How to do it...

Follow these steps to configure the settings for optimizing images:

  1. Log in to Dashboard as an administrator.
  2. Click on the EWWW Image Optimizer menu item in the Settings menu to get a screen similar to the following:

  1. We will be keeping the Remove Metadata setting as its default value of enabled.
  2. Click on the Resize tab.
  3. Enable the Resize Detection setting by checking the checkbox.
  4. Go to the Disable Resizes section.
  5. Use checkboxes to disable optimization or disable the creation of certain image sizes.
  6. Click the Save Changes button to save the changes.

Now, we have configured some basic settings for the optimization process. You can also use other settings to configure advanced optimizations depending on the requirements of the site.

Let's use the following steps to upload images and see how the optimization process actually works within this plugin:

  1. Click on the Media menu item in the left-hand menu to see the media files on the site, as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Click the Optimize now link of one of the existing images to optimize the image.
  2. Click the Pages | Add New button from the left-hand menu to create a new page.
  3. Add a title and use Image block in the Gutenberg editor to upload an image.
  4. Click the Publish button to create the page.
  5. Click the Media menu item again to see the newly uploaded file in the list, as shown in the following screenshot:

Now, you can view the page on the frontend with the uploaded image. You will notice that the image on the page is smaller than the original.

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