How it works...

We have three ways of assigning the Privacy Policy page in WordPress, as follows:

  • WordPress provides a built-in page called Privacy Policy with the default content. The page is saved as a draft. Once we select the default page and click the Use This Page button, the built-in page will be used as the Privacy Policy page. You will have to Publish the page as it's in draft status by default.
  • We have the option to choose a custom page and click the Use This Page button. In this case, you will have to write the entire privacy policy from scratch on a new page before assigning it to this setting. The default privacy policy content of WordPress will not be used.
  • We have the ability to create a privacy policy on a new page. In this case, you have to click the Create New Page button. Once clicked, WordPress will publish a new page with default privacy policy content. You can adjust the content and update the page. Now, the new page will be used as the privacy policy and the default privacy policy page will still exist as a draft that includes the original privacy policy content.

Once the privacy policy has been added using one of these methods, we can let visitors view the Privacy Policy as a normal WordPress page.

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