How it works...

First, we need to log in to the database by using phpMyAdmin software or any other database management tool installed on the site. You should already have access to the login details for the database. If not, you can find them inside the wp-config.php file by using the DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD constants. You can also check the correct database name by using the DB_NAME constant on the same file. Once logged in to phpMyAdmin, you can click the database name to load the list of database tables. The user password is stored in the wp_users table, so click on the wp_users table to load the list of users. Once we click the edit link of the user, we can modify the password for the user by modifying the user_pass column.

WordPress uses an MD5 hash to encrypt the password, so we have to add the encrypted value to the database. We can enter the plaintext password and select MD5 from the Functions field. Then, the password will be added to the database after encrypting with the MD5 hash. Now, the password is modified on the database, and the user can log in successfully.

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