Adding a contact form using Gutenberg

The contact form is one of the most essential features in almost all websites. It acts as the first point of communication with site owners when the user needs specific information or when something goes wrong while using the site. In Chapter 3Using Plugins and Widgets, we used the Contact Form 7 plugin to add a contact form as it's not a feature that's available in default. However, we have to create the form and then manually add the shortcode to a post or page. Instead, many site owners prefer adding it as a block to the new editor without needing to use shortcodes. This is possible with the new Gutenberg editor as most things are being converted into a reusable block.

We need to use a plugin to add a contact form as a block. We are going to choose the Caldera Forms plugin instead of the Contact Form 7 plugin as Contact Form 7 doesn't have built-in block support.

In this recipe, we are going to create a contact form using the Caldera Forms plugin and add it to the editor as a block.

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