Industry Applications of Project Management Practice


Some professionals argue that a project is a project and, therefore, the principles of project management are generically applicable. Others proclaim that an information technology (IT) project is totally different from building a house or launching a new product. There is truth in both positions, of course. Principles of navigation are generically applicable, but putting them to proper use in the Antarctic or on the Danube requires different experiences and knowledge.

The project management principles are indeed generically applicable, yet to use them intelligently requires knowledge of the specific type of project. In this section, some of the peculiarities of project management practice across different industries are explored. In keeping with the explosion of project management into almost every type of business, this section of the book has added four new chapters in this edition.

In Chapter 43, Christopher Sauer of Oxford University explores how the mature practices of project management in the engineering and construction field may have applicability to the IT industry.

Chapter 44 features a discussion of IT project management practice and pitfalls by Karen R.J. White, PMP.

Looking to the future, the ecosystem restoration industry applies the proven practices of project management to a work environment characterized by evolving science, as discussed in Chapter 45 by Stan Veraart and Donald Ross, CEO of EarthBalance.

A veteran employee, volunteer, and board member of over a dozen nonprofits, Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin in Chapter 46 offers some insight into how project management discipline and theory can make the world a better place, when used by nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations.

Robin Markle Dumas shares insights into project management in the financial services sector in Chapter 47.

Chapter 48 covers the uses of project management in marketing initiatives; Mary Yanocha provides case studies and interviews with marketing heads, including one featuring the 2012 PMO of the Year Award winner, Verizon Wireless’s Marketing PMO.

In Chapter 49, Janice Weaver of Norton Healthcare (short listed for a PMI Project of the Year in 2010) shares her experience with implementing project management in healthcare organizations.

Finally, Luiz Rocha and Vianna Tavares ponder ways to keep large infrastructure projects on schedule in Chapter 50.

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