There's more...

In the previous section, we only looked at the settings that are available for all the email templates. However, there are more settings that work only with certain email templates, such as admin emails and custom emails.

Let's look at additional available settings for specific templates:

  • Additional Email Fields: Once this setting is enabled, you will get a new set of settings to define, including the name, email, reply to email, and CC and BCC emails. By default, you will have to use WordPress filter hooks to define these values, which is difficult for a non-technical administrator. With this plugin, you can input all these values to make the email more user-friendly and send it to additional users.
  • Send To: These settings are used to define specific user roles or users that will receive this email. So, we can conditionally set which users will get the notification.
  • Except For: This setting implements the opposite of the previous setting, where we can define which roles or users will not receive this email. Once this setting is used, every user except those defined here will receive the notification.

You can configure multiple email notifications for the same email type with different conditions and send different emails to different types of users.

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