
adding to indexed data files 658
altering DATA step execution sequence
for 411
BY-group processing 175
extending the count 662
maximum count 608
position of variables in 40
processing in BY groups 454
reading data sets 467
rejected 631
rejected, capturing 617
sorting for BY-group processing 453
writing to data sets 407
ODS (Output Delivery System) 4, 162
creating HTML reports 424
DATA step and 426
Universal Printing and 243
ODS destinations
PNG images for 310
TIFF images for 342
ODS PRINTER statement
creating PNG files 310
ODS styles
TrueType fonts and 285
ODS templates
specifying TrueType fonts 296
OF operator
Using variable lists with 51
oldest version 620
one-dimensional arrays 556
one-level data set names 595
one-to-many relationships 469
one-to-one merging 472, 489
comments and comparisons 493
DATA step processing during 489
different values of common variables
duplicate values of common variables
equal number of observations 490
syntax 489
unequal number of observations 491
one-to-one reading 472, 486
comments and comparisons 488
DATA step processing during 487
equal number of observations 487
syntax 487
one-to-one relationships 468
operands 92
in WHERE expressions 179
operating environment commands
for libraries 588
operating environments
moving SAS files between 749
operators 92
AND 105
arithmetic 100, 182
Boolean 105
character comparisons 103
comparison 101, 182
concatenation 107, 188
fully bounded range condition 183
IN 102, 104, 183
in expressions 99
in WHERE expressions 182
infix 100
LIKE 185
logical 105, 188
MAX 107, 188
MIN 107, 188
NOT 106
numeric comparisons 102
OR 106
prefix 99, 188
sounds-like 186
OR operator 106
ordered observations
BY-group processing 175
ORIENTATION= system option 244
OSIRIS engine 746
out-of-resources condition 140
output 155, 156
Index 827
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