See also log
See also output
CEDA processing 711
changing destination of 158
customizing 157, 160
DATA step 16
default destinations 157
destination 157
example HTML 162
example traditional listing 163
Java standard output 543
listing output 361
logging facility 156
printing missing values 162
PROC step 17
program results 155
redirecting for stored compiled DATA
step programs 684
reformatting values 162
routing 157
SAS log 156
SVG 315
traditional LISTING output 162
types of 155
Universal Printing formats 240
viewing in Results window 360
output data sets
dropping, keeping, or renaming
variables 53
Output Delivery System
See ODS (Output Delivery System)
output files
DATA step views 674
Output window 361
overlaid transparent SVG documents 334
packed decimal data 443
page options 267
page properties 271
parallel processing
CPU performance and 205
order of evaluation in WHERE
expressions 189
password-protected files
in DATA and PROC steps 727
passwords 724
alter protection 724, 729
assigning 724
assigning outside of SAS 726
assigning to data sets 726
assigning with DATA step 725
assigning with procedures 726
assigning with windowing environment
assigning, syntax for 724
audit trails with 735
blotting out 735
changing 726
copies with 735
DATA step views and 731
definition 724
encoded 729
generation data sets with 735
in generation groups 626
incorrect 727
indexes with 735
level of protection 724, 729
PROC SQL views and 730
read protection 724, 729
removing 726
SAS/ACCESS views and 731
views with 729
write protection 724, 729
pattern matching 185
PC file formats 703
PCL file
creating 305
PCL format 240
PDF format 240
PDV (program data vector) 404
input buffer and 405
percent sign
in name literals 32
See also system performance
audit trails 613
DATA step views 673
DICTIONARY tables 692
of applications 749
of WHERE processing 190
parallel processing 207
sort indicator and 603
threading 207
performance statistics 196
collecting and interpreting 196
permanent files
accessing without libref 587
permanent libraries 582
physical names 577
PNG format 240, 309
browsers and viewers supporting 311
creating with ODS PRINTER statement
for ODS destinations 310
Universal Printers for 310
input pointer 406
port number
828 Index
addresses including 774
Portable Network Graphics
See PNG format
PostScript output 240
previewing with Ghostview 279
prefix operators 99
in WHERE expressions 188
Preview command box 271
previewers 268
creating a Ghostview definition 279
defining 268
defining with PRTDEF procedure 276
previewing print jobs 271
seeding Preview command box 271
primary key 626
print jobs
previewing 271
print previewers
See previewers
PRINT procedure
specifying TrueType fonts 295, 296
changing settings 243
color support 247
page orientation 244
viewing settings 242
Printer Command Language 305
printer definitions 259
adding, modifying, deleting 279
backing up 280
exporting 280
multiple printers 277
multiple users 278
PRTDEF procedure for 276
printer settings
setting up 239
printers 240, 241
See also Universal Printers
changing default 259
properties for default printer 263
removing from selection list 259
setting up 258
specifying for current SAS session 265
See also SVG documents
See also Universal Printing
active window contents 266
Forms 239, 282
international characters 286, 297
missing values 162
page options 267
page properties 271
source code for stored compiled DATA
step programs 685
test page 266
TrueType fonts 283
PROC SQL views 675
compared with DATA step views 676
statement in 704
passwords and 730
PROC step output 17
PROC steps 6
password-protected files in 727
SAS processing and 17
procedure output files
as DATA step output 17
procedures 4
assigning passwords with 726
combining data sets with 474
Profile catalog 697
creation of 697
default settings 697
definition 697
how information is used 697
recovering when locked or corrupt 698
program compilation optimization 205
program data vector (PDV) 404
input buffer and 405
program statements
generating data from 418
specifying TrueType fonts 292
propagation of missing values 87
preventing 88
PRTDEF procedure
defining printers and previewers 276
PS format 240
previewing with Ghostview 279
punched cards 446
PUT statement
SMTP e-mail 767
writing to log with 169
PUTLOG statement
writing to log with 169
PW= data set option
assigning complete file protection 728
quality control
stored compiled DATA step programs
quotation marks
character constants with 93
unmatched 138
random access
engines 742
error checking when using indexes for
Index 829
raw data 430
binary data 443
character data 433
column-binary data 445
data types 431
external files 435
input data source 14
instream data 434
instream data with semicolons 434
invalid data 441
missing values in 89, 441
missing values when reading 86
numeric data 431
reading 430
reading with DATA step 415
reading with INPUT statement 42, 435
sources of 434
ways to read 430
reactivating integrity constraints 637
read protection 724, 729
reading data sets 466
multiple data sets 467
reading and writing observations 467
reading and writing variables 467
single data set 466
tools for 466
real time 197
DATA step processing of 406, 408
catalogs 753
data files 750
disabled indexes 753
indexes 753
integrity constraints 753
referential integrity constraints 627
inter-libref 631
reformatting values 162
registering TrueType fonts
for Windows or UNIX 289
for z/OS 289
with SAS Registry 289
See SAS registry
Registry Editor 228
adding values or keys to registry 230
backing up SAS registry 226
backing up Sasuser registry 225
deleting items from registry 231
displaying Sasuser and Sashelp items
separately 231
exporting registry files 232
finding specific data in registry 228
importing registry files 231
modifying registry values 229
renaming items in registry 231
saving registry files 232
starting 228
when to use 228
registry files
exporting 232
importing 231
in Sashelp library 222
in Sasuser library 222
saving 232
REGISTRY procedure
backing up Sasuser registry 225
related data 468
remote access
as input data source 15
REMOTE engine 744
remote libraries
WebDAV servers 580
remote library services 716
renaming data sets 378
renaming generation groups 625
renaming variables 52
examples 55
input or output data sets for 53
order of application 54
statements versus data set options 52
repairing damaged files 750
as DATA step output 17
creating customized reports 420
creating HTML reports 424
creating, without creating a data set 419
merging data for 673
writing with DATA step 419
reserved librefs 579
reserved names 24, 39
resource usage 197
restart mode 147
requirements 149
restarting batch programs 151
setting up and executing 150
restoring site defaults 222
Results window 360
retail calendar intervals 131
retrieving data
ADD and FIND methods for 522
FIND method for, and loading a data set
hash object data 532
hash objects and 522
return codes 153
RGB color support 247
RGBA color support 247
RIDs 639
rolling over the log 167
830 Index
automatically, when directives change
by log size 169
by SAS session 169
directives for naming the log 168
disabling rollover 169
names for rolled-over logs 168
rolling over version numbers 621
routing output 157
changing destination 158
default destinations 157
methods 159
operating system 160
using ODS 159
subsetting 390
SAME-AND operator 187
system-wide concepts 11
comparing to earlier releases 720
SAS catalogs
See catalogs
SAS constants
See constants
SAS data files
See data files
SAS data sets
See data sets
SAS engines
See engines
SAS expressions
See expressions
SAS files 4
See also files
concepts 11
engines and 740
moving between operating
environments 749
repairing damaged files 750
SAS Help and Documentation 369
SAS indexes
See indexes
SAS Information Maps LIBNAME
Engine 747
SAS JMP LIBNAME engine 747
SAS language 4
data sets 5
DBMS files 6
external files 6
language elements 6
macro facility 7
SAS files 4
SAS libraries
See libraries
SAS log
See log
SAS name lists 50
SAS names
See names
SAS on the web 369
SAS processing 13
DATA step 16
input data sources 14
PROC steps 17
SAS programs
input data sources for 14
SAS Proprietary Encryption 732
SAS registry 221
See also Registry Editor
adding values or keys to 230
backing up Sasuser registry 224
backing up with Registry Editor 226
changing values in 229
color control with 227
configuring 232
configuring Explorer 232
configuring file shortcuts 233
configuring libraries 233
configuring Universal Printing 232
deleting items from 231
displaying 222
editing 222, 224
exporting registry files 232
finding data in 228
fixing libref problems with 234
importing registry files 231
keys and 223
links and 223
managing 224
recovering from failure 226
registering TrueType fonts 289
registry files 222
renaming items 231
restoring 226
restoring site defaults 222
storage location 222
subkeys and 223
terminology 223
values and 223
who should use 222
SAS Registry file 224
SAS Scalable Performance Data (SPD)
engine 745
SAS sessions 7
batch mode 9
customizing 10
customizing windowing environment
Index 831
default system option settings 10
executing statements automatically 10
in SAS windowing environment 8
interactive line mode 8
noninteractive mode 9
object server mode 9
restoring site defaults 222
rolling over the log by 169
starting 7
types of 7
SAS system libraries
See system libraries
SAS utilities
for libraries 586
SAS variables
See variables
SAS views
See views
SAS windowing environment
See windowing environment
SAS XML LIBNAME engine 748
ACCESS procedure and interface view
engine 706
data set options with librefs 704
DBLOAD procedure 707
dynamic LIBNAME engine 704
interface DATA step engine 708
SQL Procedure pass-through facility
SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement 704
embedding in PROC SQL views 704
SAS/ACCESS views 669, 677
passwords and 731
data transfer services 716
remote library access 579
remote library services 716
devices and TrueType fonts 283
specifying TrueType fonts 294
remote library access 579
remote library services 716
SASESOCK engine 710, 745
SASFILE statement
I/O optimization and 203
Sashelp library 376, 585
registry files in 222
Sasuser library 376, 585
registry files in 222
Sasuser registry
backing up 224
See Profile catalog
Scalable Vector Graphics
See SVG documents
scientific notation
numeric constants in 95
creating integrity constraints 633
search time
reducing for executable files 205
segmenting a subset 190
semantic errors 138
instream data containing 434
missing 138
reading data containing 433
sequential access
combining data sets 471
engines 742
sequential engines 745
sequential libraries 586
See SAS sessions
SET statement
concatenating data sets 478
data set lists and 596
interleaving data sets 482
one-to-one reading 487
shared files
location of 631
sharing disk space
integrity constraints and 631
shifted intervals 130
shortcuts 378
simple expressions 92
simple indexes 641
simple WHERE expressions 177
site defaults, restoring 222
SMP computers 207
SMTP e-mail interface 765
statements for 767
system options for 766
sort indicator 598
performance and 603
sort order
missing values 85
SORT procedure 601
sorted data sets 598
validating 603
SORTEDBY= data set option 599
by column values 387
data sets in a library 379
for interleaving data sets 482
for UPDATE statement 499
hash objects and 522
indexed data files 658
observations for BY-group processing
832 Index
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