Table of Contents


What Is Scrivener?

Mac Versus Windows Versus Linux Versus iPad

How This Book Is Organized

Conventions Used in This Book

Assumptions About Computer Knowledge

Getting More Help

I Getting Started in Scrivener

1 Getting to Know the Scrivener Interface

Understanding Projects

Creating a New Project

Selecting a Project Template

Saving Projects

Introducing the Main Scrivener Components

Examining the Editor

Using the Binder

Opening the Inspector

Changing the Group View Mode

Understanding Folders Versus Files

Accessing Other Panels

2 Customizing Your Work Environment

Setting General Preferences

Startup Options


Services (Mac Only)

Separators (Mac Only)

Scratch Pad

Bibliography Manager

Customizing Scrivener’s Appearance



Notepad Lines


Full Screen


Modifying the Color Scheme

Customizing the Corkboard Appearance



Dragging and Double-Clicking

Setting Full Screen Composition Mode Preferences

Composition Mode Setup

Editing Options

Composition Mode Appearance

Composition Mode Customizable Colors

Default View Settings

Customizing the Editor

Editing Options

Wrap to Editor Mode

Wrap to Page Mode

Setting a Writing Font

Saving and Sharing Your Preference Settings

Saving Preference Presets

Saving Theme Preferences

Using Workspace Layouts

Creating Layouts

Accessing Layouts

Modifying Layouts

Renaming Layouts

Deleting Layouts

Exporting and Importing Layouts

Customizing the Toolbar

3 Organizing the Binder

Working with Files and Folders

Adding Documents and Folders to the Binder

Adding Text Documents

Adding Folders

Adding a Folder at the Root Level

Adding a File at the Root Level

Grouping Documents and Folders

Organizing Documents and Folders in the Binder

Moving Items

Duplicating Items

Renaming Items

Deleting Items

Adding Icons to Documents and Folders (Mac Only)

Installing Additional Icons

Restoring Original Icons

Importing an Existing Manuscript

Setting Import Preferences

Importing Documents

Splitting and Merging Files

Using Import and Split

Focusing on the Chapter at Hand

Revealing and Hiding Items

Hoisting the Binder (Mac Only)

4 Writing in the Editor

Examining the Editor Window

Using the Header Bar

Navigation History Buttons

The Item Icon Menu

Sidebar Navigation Buttons

Splitting the Screen

Splitting the Editor

Selecting an Item in Split Screen

Binder Affects Menu

Closing a Split

Saving Your Layout

Formatting Text and Paragraphs

Preserving Formatting

Using Formatting Presets (Mac Only)

Creating a Formatting Preset

Deleting a Formatting Preset

Accessing the Ruler

Setting Tabs

Adjusting Indents

Using the Footer Bar

Checking Spelling

Automatic Spell Checking

Manually Checking Your Spelling

Automating Corrections as You Type

Adding Images to a Document

Inserting Linked Images (Mac Only)

Embedding PDF Images (Mac Only)

Viewing Scrivenings

Using QuickReference Panels (Mac Only)

Taking Notes in the Scratch Pad

Adding and Deleting Notes

Sending a Note to a Project

5 Writing in Full Screen

Using Composition Mode

Making Adjustments in the Control Strip

Using Composition Mode with Multiple Displays

Using the Mac’s Full Screen Mode

II Organizing Your Writing Process

6 Storyboarding with the Corkboard

Opening the Corkboard

Viewing Multiple Containers in a Stacked Corkboard

Adding Documents to the Corkboard

Examining Index Cards

Adding Index Card Options

Setting Corkboard Options on the Footer Bar

Using the Corkboard in Split Screen

Putting Split Screen to Work

Using Images to Your Advantage

Locking the View Mode (Mac Only)

Working with the Freeform Corkboard (Mac Only)

Printing Index Cards

7 Plotting in the Outliner

Exploring the Outliner

Customizing the Outliner

Expanding and Collapsing Containers

Adding and Removing Columns

Arranging Columns and Items

Hiding the Synopsis

Sorting by Outliner Columns (Mac Only)

Printing an Outline on the Mac

Exporting an Outline

Exporting to a Spreadsheet (CSV Format)

Exporting to OPML Format

Importing an OPML or Freemind Outline

8 Organizing Your Research

Importing Research Files

Using File Import

Opening Files in an External Editor

Linking to an Alias

Using PDFs

Accessing Media Files

Importing Web Pages

9 Brainstorming with Scrivener

Using the Name Generator

Searching for Names on the Mac

Adding Names to the Mac Name Generator

Searching for Names in Windows

Adding Names to the Windows Name Generator

Creating a Sketchpad

Using Aeon Timeline with Scrivener (Mac Only)

10 Editing Your Manuscript

Using Inline Annotations

Adding Annotations

Editing Annotations

Changing the Appearance of Annotations

Adding and Reviewing Comments

Adding Comments

Editing Comments

Changing the Appearance of Comments

Moving Comments

Removing All Document Notations

Converting Annotations to Comments (and Vice Versa)

Searching for Annotations and Comments

Exporting Annotations and Comments

Using Revision Mode (Mac Only)

Marking Text

Marking Text for Deletion

Customizing Revision Mode

Finding Revisions

Removing Revisions

Taking Snapshots

Creating Snapshots

Viewing Snapshots

Comparing Snapshot Versions (Mac Only)

Reverting to a Prior Snapshot

III Digging Deeper into Scrivener

11 Digging into the Inspector

Navigating the Inspector

Adding a Synopsis in the Inspector

Automatically Generating a Synopsis

Adding an Image to the Synopsis

Toggling the Created and Modified Date

Selecting Compile Settings

Adding Project and Document Notes

Adding Images to Notes

Managing Project Notes (Mac Only)

Using Reference Links

Adding Internal References

Adding Internal References to the Item Icon Menu (Mac Only)

Adding External References

Viewing References

Editing and Deleting References

Locking the Inspector

12 Putting Keywords and Meta-Data to Work

Setting Status and Labels

Changing the Label and Status Titles

Removing Status and Label Values

Adding Status and Label Values

Setting a Default Status or Label

Associating Color with Labels

Applying Label Color to Interface Elements

Applying a Status Stamp to Index Cards

Using Glyphs as a Status Stamp on the Mac

Adding Glyphs as a Status Stamp in Windows

Using Keywords

Viewing the Keywords Inspector Pane

Adding Keywords to Documents

Removing Keywords from a Document

Using the Keywords Panel

Organizing Project Keywords

Searching by Keyword

Deleting Keywords from a Project

Adding Custom Meta-Data (Mac Only)

Adding Fields

Adding Values

Deleting Custom Meta-Data Fields

13 Creating and Using Template Sheets

Using Predesigned Template Sheets

Changing the Template Folder

Modifying Template Sheets

Creating a Document from a Template

Creating Your Own Template Sheets

Setting a Default Document Type

14 Creating and Using Project Templates

Creating a Project to Build a Template

Developing a Good Template

Create a Workspace Layout

Set Up the Draft Folder

Add or Modify the Information File

Create Non-Draft Folders and Files

Set Default Meta-Data

Set Project Targets

Create Template Sheets

Create Initial Collections

Designate Compile Settings

Using Template Placeholder Tags (Mac Only)

Saving a Project Template

Modifying a Project Template

Setting a Default Project Template

Deleting a Project Template

Importing and Exporting Project Templates

Importing a Project Template

Exporting a Project Template

IV Managing Your Writing Projects

15 Tracking Your Progress

Using Project Targets

Setting Target Options (Mac Only)

Setting Draft Targets

Setting Session Targets

Resetting Target Sessions

Using Document Targets

Using Project Statistics

Viewing Word Frequency

16 Searching Your Project

Conducting Project Searches

Narrowing Project Search Results by Element

Limiting Project Searches with Operators

Narrowing Search Options

Using Project Replace

Using Document Find and Replace

Performing a Document Find

Using Document Replace with Document Find

Using the Find Synopsis Tool (Mac Only)

Searching by Format

Creating and Using Collections

Creating a Standard Collection

Adding and Removing Files from Standard Collections

Moving Files in a Standard Collection

Creating a Search Collection

Converting a Search Collection to a Standard Collection

Renaming Collections

Removing Collections

Toggling the Collection View

Setting Bookmarks (Mac Only)

Adding Bookmarks

Using Bookmark Headers for Navigation

Choosing Favorites (Mac Only)

17 Backing Up Your Work

Setting Backup Preferences

Backing Up to Dropbox

Excluding a Project from Automatic Backups

Performing Manual Backups

Backing Up to Time Machine or Windows Backup

Restoring from a Backup

18 Taking Scrivener Out and About

Using Scrivener on Multiple Computers

Using Dropbox to Access Your Scrivener Project

Syncing Your Project (Mac Only)

Using Files in the External Folder

Working Wisely with Synced Folders

Using iPad Apps with Scrivener Files (Mac Only)

Using iA Writer with Scrivener Files (Mac Only)

Using Index Card for iOS (Mac Only)

V Generating a Completed Manuscript

19 Compiling Your Completed Work

Understanding the Compile Process

Choosing a Compile Format

Selecting an Output Format

Compiling the Project Using Compile Presets

Using the Compile Window

Choosing the Contents to Compile

Selecting Items in the Compile Group

Filtering the Contents of a Compile Group (Mac Only)

Adding Front Matter (Mac Only)

Formatting Separators Between Documents

Formatting the Compilation

Understanding Level Hierarchy

Establishing the Structure and Content Table

Selecting Content for Structure Levels

Formatting Content Elements

Numbering Chapters with the Section Layout

Excluding Documents from the Section Layout

Changing Layout Options

Adding Page Padding

Making Adjustments to Your Compilation

Laying Out Your Text in Columns

Adding an End-of-Text Marker

Converting Special Characters

Replacing Words and Phrases

Formatting Footnotes and Comments

Removing Notations

Converting Notations

Controlling Page Settings

Setting Margins

Adding Headers and Footers

Using a Different First Page Header/Footer

Adjusting Word Count on the Title Page (Mac Only)

Saving Compile Settings

Creating Compile Presets

Deleting Compile Presets

Compiling Your Project

20 Creating E-Books

Preparing Your Front Matter

Adding Cover Art to Your Project

Formatting Other Front Matter

Compiling an E-Book

Adding Front Matter to the Contents Tab (Mac Only)

Adding a Cover

Generating an E-Book Table of Contents

Reviewing HTML Settings (Mac Only)

Adding Document Properties to E-Books

Using KindleGen for Kindle MOBI Files

Compiling an E-Book for iBooks (Mac Only)

Previewing Your E-Book File

VI Using Scrivener in Other Scenarios

21 Screenwriting in Scrivener

Entering Scriptwriting Mode

Using a Scriptwriting Template

Importing a Script from Final Draft

Formatting Your Script

Modifying the Script Settings

Compiling a Script

22 Using Scrivener for Nonfiction Writing

Approaching a Nonfiction Project

Creating Formatting Presets

Inserting Figure References

Adding and Formatting Footnotes

Adding Footnotes

Using Referenced Inline Footnotes (Mac Only)

Customizing Linked Footnote Markers (Mac Only)

Creating a Table of Contents (Mac Only)

Creating a Bibliography

23 Discovering New Uses for Scrivener

Writing a Complete Series in Scrivener

Using Multiple Draft Folders

Using Scrivener Links Within a Project

Blogging with Scrivener

Creating a Cookbook Database


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