Figure 9.4: An enlarged detail of the Orion Nebula, near the Trapezium. EGGs, tiny comet-
shaped structures, can be seen. Small dense clumps containing proto-stars are being evapo-
rated by the intense light pressure of the Trapezium stars. (Image by NASA, ESA, M. Rob-
berto (Space Telescope Science Institute/ESA) and the Hubble Space Telescope Orion Treasury
Project Team, Public Domain.)
its own gravity. As it contracted, it fragmented into smaller contracting parts, some of which
formed individual stars. e brightest of these stars partly blew a hole in the near edge of the
nebula, allowing us to see inside. e ultraviolet light from these very hot stars excited the gas
in the nebula, causing it to glow.
ere is a physical reason that most stars, when their temperatures and luminosities are plotted
on the H-R diagram, tend to lie along the main sequence. For any given star, most of its visible
lifetime is spent with a luminosity and temperature that places it on the main sequence of the
H-R diagram. Since stars spend roughly 90% of their time in this stage, it follows that just by
chance, we are most likely to find them as main sequence stars.
A given star changes very little while it is on the main sequence. Most main sequence stars
increase their luminosities only very gradually and very slightly, while also becoming slightly
cooler. is causes them to gradually migrate roughly perpendicular to the main sequence band
(the exact path varies somewhat for different parts of the main sequence). And so the main
sequence is a band rather than a narrow line. Ten billion years are required for a star like the Sun
to undergoes those rather minor exterior changes.
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