sounds-like operator 186
source code
printing for stored compiled DATA step
programs 685
SPD Engine 745
SPD Engine encryption features 732
special characters 22
special missing values 84, 88
special numeric missing values 441, 442
special SAS name lists 50
SPSS engine 746
concatenating data sets 480
SQL procedure
creating indexes 647
creating integrity constraints 633
SQL Procedure pass-through facility 705
standard data 431
standard files
importing 396
standard notation
for numeric constants 94
changing DATA step execution
sequence 410
combining data sets with 474
controlling reading and writing 467
default DATA step execution of 409
dropping, keeping, or renaming
variables with 52
executing automatically 10
for SMTP e-mail 767
specifying TrueType fonts 292
step boundaries 412
word placement and spacing in 23
See performance statistics
step boundaries 412
STIMER system option 196
interpreting statistics 197
stored compiled DATA step programs 679
compiling and storing 681
CPU performance and 205
creating 681, 682
examples 687
executing 683, 685
execution process 684
global statements for 684
printing source code 685
processing 680
quality control application 687
redirecting output 684
restrictions and requirements 680
syntax for creating 681
syntax for executing 683
uses for 680
versus DATA step views 672, 686
stored programs 5
storing data
ADD and FIND methods for 522
hash objects and 522
storing variables
I/O optimization and 203
STRIPESIZE= system option
I/O optimization and 201
style definition 162
SAS registry and 223
segmenting 190
subsetting data
exporting a subset 393
rows of a table 390
with WHERE expression 390
subsetting IF statement
versus WHERE expression 193
multi-page documents 329
overlaid transparent documents 334
SVG canvas 314
SVG documents 240, 314
animation 343
browser support for 319
creating stand-alone 328
creating with Universal Printers 316
embedding in HTML documents 336
environment for stand-alone 322
images in 320
linking to 336
Mozilla Firefox and 320
multi-page, in separate files 333
multi-page, in single file 329
output from Universal Printers 315
overlaid transparent 334
printing from browser 341
reasons for creating 315
setting Universal Printer 324
system options for 322, 325
tag attributes 325
terminology 314
titles 328
user coordinate system 315
user space 315
viewBox 315
viewBox, aspect ratio 326
viewBox, setting 324
viewBox, static 326
viewport 315
viewport coordinate system 315
viewport space 315
viewport, scaling to 324
syntax check mode 145
Index 833
enabling 146
syntax errors 136
SYSERR automatic macro variable
error-checking with 153
SYSMSG function
error-checking with 153
SYSPRINTFONT= system option
specifying TrueType fonts 292
SYSRC automatic macro variable
error-checking with 153
SYSRC function
error-checking with 153
SYSRC macro 508
system libraries 583
Sashelp 585
USER 584
Work 583
system options
affecting the log 173
altering log contents with 170
customizing log appearance with 172
default settings 10
for error handling 151
for SMTP e-mail 766
SVG documents and 322
SVG tag attributes and 325
Universal Printing 274
system performance 196
calculating data set size 206
CPU performance 204
definition 196
memory usage 204
optimizing I/O 197
performance statistics 196
table definition 162
table editor
See VIEWTABLE window
editing cell values 389
importing data into 396
moving columns in 386
sorting by column values 387
subsetting rows 390
temporarily changing column headings
TAPE engine 710
temporary libraries 582
test page 266
testing programs 478
threaded application processing 208
threaded technology 208
threading technology 207
threads 207
TIFF format
for ODS destinations 342
time constants 95
time durations 123
time intervals 123
boundaries of 127
by category 124
multi-unit 128
shifted intervals 130
single-unit 127
syntax 124
time values 112
as recognizable times 121
formats and 115
informats and 115
tools by task 115
SVG documents 328
See words
toolbars 367
opening Help menu from 369
traditional LISTING output 162
transaction data set 497
transparency 247
transport engine 745
TrueType fonts 283
international character support 286, 297
locating font files 289
ODS styles and 285
portability of 286
registering for Windows or UNIX 289
registering for z/OS 289
registering with SAS Registry 289
specifying with Display Manager 291
specifying with PRINT procedure 295
specifying with PRINT procedure and
ODS template 296
specifying with program statements
specifying with SAS/GRAPH 294
specifying with SYSPRINTFONT=
system option 292
supplied by SAS 286
two-dimensional arrays 557
bounds in 567
two-level data set names 595
UBUFNO= system option
I/O optimization and 201
UBUFSIZE= system option
I/O optimization and 201
834 Index
unexpected conditions 509
Universal Printers 315
creating SVG documents 316
PNG format 310
setting for SVG documents 324
SVG output 315
Universal Printing 239
See also printer definitions
accessing printers 241
changing settings 243
color support 247
comments, embedding in output 256
configuring 274
configuring with SAS registry 232
default printer 259
destination 281
device type 281
EMF graphics 300
enabling 239
GIF images 303
host options 281
interface 257
menu 257
ODS and 243
output formats and printers 240, 279,
309, 314
page options 267
page orientation 244
page properties 271
PCL file 305
previewers 268, 279
previewing print jobs 271
printer for current SAS session 265
printers 241
printing active window contents 266
printing test page 266
printing with 266
properties for default printer 263
removing printer from selection list 259
seeding Preview command box 271
setting up 239
setting up printers 258
system options for 274
TrueType fonts and 283
viewing printer settings 242
windows 258
Universal Unique Identifiers
UNIVERSALPRINT system option 239
registering TrueType fonts 289
unmatched comment tags 138
unmatched quotation marks 138
UPDATE statement
DATA step processing with 498
sort requirements 499
updating data sets 497, 498, 501
versus MODIFY statement with BY
with duplicate values of BY variable
with nonmatched observations, missing
values, and new variables 503
updating data sets 473, 497
basic updating 501
error checking 507
indexes with MODIFY statement 500
master data set 504
missing values 499
new variables 499
nonmatched observations 499
sort requirements for UPDATE
statement 499
syntax 498
UPDATE versus MODIFY with BY
with duplicate values of BY variable
with nonmatched observations, missing
values, and new variables 503
UPRINT system option 239
addresses including 775
remote access and 15
user interface
creating for Java 543
User library 584
assigning User libref 584
relation to Work library 585
user variables 611
user-defined ODS templates
specifying TrueType fonts 296
user-supplied names 24
length of 24
reserved names and 24
variable names 26
Using This Window 369
for libraries 586
UUID Generator Daemon 770
installing 770
UUIDCOUNT= system option 772
UUIDGEN function 771
UUIDGENDHOST system option 772
UUIDs 769
assigning 771
object spawner and 769
V6 compatibility engine 745
Index 835
SAS registry and 223
variable attributes 38
format 40
index type 40
informat 40
label 40
length 39
name 39
position in observation 40
type 39
variable labels 40
variable length 39
CPU performance and 205
not explicitly set 41
variable lists 49
defining arrays quickly 563
name prefix 50
name range 50
numbered range 49
special SAS name 50
Using the OF operator with 51
variable names 26, 39
reserved 39
variable type 39
not explicitly set 41
variable type conversions 44
automatic numeric-character 98
illegal character-to-numeric 88
variable values 406
variables 5, 38
_AT*_ 611
aligning values 45
automatic 48
automatically set to missing 86
BY variables 450
character 38
creating 41
creating with assignment statement 41
creating with ATTRIB statement 44
creating with FORMAT statement 43
creating with IN= data set option 44
creating with INFORMAT statement 43
creating with INPUT statement 42
creating with LENGTH statement 43
dropping 52
encrypting values 55
encrypting values examples 55, 56, 57
FIRST. 450, 455
in expressions 98
in WHERE expressions 179
keeping 52
LAST. 450, 455
maximum number of 39
numeric 38
numerical precision 38, 60, 62, 76
position in observations 40
reading data sets 467
renaming 52
setting values to missing in DATA step
updating data sets with new variables
user 611
VBUFSIZE= data set option
SAS views and 673
VBUFSIZE= system option
performance considerations 673
SAS views and 673
system performance 203
version compatibility 719
comparing SAS 9 to earlier releases
library engines and 721
SAS 9 file format 720
SAS 9 filename extensions 720
view descriptors 677, 706
view engines 746
viewBox (SVG) 315
aspect ratio 326
setting 324
static 326
supporting PNG format 311
viewport (SVG) 315
coordinate system 315
scaling documents to 324
views 5, 592, 669
as DATA step output 16
as input data source 14
benefits of 670
creating with DATA step 415
DATA step 671
I/O optimization and 200
indexes with 654
interface 669
level of protection 729
native 669
passwords with 729
SAS/ACCESS 669, 677
versus data files 607
when to use 671
WHERE expressions and 191
opening a data set in 380
VIEWTABLE window 380
editing cell values 389
moving columns 386
opening using SAS Explorer 380
opening using VIEWTABLE command
sorting by column values 387
836 Index
temporarily changing column headings
viewing and editing data sets 604
remote library access 580
WHERE expressions 92, 177
clearing 392
combining with logical operators 188
compound 177, 189
compound optimization 650
constants in 181
efficient 190
functions in 180
operands in 179
operators in 182
optimizing 648
order of evaluation for combining 189
processing views 191
segmenting a subset 190
simple 177
subsetting data with 390
syntax 179
variables in 179
versus subsetting IF statement 193
where to use 178
WHERE-expression processing 177
comparing resource usage 652
compound optimization 650
controlling index usage 653
displaying index usage information 653
estimating qualified observations 651
I/O optimization and 198
identifying available indexes 648
indexes for 648
indexes for, with BY processing 655
indexes with views 654
performance improvement 190
window contents
printing 266
windowing environment 4, 355
assigning passwords with 726
command line 368
commands 370
customizing 10
data management in 376
Enhanced Editor window 358
Explorer 357, 376
Help 368
list of windows 370
Log window 359
main windows 356
menus 364
navigating 363
Output window 361
Results window 360
running SAS sessions in 8
toolbars 367
VIEWTABLE window 380
registering TrueType fonts 289
words 21
placement and spacing in statements 23
types of 21
Work library 376, 583
relation to User library 584
wrapper classes 540
write protection 724, 729
XML engine 715
XML LIBNAME engine 748
XPORT engine 715
year 2000 112
YEARCUTOFF= system option
year 2000 and 112
year digits and 112, 113
four-digit 112, 113
two-digit 112, 113
youngest version 621
registering TrueType fonts 289
zoned decimal data 443
Index 837
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