
Book Description

Get to the grips with ShiVa3D mobile game development with this step-by-step, hands-on tutorial

  • Step-by-step hands-on introduction, perfect for those just getting started in mobile development
  • Use the StoneScript scripting language to handle object interactions and game events
  • Use the ShiVa editor to create special effects, realistic physics, and level design

In Detail

Mobile games have been the recent craze and with so many ways to monetize the popularity of these games, it is no wonder that game developers are excited to get into the market. However, the mobile platforms that are available and their popularity constantly change meaning that developers have to be able to react quickly to the market. ShiVa3D gives developers the power to quickly develop the game once, but deploy to almost every popular mobile platform, which enables them to have greater distribution and a greater opportunity to sell games.

"Learning ShiVa3D Game Development" is a simple, hands-on guide to the key features of the ShiVa3D game engine that will enable you to get up and running with your mobile game ideas. Learning ShiVa3D Game Development will make it possible to easily develop your game once, but publish it to most of the popular mobile platforms.

This book specifically targets the key features of ShiVa3D that will enable you to create games quickly. It will take you through designing game components in the editor and provide detailed explanations for every line of scripting used.

You’ll look at how the modular nature of the editor allows you to do everything from scripting, to complex physics interactions, to special effects with only a few adjustments to pre-configured settings. We will see how to deal with input from the keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen as well as how to add sound effects and music to a game. You will get to actually play your game as you learn to deploy a game to an Android phone. If you are looking for a way to make your game ideas a reality, then this is the book for you.

By the end of this book, you would have learnt everything you need to know to create your own mobile game that can then be deployed just about anywhere.

Table of Contents

  1. Learning ShiVa3D Game Development
    1. Table of Contents
    2. Learning ShiVa3D Game Development
    3. Credits
    4. About the Author
    5. About the Reviewer
    6. www.PacktPub.com
      1. Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
        1. Why Subscribe?
        2. Free Access for Packt account holders
    7. Preface
      1. What this book covers
      2. What you need for this book
      3. Who this book is for
      4. Conventions
      5. Reader feedback
      6. Customer support
        1. Downloading the example code
        2. Errata
        3. Piracy
        4. Questions
    8. 1. Getting Started
      1. System requirements
      2. Downloading ShiVa3D
      3. Installing ShiVa3D
      4. The ShiVa editor
      5. Creating a project
        1. Creating a game
      6. Making a scene
      7. Importing models
      8. Editing the scene
      9. Adding intelligence
        1. Variables
        2. Handlers
      10. Summary
    9. 2. Editor Fundamentals
      1. The ShiVa3D editor
        1. Program menu
      2. The Modules
        1. The AI Debugger module
        2. AI Model Editor
        3. Ambience Editor
        4. Attributes Editor
        5. Data Explorer
        6. Game Editor
        7. HUD Editor
        8. Log Reporter
        9. PolyTrail Editor
        10. Particle Editor
        11. Scene Viewer
        12. Toolbar
        13. Navigation
        14. Scene Explorer
        15. Script Editor
      3. Adding new materials
      4. Adding sounds
        1. Creating a SoundBank
        2. Adding a SoundBank to the ship
      5. Summary
    10. 3. Behaviors and Scripting
      1. Lua syntax
        2. Variables
        3. Functions
        4. Flow control
          1. If statements
          2. The return and the break keywords
          3. The for loop
          4. The while loop
          5. The repeat loop
        5. Operators
      2. ShiVa3D Application Programming Interface
      3. Scripting in use
        1. Handling user input
          1. Creating the ship AI
        2. Camera AI
      4. Filling in the scene
        1. The tunnel
      5. Summary
    11. 4. Physics and the Environment
      1. Sensors
      2. Dynamic objects
      3. Collider objects
      4. The physical setup
        1. Configuring the ship sensors
        2. Configuring the ship dynamics
        3. Using sensors to spawn asteroids
          1. Loading the asteroids
          2. Spawning the asteroids
          3. Setting the triggers
        4. Configuring the tunnel and rocks
      5. Summary
    12. 5. Lighting and Special Effects
      1. Lighting
        1. Dynamic lighting
        2. Static lighting
      2. Lightmaps
      3. Particle effects
        1. Engine exhaust
        2. Attaching the particle effects
        3. Explosions
        4. Triggering the explosions
      4. Polytrails
      5. Ambient settings
      6. Summary
    13. 6. Menus and Overlays
      1. Game states
      2. The HUD Editor window
        1. Components
      3. Adding menus
        1. Game background scene
        2. Game introduction menu
        3. Pause menu
      4. Game overlays
      5. Game over
      6. Summary
    14. 7. Deploying to a Device
      1. Mobile device considerations
      2. ShiVa Authoring Tool
        1. Installation
      3. Installing the tools
        1. Android installation
        2. Android SDK
        3. Android NDK
        4. Cygwin
        5. Ant
        6. Java SE Development Kit
        7. Eclipse
      4. Configuring the project
        1. Configuring the Android
        2. Configuring Authoring Tool
      5. Deploying the game
        1. Signing
      6. Summary
    15. A. Editor Hotkeys
      1. Application
        1. Changing desktops
        2. When a game is loaded
      2. Scene Viewer
      3. Script Editor
        1. Search
        2. Build
    16. B. Additional Resources
      1. Design
      2. Blender
      3. General 3D
      4. General assets
      5. Models
      6. Textures
      7. Sound
      8. Tools
      9. Independent game developer sites
    17. Index